Almost all professional singers start their careers from the bathroom. Do you agree with that statement? Are you one of those 'bathroom singers' who wants more people to hear their singing? If becoming a professional singer is your dream, read this article to find out what preparations you should take to make that dream come true.
Part 1 of 3: Setting Goals

Step 1. Understand what professional singers usually do
Most people don't really want to be singers, they want to be superstars. Though, there is a stark difference between a singer and a superstar.:
- A professional singer has high flying hours in the world of singing. Usually, these people have also received relevant music education.
- A professional singer makes singing a daily activity, even as a profession. They demonstrate their skills in public 1-5 times a week, and always practice at least a few hours a day. Their success could be in the local realm, or extend to the global realm.
- A superstar may have excellent singing skills. But to become a superstar, sometimes you don't need experience as a professional singer before.
- A superstar usually achieves international and global success.

Step 2. Dig deeper into why you want to be a singer
As with any other job, passion and passion are the keys to your success. But if that passion is based solely on the desire to make lots of money and fame, your career usually won't last long. Read the questions below, and try to think carefully about the answers:
- What do you get from singing?
- Where is your favorite show venue?
- Specifically, in what areas would you like to gain the appreciation and respect of others?
- Which do you prefer, few people or many people watch?
- Which is more important to you, putting on a show or getting recognition for your talents?

Step 3. Don't base your goals on other people's thinking
It's possible that your parents wanted you to be like Pavarotti and live a life of riches in old age. But always ask yourself again, is that really what you want?

Step 4. Don't want an instant process
You have to be realistic. As with various other professions, it takes regular practice and perseverance to become a professional in this field. Practice is needed not only to improve the quality, but also to find your comfortable point when singing.
- Set aside time to practice each day. If that's not possible, at least practice a few times a week.
- Take responsibility for the plans you have made. Keep track of your workout schedule on a calendar or notebook to keep your commitments in check.
Part 2 of 3: Sharpen Your Skills

Step 1. Be patient
Wise people say good things will come to those who are willing to wait. Patience while continuing to strive is a panacea to be applied in all aspects of our lives. No need to rush, maximize the time available to hone your skills.

Step 2. Find a quiet and comfortable place to practice
The key to success is practice, practice, practice, and keep practicing. As explained earlier, set aside a few hours a day or a few days a week to practice. The following tips are worth applying:
- Find a quiet place to practice. A less crowded place will keep you focused throughout your practice.
- Bathrooms, emergency stairs, or quiet hallways are some examples of rooms with good acoustics.
- Practice in the car when you go to school, work, or on vacation.
- If you have a musical instrument in your house and you can play it, just use it to help you practice.

Step 3. Find the right time to practice
Are you the type of person who gets up early in the morning? Or are you the type of person who finds it difficult to get up early but stays up late? Understand your lifestyle and body cycles to find the most effective time to train. For example, if you wake up early, set aside time to practice right after you wake up. Do not schedule training at night, because you will most likely be sleepy and not be able to train optimally. Some things you can consider are:
- How is the condition of your house on a daily basis? Very crowded and crowded or just the opposite?
- Do you really work as a singer and have a schedule to work at night?
- Do you have other activities that cannot be contested at certain times?
- Try to practice 15-60 minutes in one workout.

Step 4. Meditate regularly
Research shows that peace of mind and mind can bring significant benefits in a variety of situations. If you've never learned to sing at all, try meditating first. Calm yourself, calm your mind, and try to focus on the result you want to achieve..

Step 5. Try taking lessons or other vocal training
Indeed there are some singers who are born with natural talent and do not need to bother taking lessons to be able to sing well. But keep in mind, stealing knowledge from people who are more experienced will be very beneficial. Besides being able to develop your skills, you can also make connections with important people in the world of singing.
Part 3 of 3: Showcasing Talent

Step 1. Be humble
In the early stages, you should not refuse the offers that come, as long as they do not conflict with your principles. Whether it's as simple as singing at your niece's birthday or a school event. Remember, these are good opportunities to practice your skills and get used to performing on stage.

