3 Ways to Tighten Your Core

3 Ways to Tighten Your Core
3 Ways to Tighten Your Core

Table of contents:


The core muscles are a complex chain consisting of the muscles of the lower chest and extending to the pelvis. Core also refers to some of the back muscles and other muscle groups throughout the trunk. Therefore, having toned core muscles is the same as having a strong and healthy whole body. To tone your core muscles, you can learn a variety of exercises that can be done at home or in the gym. Once you get the strength you want, you can also learn how to maintain it.


Method 1 of 3: Strengthening Core Muscles at Home

Tighten Your Core Step 1
Tighten Your Core Step 1

Step 1. Make sure your core muscles stay tight throughout the workout

Just doing exercise is of course not enough. You should keep your core tight with each exercise you do for optimal results.

  • To find areas of your core, hold yourself in a push-up position for a minute or two, then notice which muscles are starting to feel tired and not usually your arms.
  • If you're doing push-ups or other exercises that focus on your core, make sure you're always tightening your abs for each rep, as your abs are one of the main parts of this exercise.
  • To perform the exercise properly, inhale when the muscle is contracting and exhale when it is relaxing.
Tighten Your Core Step 2
Tighten Your Core Step 2

Step 2. Do planks

The plank is a simple movement that focuses on the core muscles of the abdomen. Therefore, this exercise is excellent for toning the core muscles. To do a plank, set the position like you would do a push-up. Raise your legs until they are more or less in line with your shoulders by balancing them on an exercise ball or bench. Keep your arms flexible, don't get them too stiff, and hold the position with your core muscles for one minute.

  • If you've never done a plank before, start by doing 2-3 sets holding each set for at least 30 seconds, or as long as you can.
  • If you want a more challenging workout, ask your trainer to put extra weight on the back of the leg.
Tighten Your Core Step 3
Tighten Your Core Step 3

Step 3. Do a side plank

Lie on one side of the body and support the body using the elbow. Bring your feet together and stretch your other hand up, or to your side. Tighten your abs by lifting your hips off the floor. Make sure your back is straight so that your body and floor form a triangle. Hold for 30-60 seconds, then repeat on the other side. Do this exercise for 3-5 sets on each side.

Tighten Your Core Step 4
Tighten Your Core Step 4

Step 4. Do the burpees

Start in a push-up position. Make sure your core is contracted and your back is straight. In one quick motion, jump forward until you reach a squat position with your hands still touching the floor, then stand up. After that, position the body back in a squat position and jump back, back in a push-up position. Perform this movement quickly and comfortably.

For those of you who have never done a burpee before, start with 3 sets of 15 burpees each. If you want a more challenging workout, do the burpee by jumping, or by holding extra weight in both hands

Tighten Your Core Step 5
Tighten Your Core Step 5

Step 5. Do a mountain-climber

Start in a push-up position. Make sure your core is contracted and your back is straight. With one leg, take one big step by lifting the leg toward the hip, then switch to the other leg. Pull the other leg forward as you move your first leg back. Perform this movement quickly and comfortably.

Try to do this movement for about 30 seconds for 3 sets

Tighten Your Core Step 6
Tighten Your Core Step 6

Step 6. Perform leg lifts

This exercise can be done to strengthen all of your core muscles. To start, lie down with your hands under your buttocks. Make sure your feet are close together and lift them to about 15 cm from the floor. After that, raise both legs to form a 45 degree angle, then lower them until they reach 15 cm from the floor again. Do this exercise with as many reps as you can for 30 seconds, and repeat up to 3 times.

You can also do the bicycle movement by placing your hands behind your head, as if doing a crunch, and lifting your body a few inches off the floor. Make sure your body is still straight. After that, lift one leg and bend it until the knee moves towards the chest, then move the body on the side of the leg towards the knee. Make sure your back is straight

Tighten Your Core Step 7
Tighten Your Core Step 7

Step 7. Do a push-up walkout

Start in a push-up position and place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Make sure both feet stay in place, then walk slowly with both hands as far as you can go. Try to do it 10 times.

