Taylor Swift has had many hairstyles that have always looked great in the last decade, from long curls in 2006, straight long bangs that remind us of the '60s-70s style in 2010, and the long bob that she first introduced in 2014. and still he uses until now with curly and straight models. Here are the steps to style Taylor Swift's hair.
Method 1 of 4: Long Hair With Big Curls

Step 1. Start with completely dry hair
You don't have to wash it out, but if you wash your hair before styling, the results will be more noticeable with a volume-boosting spray and blow dry.
You can use some hair products after blow drying. Read how to use it and follow the instructions listed there

Step 2. Separate the hair into three sections
Use your thumbs to scoop the hair on each side of your head, then bring your thumbs together behind your head until the top third of the hair is taken up. Use tweezers to hold the separated parts together. To halve more sections, simply separate the remaining hair into two sections with your right and left hands. Place the left over the left shoulder, and the right over the right shoulder.
No need to clamp the two sections of hair below

Step 3. Spray each section of hair with a heat protectant
Start with the two below, then comb through with a large wide-toothed brush, and continue to spray all areas of hair with the heat protectant.

Step 4. Wrap 1-2 inches of one section of hair into a curling iron (the wand should be about 19mm or 3/4 inch)
Start at the back of the head and work your way up to the front. Vary the direction of the clamp inward (towards the face) and out (away from the face). For hair on the sides of the face, wind it as far from the face as possible (outwards). Each curl should look like a small spiral.
- Hold each section of hair that is being curled for 20 seconds. It could be less than that, depending on the quality of the straightener and the thickness of your hair, of course. If your hair is thin or damaged, you should only hold it for about 10-15 seconds to see if it works or not.
- Curling outwards means that you wrap your hair in a vise and pull it away from your face, while curling inwards means that your hair must be wrapped and pulled toward your face.
- If your hair can't be held in the straightener, some parts are coming off the straightener, place them in the palm of your hand and hold them until they cool.

Step 5. Spray your hair with hairspray
The trick, bend your body so that your hair spreads on the floor, then shake your head while you spray hairspray.

Step 6. Comb the curls
Use your fingers to run through the hair so that the curls will be printed and formed perfectly.
For a softer look, use a large wide-toothed comb to brush the tops of your hair while moving your fingers through the rest of the hair as well. This will make your curls look more natural
Method 2 of 4: Flat Bangs Style

Step 1. Buy a hair clipper with a short blade
Why? Because the longer the blade, the harder it is for you to control it. So, choose scissors with short ends. Even better if the blade is only 2.5 inches (about 6.5 cm) long.
- Some hairstylists even suggest using nail cuticle clippers. However, it is better for beginners to use special hair scissors, especially if you want to cut the bangs evenly.
- If you're using cuticle scissors, make sure they don't curl, as it will be difficult to trim the bangs with these scissors.

Step 2. Make sure your hair is clean, dry and straight
Also make sure your hair is free from all kinds of hair products. If you have curly hair, use a straightener or straightener to straighten your bangs before starting to trim.

Step 3. Separate the section of hair to be cut into bangs
If you already have bangs before and just want to reshape them to look like Taylor Swift's flat bangs, skip this step. Just remember, if you pull your hair back in a ponytail and leave the bangs flat in front, the outline of the scalp should form a rounded triangle, where the bottom of the triangle is the hairline on the forehead.
The size of the triangle, whether it's length (how far it reaches the center of the head) and width (how wide it extends across the forehead area), depends on your face shape. Look in the mirror and try out the length and width variants until you find the right size, according to what you want.
Be careful not to make it too wide. If you're not sure, start with the narrowest size first, then add more width. Stick to the width of the hairline on the forehead, don't ignore the hairlines on the sides of the face
Once you've found the right shape, tie the bangs with a hair band, forming a ponytail that hangs right in front of your face. Pull the ponytail and tie it loosely between your fingers (if you pull it too tight and tight, the bangs will be shorter than desired), then start trimming. The bangs should fall snugly at the point between the eyes and the eyebrows (measure the distance in the middle).
You definitely want bangs that fall right on the eyebrows. However, do not immediately cut it right on the eyebrows. Give it a little extra length to anticipate if something goes wrong

Step 4. Separate the bangs from the rest of the hair
Comb the bangs in a straight direction in front of the forehead. Tie the rest of your hair into a tight ponytail. If you have short hair, you may want to use bobby pins to hold the rest of the hair back.

Step 5. Divide your bangs into three parts
No need to pinch, but make sure you start from side to side in order. This way, the hair will be easier to cut and the result will also be neater than if you cut it all at once.

Step 6. Pull the bangs down before clipping
Don't pull it upwards. Pull in. If you pull your hair up, and it's too tight, the bangs will be too short. Keep this in mind as you cut out each other piece.

