A bad mood will not only make it difficult for you, but also for those around you. It's human to experience various emotional turmoil and not always be happy; but that doesn't mean you have to be silent when the discomfort starts to attack. When your mood starts to get worse, force yourself to try to fix it as quickly as possible. Although the methods used by each person are different, there are some generally effective methods used to improve a person's mood. Read on for this article to find out!
Method 1 of 4: Improve Mood

Step 1. Do something you enjoy
This suggestion does feel less clear and specific. But indeed this is the best advice we can give because everyone has different interests. In theory, doing something you enjoy can reduce stress and distract you from things that make your mood worse. Remember, only you know what you really like and can make you happy; allow yourself to do it.

Step 2. Meditate or do other spiritual practices (such as prayer)
Having a spiritual life does not necessarily make a person happier. Meditating or praying can give your body and soul a break from the things going on around you, and give you a chance to experience mental refreshment.
If you want to meditate, choose a quiet location and sit in a comfortable position. Slowly, take a deep breath. Focus on your breathing pattern and on your efforts to clear your mind of distracting things. Each time you exhale, imagine that your body is also exhaling negative thoughts and things that make your mood worse

Step 3. Read a book or watch your favorite television show
Research shows that people can feel happier when they imagine “being someone else” or “experiencing what someone else feels” (both of which you can experience while reading a book or watching your favorite television show).

Step 4. Find fun distractions
Some people claim to be happier after shopping, doing housework, or doing other activities that can take their mind off things that make their moods worse. While having fun, you also have the opportunity to take a break from the event that upset you. Double advantage, right?

Step 5. Make yourself laugh
Laughter can actually change the chemical turmoil in your body and eliminate negative feelings like depression and anger. Things that can make you laugh include:
- Chat with your witty friends
- Watch funny television shows or Youtube videos
- Recall a funny incident in your life
- Reading comic strips, humorous short stories, or funny articles

Step 6. Exercise
In fact, there is a very strong relationship between regular exercise and improved mood. Most people experience an increase in mood after exercising for 5 minutes. Basically, any type of exercise that increases your heart rate and forces your body to produce endorphins can improve your mood. The following are examples of exercise that are very effective in improving one's mood:
- Yoga: This sport combines physical and mental activity. By doing yoga, you will not only feel fitter, but also calmer (just like the results you get from meditating). If you feel that the cost of practicing in a yoga studio is too expensive, there is nothing wrong with taking advantage of the video tutorials available on the internet.
- Aerobic activity: Aerobic activities such as running, jogging, swimming, or dancing can increase your heart rate and improve your mood.

Step 7. No need to force yourself to improve your mood
If that's what you do, you're likely to fail. Remember, not necessarily you can do everything today as well as yesterday; there are many factors that influence it. For example, your mood on that day will of course have a significant impact. So don't compare it to saying, "Yesterday I did a lot of things, but how come today I can't even do one thing right?". Instead of thinking that way, try to do your best according to your mood for the day. For example; if your mood only allows you to give a 20% performance for the day, there's no need to push yourself beyond that limit. That way, believe me, your mood will slowly improve without overdoing it. Another advantage, your performance will gradually improve.

Step 8. Dance to the beat of your favorite song
Besides being able to exercise in a fun way, dancing can also activate the happy sensors in your brain. Keep your office door shut, put on headphones (or not), and dance to the music!

Step 9. Eat a healthy snack or meal
A person's mood is closely related to his diet; You often feel irritated or angry when you're hungry, right? Therefore, make sure you feed your body with complete nutritious foods so that you feel healthier and happier.
- Make sure you eat lots of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat protein. Remember, not all fats are detrimental to your health. Eating unsaturated fats can actually help you feel full longer.
- Avoid canned foods or fat-free products. These products usually do not contain enough nutrients and make you feel less satisfied after eating them.
- Anti-inflammatory (or anti-inflammatory) foods that contain Omega-3 fatty acids can usually help improve your mood. Some foods that fall into this category are green leaves, avocados, asparagus, walnuts, dark chocolate, and green tea.

Step 10. Eat good quality dark chocolate
The feeling that comes with eating chocolate can relieve your tension. Plus, the antioxidants in dark chocolate can work wonders to make you feel better! However, limit your consumption (about 28 grams per day); Don't worry, even a bite of chocolate can work wonders to keep you in the mood!