Tighten Your Core Step 8
Tighten Your Core Step 8

Step 8. Do the rope climb

Start in a sitting position. Extend your legs forward until they form a "V" angle, then straighten your toes in front of you. Make sure your core muscles contract and bend your spine until it forms a "C" shape. Lift your arms up, moving them as if you were climbing a rope, and twist each hand to reach the rope. Do this movement 20 times on each hand.

Tighten Your Core Step 9
Tighten Your Core Step 9

Step 9. Do fewer crunches, but do it right

Lie on the floor with your knees bent and your feet touching the floor. Place your hands behind your head, or cross them in front of your chest. Keep your back and neck straight, then lift your body using your abs to 45 degrees. After that, lie back down, but do not touch the floor. Keep repeating the movement.

  • For beginners, we recommend doing several sets of 30 crunches. Do it slowly and make sure your muscles stay tight throughout the exercise. Crunch should be difficult to do because this exercise is not an exercise that can be mastered in the blink of an eye.
  • Many people think that doing hundreds of crunches every night will pay off in a few weeks. If that's what you're doing, your training may not be producing results as quickly as you'd like. Crunch is a move to strengthen muscles, but to get one, you shouldn't burn too much fat.

Method 2 of 3: Practice in the Gym

Tighten Your Core Step 10
Tighten Your Core Step 10

Step 1. Perform deadlifts

Go to the weightlifting area of the gym you visit. In a squat position, move your body down and spread your hands shoulder-width apart and grip the barbell tightly. After that, stand with your core tight and keep your back straight. Move your body back down to the starting squat position and place the barbell on the floor with your back straight.

  • Many people use a fairly heavy barbell, but you shouldn't push yourself. Use a barbell that is challenging enough for 10-15 reps.
  • Since this exercise can strengthen your lower back, you can optimize your workout by using additional weights in the form of a weight belt. Make sure the exercise is done correctly and the back is straight. Ask the coach to help you practice with good and correct movements.
Tighten Your Core Step 11
Tighten Your Core Step 11

Step 2. Do a hammer swing

Hammers can be found in many gyms, usually near large tires or other surfaces the hammer can strike against. Grip the hammer tightly with both hands, then stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, and back straight. From one side, position the hammer over the shoulder, then swing it down towards the other side until it hits the tire or bearing. Control the hammer as it bounces, then return the hammer to its starting position. Do this movement as much as 3 sets consisting of 10-15 repetitions on each side.

  • One of the most important things about this exercise is keeping the hammer from bouncing off your face. This exercise not only requires you to swing the hammer, but also to control it after the hammer hits. Be careful when doing the hammer swing.
  • If your gym doesn't have a hammer and tires, you can do this with a dumbbell. Grip a dumbbell like a hammer with both hands.
Tighten Your Core Step 12
Tighten Your Core Step 12

Step 3. Do a rope raise

There are now many gyms that provide large and strong ropes as a tool to train the core muscles. Usually, one end of a rope of varying weight is attached to a wall and the rope can be grasped at the other end.

  • To work your core muscles, hold tightly to the ends of the rope in a half squat position, keeping your core tight and your back straight. Swing your pelvis forward while rocking the rope up and down with both hands until the rope moves like waves.
  • Always do this exercise in a half squat position and keep your core tight. Repeat for 30 seconds, and try to do three sets.
  • Some ropes are heavier than others. Therefore, make sure you use a rope that is not too heavy before doing the exercise.
Tighten Your Core Step 13
Tighten Your Core Step 13

Step 4. Do the kettle-bell swing

This exercise is similar to the rope swing, but the difference is that for this exercise, you must grip the kettlebell with both hands, and swing it from between your legs to chest level. Do this exercise for 3 sets, each consisting of 15-20 repetitions.

Tighten Your Core Step 14
Tighten Your Core Step 14

Step 5. Do the Russian swing

Lie on the floor in a crunch position and hold the barbell with moderate weight with both hands. Extend your arms forward and sit up straight with your back straight and at a 45-degree angle to the floor. Using your core, move your body 90 degrees to the side with your arms straight, then move your body to the other side. Do this movement as many times as possible in 30 seconds and remember to do it slowly. Repeat the movement for 3 sets.

Tighten Your Core Step 15
Tighten Your Core Step 15

Step 6. Do the hanging leg raise

Grasp a horizontal bar that is above your head, then lift both legs at the same time up to waist height and support the weight of your body with both hands on the bar. Make sure your body and legs form a right angle by keeping your legs straight. Do this movement as much as 3 sets of 15 repetitions each.