Step 2. Sign up for a local band audition
Even if you want to have a career as a solo singer, there's nothing wrong with starting your career as a member of a music group first. Besides being able to help you get used to the atmosphere of the stage, joining a music group can also help you establish connections with other musicians.

Step 3. Know where you need to develop your career
There's no need to rush, but you should already start thinking about where to pursue a career. Choose a location that is known to produce many professional musicians. Also adjust the choice of location with the genre of music you are involved in. As an example:
- Jakarta is known as the center of major record labels that produce many professional musicians from various genres of music.
- Bandung, Yogyakarta, Malang, and Surabaya are known as warehouses for indie musicians such as The Sigit, Burgerkill, Silampukau, and Mocca. If your qibla is rock music, it looks like Bandung is the right choice for you. However, this does not mean that Bandung is closed to musicians of other sects. Basically, seek as much information as possible before making a decision.

Step 4. Use social media
Like teenagers in general, using social media to communicate or promote is definitely not a new thing for you. Use social media like blogs, Youtube, Soundcloud, Facebook, or MySpace to promote yourself and promote the music you have to offer.
- Create a custom Facebook page for the business you offer. Publish the latest developments regarding your music through this page (eg your new song, the date of your next performance, etc.), so that your music lovers can get the latest information easily and quickly.
- Ask people to hit the "like" button on the page you've created. Even if you feel embarrassed, you need to do this.
- Be diligent in updating the information on your Facebook page. This is very important to do, especially to show your music lovers that you appreciate them and want to involve them in your musical activities.
- Link your Facebook page with your Twitter page to promote more vigorously.

Step 5. Print brochures to complement your promotional efforts
Ask where you can paste or share it. Some suitable places are recording studios, coffee shops, bars, restaurants, and other places that people frequent.

Step 6. Record your own music
No need to wait for approval from a major record label for your music to be recorded. Currently, there are many musicians who record their music independently and promote it through social media. For example, GAC, Teza Sumendra, Adhitia Sofyan, and Rendy Pandugo. With simple tools, you can also record your voice from anywhere, whether it's from your bedroom, garden, or other places. In fact, Adhitia Sofyan is known as a bedroom musician because he always records his music in his bedroom. But if you still want to record sound in a recording studio, look for a studio that is affordable. A few things you need to do:
- Visit as many recording studios as possible.
- Ask who will work directly with you on the production process.
- Beforehand, find out as much as you can about the studio to learn how it works. At this stage, you will usually find testimonies from other people who have worked with the studio. You can use this as a reference before making a decision.
- Choose a studio that uses the latest recording technology. Although the costs incurred are more expensive, the costs are worth the results and convenience you get.
- Make sure that the technology they offer is working properly.
- Try singing in a recording booth to get used to the room's acoustic system.

Step 7. Decide what songs you want to record
Most studios limit recording time to two hours which is not cheap. Make sure that you know what songs you want to record before entering the recording booth, don't waste time on non-essential activities. Record labels usually only listen to 20-30 songs from one musician, so make sure that you record only the best.

Step 8. Sell your music on iTunes
After the recording process is complete, try to sell it on iTunes. This is an easy and fast way to introduce your music to a large audience. You don't have to pay a dime to sign up for iTunes, although some conditions need to be met first. Keep these things in mind before selling your music to iTunes:
- Prepare the UPC (Universal Product Code) and ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) number, as well as the United States tax number needed in the verification process.
- Feeling trouble? Don't worry, there are now many intermediary services such as Reverbnation, Songcast, or Tunecore that can help you take care of various administrative problems, of course with a certain fee.

Step 9. Don't give up
Have you tried many times but still failed? Keep trying. Remember, to achieve long-term success, the process required is never simple.
- Keep practicing so that your skills continue to grow. You need a process to achieve perfection. Do not give up easily!
- Love what you do.
- Learn to play a musical instrument. Playing an instrument can help improve your musicality.
- Have fun!
- DO NOT copy other people's work, whether at the level of lyrics, tone, or group name.
- When you fail, keep trying.