Olive oil has been used as a beauty product for centuries, and is almost certainly one of the earliest beauty products to appear, dating back to the ancient Egyptian and Greek civilizations. These ancient peoples did not know why olive oil can make skin so smooth, supple, and bright, but scientists have discovered some of its properties. In particular, olive oil contains antioxidants called polyphenols, which help protect the skin. Over the years, people have discovered many ways to use olive oil as part of a facial treatment.
Method 1 of 3: Selecting and Storing Olive Oil

Step 1. Choose the right olive oil
There are different types of olive oil sold in supermarkets, and the products are labeled with various labels, such as light, pure, virgin, and extra virgin. Three things that distinguish each of these olive oils are: the process of extracting the oil, the ingredients added to it before packaging, and the content of free oleic acid in the final product. For skin care, choose extra virgin olive oil.
Although refined olive oil seems to be preferred because it is odorless, only unrefined olive oil such as the extra virgin type contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals so it is good for the skin

Step 2. Make sure you buy real olive oil
Research shows that up to 70 percent of olive oil that is considered pure has been mixed with low-quality oils such as sunflower oil or canola oil.
- To ensure you get olive oil that matches the label, make sure the olive oil brand is certified by the International Olive Council.
- In the United States, the North American Olive Oil Association has created a seal of approval to indicate the quality of the olive oil you are purchasing.

Step 3. Store olive oil in a cool, dark place
Heat and light cause oxidation, which can break down the beneficial components in olive oil.
Gradually oxidation will occur. A rancid condition will not only affect the taste of the oil, but will also reduce the quality of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in the oil
Method 2 of 3: Cleansing Face with Olive Oil

Step 1. Use a facial cleanser with olive oil
Although it looks odd, olive oil is useful for cleaning the skin. According to chemical theory, "a substance will dissolve in a similar solvent". For this reason, olive oil can dissolve dirt and oil more effectively than most store-bought facial cleansers, which are water-based.
Olive oil is noncomedogenic, which means it doesn't clog pores, so it's safe for all skin types

Step 2. Use it to remove makeup
Olive oil can be used to remove makeup, or you can add a little lemon juice to help prevent breakouts altogether.
- Lemon juice helps treat acne because it is a disinfectant that can kill the bacteria that cause acne.
- Olive oil can also be mixed with aloe vera water to provide extra moisture and soothe irritated skin while removing makeup.
- Olive oil is not as harsh as chemical makeup removers so it is suitable for people with sensitive skin or those who are allergic to the chemicals in commercial makeup removers.

Step 3. Use it to exfoliate the skin
Mix olive oil with sea salt or sugar to make a natural exfoliant. Mix about a tablespoon of olive oil with teaspoon of salt or sugar, apply on the face, and rinse with warm water.
The sugar particles are not as sharp as salt so it is suitable if you have sensitive skin. Brown granulated sugar is even softer than white granulated sugar so it's great for very sensitive skin

Step 4. Use it to treat acne
Olive oil has several properties that make it effective for treating acne.
- Olive oil is also a natural antibacterial, so it can prevent bacteria that can make acne worse.
- Olive oil's anti-inflammatory properties help reduce the swelling and redness that accompanies acne.
Method 3 of 3: Improve Skin Health

Step 1. Use to moisturize the skin
Olive oil is a more effective moisturizer than most commercial products, which are generally water-based.
- You can massage olive oil into your skin, or you can mix it with other ingredients. For example, you can add fragrance by mixing lavender oil, rose water, or lemon verbena.
- Olive oil can even be used to relieve more serious skin conditions like eczema.

Step 2. Make a mask
Olive oil can be combined with a number of other natural ingredients to make face masks. The effect of the mask varies based on the mixture of other ingredients.
For dry skin, mix half a tablespoon of olive oil with an egg yolk and a tablespoon of flour. If the paste is too thick to spread, add more olive oil. Apply this mixture on your face and leave it on for 20 minutes to moisturize

Step 3. Use to reduce wrinkles
Olive oil can improve skin elasticity, which reduces wrinkles.
Apply olive oil on the skin around the eyes before going to bed or when you wake up in the morning. If olive oil is stored in the refrigerator, it will thicken and taste creamy

Step 4. Use it to help fade scars
The vitamins and minerals in olive oil help rejuvenate skin cells.
To help lighten and fade scars, massage olive oil on the scar for five minutes and leave it on for 10 minutes before gently wiping it off
Step 5. Adding a little lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide can also help fade scars, especially if you have hyperpigmentation
It's just that, avoid sunlight after using it because lemon juice can make the skin turn red if exposed to sunlight.