Method 3 of 3: Keeping Core Muscles Strong

Tighten Your Core Step 16
Tighten Your Core Step 16

Step 1. Find an exercise routine that you like

Creating strong core muscles is not something that can be obtained in one or two exercises. If you really want toned and strong abdominal muscles, training consistently and maintaining a healthy diet are two things that must be done. To make this process easier, stick to an exercise routine that you enjoy.

  • There are plenty of resources, such as YouTube and Muscle & Fitness, for you to find a variety of exercise guides and circuit training routines that you can follow for free. Find one routine that you like and do it 3 times each week. To make your workouts easier and more comfortable, you can practice while listening to music.
  • You can also change your exercise program regularly and try different exercises if you want. Do one exercise routine for a week or two, then try another the following week. Keep changing your routine to avoid boredom.
Tighten Your Core Step 17
Tighten Your Core Step 17

Step 2. Focus on calorie-burning exercises to emphasize core muscle strength

Of course, you don't just want to feel the results of the hard work you've been doing, but also to see them. When training, focus on burning calories and fat in the midsection for more visible results.

  • Even though you've been training hard to tone your core muscles, it doesn't mean that the fat layer in the middle of your body will also decrease just by doing these exercises. You should do cardiovascular exercises to burn fat fast so your core will look toned too.
  • To burn fat, add 30-40 minutes of cardiovascular exercise to your workout routine each week. You can also do core exercises in a fast sequence, giving 15-30 seconds of rest between workouts.
Tighten Your Core Step 18
Tighten Your Core Step 18

Step 3. Focus on full body fitness

Toning your core also requires a healthy body, not just strong abdominal and back muscles. If you want to see the results of your hard work, focus on building muscle and burning fat, which of course can be achieved with enough cardiovascular training in addition to your core workout.

  • Circuit training is a combination of the various exercises described earlier in this article, but performed in rapid succession and with additional breaks between workouts. Find 10 exercises you like, then do each exercise for 60 seconds and give yourself 30 seconds to rest. Do this combination 3 times and your workout will be complete in about an hour.
  • Try adding aerobic exercise to your routine. You can take yoga, pilates, or spinning (aerobic exercise on a stationary bike) classes that are held near where you live and take turns doing core exercises.
Tighten Your Core Step 19
Tighten Your Core Step 19

Step 4. Eat more whole grains, lean protein, and vegetables rich in vitamins

You shouldn't eat unhealthy foods when you want to tone your core muscles. Focus on slowly digesting carbohydrates, such as oatmeal and sweet potatoes. Instead of eating fat-packed burgers and other fried foods, it's a good idea to eat legumes, beans, and lean chicken for a healthy protein intake.

  • Secret tip: Eat a snack 15 minutes after your workout to improve your glycogen content and build muscle. Make sure you choose a healthy snack, such as a handful of toasted almonds, yogurt and fruit, peanut butter, or a protein drink (protein shake).
  • Alcohol, especially beer, is usually digested directly into the intestines. You should reduce the habit of consuming alcoholic beverages if you want to get tighter core muscles. Get in the habit of drinking low or calorie-free drinks, and avoid drinks that contain sugar.
Tighten Your Core Step 20
Tighten Your Core Step 20

Step 5. Drink a lot

When practicing, make sure you restore lost body fluids. Drink at least two liters of water every day when you train, and make sure you're not dehydrated before starting your workout.

Tighten Your Core Step 21
Tighten Your Core Step 21

Step 6. Avoid excessive stress

There have been many studies regarding the effects that cortisol or stress chemical (substances that can cause stress) have on belly fat. Most people's cortisol fluctuates throughout the day, but is usually higher when stress hits.

Pay attention to your mental health as you would your physical health. Give yourself periodic breaks to decompress. Practice more regular and rhythmic breathing patterns, progressive muscle relaxation, or other meditative activities

Tighten Your Core Step 22
Tighten Your Core Step 22

Step 7. Allow the body to recover after exercise

Overtraining can result in injury. Give your muscles time to recover and develop. Otherwise, it will take you longer to see the results of your workout.
