We all have muscles we can use to move our ears. It is a common agreement that this ability is influenced by heredity caused by certain genes, which are no longer activated by some people, although there are those who cannot simply move their ears even though they have that gene. Just as animals like to hold their ears up, humans can too, and how to do that can be learned.

Step 1. Know what you want
The muscles used to move our ears are those located above and behind our ears. These muscles move the ear up and back when we make it tense. The Latin for these muscles is auricularis superior and auricularis posterior. If you can't move your ears, at least you can amaze your friends with your Latin knowledge.

Step 2. Try moving the muscles
Since you've never used it before, you should try to teach your brain which muscle you're going to move, and how to move it.

Step 3. Use a mirror or feel your ear as you try to move the ear muscles
It may feel strange at first, and the movements are not very noticeable. Learning to move your ear can be an act of recognizing something you've done (even if it's not as obvious), and a mirror will help you see if what you're doing is right. Place your fingers as shown in the photo to help you focus on the right muscles.
- You may spend a lot of time moving your eyebrows or opening and closing your mouth. This is not a problem. In fact, many people inadvertently move their ears while moving their eyebrows. Just as it is difficult to move only your ring finger, the ear muscles often work in tandem with other adjacent muscles.
- Try making a very surprised or interested expression, with your mouth open and your eyebrows raised. Just as an animal raises its ear when it's alert, you do it too, unconsciously.
- If your scalp or hair is moving, especially when you move your eyebrows up, try this a few more times and pay attention to your ears. You are already on the right path.

Step 4. Separate your ear muscles
You may already be able to move your ears, but it's not so cool if every time, your eyebrows move too or you have to make a surprised expression. You may not be able to move your ears without moving your scalp all at once, but you can learn to move your ears without moving your eyebrows. Practice moving your ears “without” moving other parts of your face.

Step 5. Practice
Even if you recognize the muscles that move your ears, your ears won't seem to move as clearly, especially at first. You may never use these muscles in your life, so they may not work optimally. Practice regularly and the movement of your ears will become more obvious.
- Remember if you move your ears too much, you can cause your head to hurt.
- To help you identify your ear muscles, make a big smile. This will naturally make your ears move up and help you feel the muscles used to move your ears.
- Try wearing glasses. If the glasses start to come off, you may subconsciously try to hold them in place before your hands move to hold them.
- When looking in the mirror, see if your ears move with you when you smile… often when someone smiles, their ears rise, or they move with their smile. This may be an early clue to which muscles are used to move the ear.
- Not everyone can move both ears at once, so make sure you don't focus on moving only one ear - until you don't notice that the other ear is moving too.
- When you try to move your ear, look in the mirror. If you see that the other ear is also moving, you are talented!
- Try moving only one ear. It is difficult to move two ears at once because the muscles used are also different.
- Practice with a friend who can also move their ears, make it like a game to train muscles.
- You have to keep trying things like smiling and raising your eyebrows because you might not be able to move your ears right away the first time.
- The number of men who can move their ears is estimated to be twice as many as women.
- Some people will find this difficult or seem odd. If this doesn't work for you, don't worry. This ability is not very valuable.
- Practice on your own. You'll spend some time looking silly before you get it right.