How to Fix Cracked Leather Shoes: 13 Steps

How to Fix Cracked Leather Shoes: 13 Steps
How to Fix Cracked Leather Shoes: 13 Steps

Table of contents:


Dry leather shoes are more prone to cracking. Cracks in leather shoes generally cannot be completely repaired. However, you can recondition the leather to make the cracks less noticeable. Before dealing with cracks, clean the shoes to remove any adhering dirt. After that, use leather putty (leather filler) to disguise the cracks in the shoes. Use leather conditioner and other skin care products to keep your shoes moisturized. With proper care, you can disguise and prevent cracks in your leather shoes.


Part 1 of 3: Cleaning Shoes

Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 1
Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 1

Step 1. Clean shoes from mold

Green spots on the surface of the shoes will interfere with the shoe repair process. Place your shoes out in the open to prevent mold from spreading into your home. After that, scrub the moldy part of the shoe with a soft brush or clean cloth. Wet a brush or towel with a little warm water if the fungus on the shoes is quite stubborn.

  • Dispose of brushes or towels after use to prevent shoe mold from spreading. You can also use an old toothbrush to remove mold. When you're done, you can throw the toothbrush away.
  • Check for mold where you store your shoes. Generally, mold will grow in warm and humid places. Mix the bleach with water to neutralize the mildew.
Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 2
Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 2

Step 2. Wipe off the dirt with a damp cloth or brush

Use a cotton cloth, microfiber cloth, or shoe brush. Wet the tool you are using with a little warm water. After that, clean the entire shoe from top to bottom to remove dirt that sticks. Repeat this process on the other shoe to clean and moisturize it.

Make sure the cloth or brush used is not too wet. Leather shoes should not be left too wet. Wiping leather shoes with a little water won't damage the shoes, but it can make the cleaner you use more effective

Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 3
Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 3

Step 3. Apply the leather cleaner evenly on the shoes

Saddle soap is often used to renew damaged shoe leather. However, you can also use other cleaners. Dip a shoe dauber or cotton cloth in the saddle soap, then scrub the shoes in a circular motion. The saddle soap will remove dirt, absorb moisture from the shoes, and make the shoe color brighter. Rub the shoe until the leather feels drier and more flexible.

  • The leachate is too rough for leather shoes. Therefore, do not use cleaners that contain too much leachate. It's best to make your own shoe cleaner or use a product specifically designed for leather shoes.
  • Leather shoe care products, including saddle soap, can be purchased online. You can also visit your nearest home supply store or leather clothing store.
  • You can also buy a set of skincare kits. Generally, a set of skin care kits contains cleanser, conditioner, putty, and a shoe brush.
Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 4
Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 4

Step 4. Dry the leather shoes using a clean cloth

Use a cotton cloth or microfiber cloth to remove dirt, cleaner, and water from the shoe's surface. Rub the leather shoes in a circular motion until the entire area is shiny. Pay attention to the cracked part of the shoe. Rub the crack vigorously so that the dirt is completely removed.

You can also let the cleaner dry overnight. You can do this if you use saddle soap. However, always check the instructions for use of the product you are using. If the shoes are still a little dirty or you want to put them on immediately, dry them with a cloth

Part 2 of 3: Repairing Cracks

Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 5
Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 5

Step 1. Stuff the shoe with newspaper or patchwork to hold it in shape

Start by crumbling the newspaper or rolling up the patchwork. Stuff the shoe with newspaper or patchwork until the inside of the shoe is completely filled. Stuffing shoes with newspaper or patchwork can keep the shape of the shoes from changing when repaired. Newspaper and patchwork can also absorb moisture from inside the shoe.

Consider stuffing shoes that aren't being worn, especially if they're stored in place

Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 6
Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 6

Step 2. Apply mink oil or other moisturizer to moisturize the shoes

Mink oil is dense enough that you can apply it with your fingers. Most liquid skin moisturizers should be applied using a brush or cotton cloth. Apply moisturizer to the cracked part of the shoe first. Apply moisturizer to the crack in your shoe to moisturize it and make it less severe.