Step 11. Smile
You certainly know that a smile (usually) is a sign of someone's happiness. But did you know that smiling can actually make you feel happier? Even if your heart is sad, pretending to be happy and putting on the best smile you can give can really lift your mood; When you smile, your brain picks up the signal and sends feelings of happiness throughout your body.
Method 2 of 4: Interacting with the Surrounding Environment

Step 1. Take your friends on a trip or just have lunch together
Spending time with friends can be a powerful way to elevate your mood, especially if you feel isolated from those around you. Take them to lunch, dinner, a movie, or just a cup of coffee together. If your finances are not good, just take them for an afternoon walk, picnic in the city park, or just sit on the porch and chat.

Step 2. Call your friend
It could be that your mood worsens because you are feeling isolated from the people around you. Spending time alone or simply communicating with other people online can make you feel lonely. Try calling your friends (pick a funny friend!) and talk to them for as long as you want. Trust me, it will improve your mood quickly.

Step 3. Invite your friends or relatives to chat via video chat
If you have trouble meeting them, ask them to talk via video chat (don't forget, choose fun people). Video chat allows you to feel as though you're actually spending time with them (especially since the communication is face-to-face). In addition, you can talk about more things than when you communicate via electronic text such as email, SMS, or WhatsApp.

Step 4. Work out in a team
Choose a type of sport that you can do as a team, such as basketball or soccer. Team sports give you the opportunity to exercise as well as socialize with others; in an instant, usually your mood will immediately improve.

Step 5. Make your social activities a routine
Scheduling plans to chat or go out with friends can minimize the chance that your mood will deteriorate. Try to include fun socializing with friends in your weekly schedule.
Method 3 of 4: Looking for a Different Atmosphere

Step 1. Take a walk outside
An activity as simple as an afternoon stroll through your housing complex can really lift your mood. These activities are able to "surprise" your senses with a completely new atmosphere, and provide a new mood as well. In addition, walking is also a light exercise that can improve your mood; In fact, being close to nature has been shown to improve one's mood.
Once you set foot outdoors, try to focus on the natural wealth around you; Watch for animals, insects, ripples in the pond, or flowers that you've never really noticed. Also observe how other people interact with nature. Without realizing it, you may have forgotten whatever was making your mood worse

Step 2. Leave your social media
Recent research has shown that the moods expressed on social media can be contagious. Without you knowing it, reading the negative status of your friends can also affect your mood. In addition, comparing your personal life with your perception of other people's lives (imaged on social media) can also have a negative effect on your self-confidence.

Step 3. Change the lighting near you
If you're sitting in a very bright room, try turning off the main light and turning on a dimmer table lamp. If the opposite happens, try turning on a brighter light. A change in lighting can change the mood and improve your mood.
If possible, use natural lighting. Open your bedroom curtains, open doors and windows, and let natural light and fresh air fill your home

Step 4. Listen to music
The choice of music really depends on personal preference. Some people feel calmer when they listen to music that matches their emotions at the time (eg minor and sad music when they are sad, rock music when they are angry, etc.). As their mood improves, they will choose more pleasant rhythms. Meanwhile, some other people actually choose uplifting and fun music when they are sad. Try the two methods above and determine which method suits you best.
Method 4 of 4: Analyzing the Fundamental Problem

Step 1. Find out why your mood is bad
You may need to reflect a bit to determine why. Identifying the source of the problem will help you understand the problem. Sometimes, the problem you're experiencing isn't that complicated (like you're feeling hungry or lonely); the solution is easy, you can eat or socialize with the surrounding environment. But not infrequently you realize that behind your deteriorating mood, there is a bigger reason and it is very difficult to find a solution.
If you find that the source of the problem is too complex for you to deal with alone, consider seeing a counselor or psychologist. They can help you get into your feelings, as well as help make long-term changes that will improve your life

Step 2. Complete some of the things listed on your to-do list
Many people feel their mood worsens because they are too tired due to a pile of work. Complete all the things you have to do one by one. Start with simple things like checking the condition of your teeth at the dentist. Trust me, you will feel better afterwards. Observe your list; find out if there are any activities you can complete in a short amount of time. Completing these small activities can help you feel better, as well as prepare yourself to focus on larger activities.

Step 3. Learn to be grateful and think positively
At the end of the day or weekend, try to reflect on the things that happened in your life. Focusing on the positive aspects of your life, and being grateful for everything that comes into your life can make you feel much happier.
- Be grateful. Believe me, there are many things in your life to be grateful for.
- Taking a warm or cold shower can also be used as a short “escape” after a hard day.
- Think of something funny! Humor is very powerful to improve your mood.
- Make time for a nap. It could be that you often grumble because you are tired.
- Having a pet has been scientifically proven to improve a person's mood. Whenever you're having a bad day, rest and cuddle your cat or dog.
- Think of your glorious future!