  • Warming your shoes to a less hot temperature, such as using a hairdryer, can allow the oil to absorb better.
  • Skin that is cleaned with saddle soap will dry out. Therefore, take the time to re-moisturize your leather shoes. Focus on the cracked part of the shoe, but don't ignore the rest.
  • Mink oil is great for shoe leather, but some people find bottled moisturizer to last longer and protect shoes better. These products generally contain beeswax and other natural oils. Purchase a leather shoe moisturizer online, at the convenience store, or at your local leather clothing store.
Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 7
Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 7

Step 3. Apply leather putty using a sponge to patch up shoe cracks

Generally, leather putty is a water-based acrylic that can repair deep cracks. Use a sponge to apply putty to the cracked part of the shoe. If the shoe crack is large enough, you can use a plastic pallet knife. Patch the shoe crack using leather putty until the material is parallel to the surface of the shoe leather.

Remember, cracked leather can't be "repaired" completely. Cracks in leather shoes are generally permanent because the fibers are torn and can't be reconnected. You can only patch shoe cracks to disguise them

Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 8
Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 8

Step 4. Let the leather shoes dry for about 30 minutes

The drying time will depend on the type of moisturizer used and the amount of skin putty applied. For satisfactory results, wait for approximately 24 hours until the shoe leather is completely dry. Skin putty applied to deep cracks will harden after about 30 minutes.

Check the instructions for using the product you are using for the recommended drying time. At the very least, wait for the leather putty to harden before applying the next coat

Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 9
Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 9

Step 5. Reapply leather putty to repair cracked shoes if necessary

Check the cracked part of the shoe to make sure the color and texture blends in with the surrounding leather. If the crack is still visible, repeat this process. Add more leather putty to cover cracked leather shoes. When you're done, wait for the shoe putty to dry completely.

Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 10
Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 10

Step 6. Rub the putty until smooth using 220 sandpaper

Press the sandpaper on the cracked part of the shoe firmly enough. Rub the crack in the shoe until it blends with the surrounding skin. When finished, wipe the shoes with a clean cloth to remove any adhering dust.

Use soft sandpaper. If the sandpaper is too rough, the shoes may crack even more

Part 3 of 3: Coloring and Moisturizing Leather Shoes

Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 11
Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 11

Step 1. Use shoe cream

Polish the leather by applying shoe cream to the cracked area using a shoe polishing brush or cotton cloth. Apply shoe cream in a circular motion so that it is well absorbed. Shoe cream can gloss and add color to the leather. Therefore, choose the color you like. Choose a shoe cream color that matches the skin tone of the shoe.

Shoe cream is especially effective when applied to cracked shoes. In addition, shoe cream can also be used to add color to all parts of the shoe leather

Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 12
Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 12

Step 2. Rub the shoes with a clean cotton cloth for 4 minutes

Use a cotton cloth or microfiber cloth to return the leather to its normal condition. Start at the front of the shoe, then rub the leather in a circular motion. Rub both of your shoes evenly so that they look similar in appearance. Make sure you treat all parts of both shoes in the same way so that the leather looks harmonious.

Check the shoes again to see how they look. If done correctly, the cracks in the shoes will be disguised. Use more putty, cream, or other product if necessary

Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 13
Fix Cracked Leather Shoes Step 13

Step 3. Take care of your shoes by applying leather conditioner once a week

The best time to apply conditioner is after the shoe has been repaired. Use a clean cotton or microfiber cloth to keep the shoes from getting dirty. Apply conditioner thinly and evenly. Rub the leather in a circular motion. Focus on one shoe at a time until the entire area is coated in conditioner.

Because it is animal, shoe leather must be regularly oiled to prevent it from drying out and cracking. Applying conditioner regularly can also disguise and prevent cracking


  • Clean shoes and apply conditioner regularly. Leather shoes that are properly cared for will last longer than shoes that are not cared for.
  • If your shoes are very valuable or the damage is severe, take them to a professional cobbler. A professional cobbler can add a new layer of leather to the shoe, although the shoe may be a little less comfortable.
  • Store shoes in a closed, temperature-controlled container when not wearing them. Heat, rain and sunlight can damage the leather.