Step 7. Start cutting in short, upward strokes
Hold each section with your index and middle fingers. Trim in an inch-up motion with short, sharp scissors until you get to the length you want - that way your bangs will fit perfectly.

Step 8. When you have reached the desired length, cut straight
At this stage, you're just smoothing out the uneven parts. Don't cut it too much - count in millimeters, not centimeters.

Step 9. Style the rest of her hair in the style you want
To emulate Taylor Swift's style with these flat bangs, the options are two; Straighten your hair with a flat iron so that all of your hair is completely straight, or just straighten your bangs and let the rest of your hair curl naturally.
If your hair is basically straight, but you want to create pretty curls at the bottom of your hair, roll your hair in a curling iron about 40% from the bottom and hold it. Let the ends of the hair sticking out from between the loops in the vise stick. Then, pull the straightener slowly until all the hair is wrapped loose. The slower you untangle, the more noticeable the curls will be.
To create a more complete curl, not just at the bottom of the hair, you can roll the hair higher (more than 40% from the bottom of the hair)
Method 3 of 4: Medium Curly Bob

Step 1. Make sure your hair is clean and dry
You don't have to wash your hair, but you certainly don't want your hair to look limp and greasy.
If you shampooed your hair before this styling process, add a volumizing product or something similar when blow-drying your hair. If you've already done this, you don't have to add any more developer after that. Even better if the product contains a heat protectant. If not, spray a little heat protection product on your hair.
Get Taylor Swift Hair Step 17

Step 2. Part your hair to one side with a comb, making a straight line down the side of your head and combing your hair to the other side
You may need to pin your bangs (or the fringe-like front of your hair) toward one side of your hair, while focusing on the other

Step 3. Curl your hair on the side slightly
Starting with the part with the fewest hairs, roll your hair in a 1.5-inch (38mm) flat iron. When rolling, roll the flatiron toward your face and hold it for 10 to 20 seconds.
- The length of time you hold your hair in a straightener will depend on the quality of the straightener and your hair type. For example, if you have thin hair, it will take less time to straighten it than thick hair.
- The curl should be thick vertically (from top to bottom), not horizontally (from side to side), if you want long, loose curls.
- If you're not sure what thickness to wear, just take it about 2 to 3 inches.

Step 4. Arrange your bangs
If you have bangs, simply brush them to the side and tie them together with the hair behind them. But if your bangs are longer or have no bangs at all, pull the section of hair in front (where the bangs should be), wrapping the section outward, away from your face. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds, then release.

Step 5. Curl your hair starting from one side of your head
Wrap your hair in sections until it's all done. How to wrap it should be outward, away from the face.

Step 6. Gently ruffle the curls
Gently comb your hair with your fingers to separate the curls to form beautiful curls. Or, you can also use a large-toothed comb.

Step 7. Give it a texture
Spray your hair with a texture-enhancing product and work with your fingers to get the style you want.
Method 4 of 4: Long Curly Bob

Step 1. Start with dry hair
You don't actually need to wash your hair beforehand, but it helps a lot if you shape these curls a day or two after you wash them. Remember, you need volume. So if your hair is limp and oily, you should first dry it with a dry shampoo, or wash and dry it properly. Spray volumizing product if necessary.

Step 2. Part your hair to one side
Use a comb to part the hair sideways so that the outline is neat.

Step 3. Divide your hair into sections
How many sections depend on how thick your hair is. Starting from one side of the larger part, use a comb and bobby pins to preform your curls. The more curls you create, the more beautiful they will look.

Step 4. Start curling your hair
Starting at the back, wind each section of hair from the ends 1-2 inches (2-5 cm) in a 1 or 1.5 inch (2.5-3.75 cm) flat iron. Roll in a variety of outward and inward movements.

Step 5. Curl your bangs too
For side bangs, roll and wrap the section with a flat iron. For shorter bangs, just comb to the side. It all depends on how long your bangs are. Basically, you just have to blend the bangs with the rest of your hair.

Step 6. Comb your hair with your fingers
This will help tousle your hair so the curls will look softer and more natural.
If your hair is too messy, use a little serum. The trick, pour enough serum in your hands, then rub it into your hair

Step 7. Gently ruffle your hair for a voluminous bob
The trick, grab a handful of hair just above the head (be careful not to damage the curls), then comb the section from bottom to top (from the ends of the hair to the scalp) with a thin hair brush.
You can also ruffle your hair with a fine, flat-toothed comb. However, according to some stylists, using this type of comb can damage your hair

Step 8. When all the hair is curled, spray it with hairspray to keep the curls long lasting
If you have short bangs or front bangs, once the bangs are brushed to the side, add extra spray to keep them blended in with the rest of your hair.
Wax spray is recommended because it lasts longer and won't make your hair too stiff if you spray too much (however, spraying too much wax can make your hair look "heavy" and greasy)

Step 9. Tuck your hair right at the base of the neck
The trick, form a triangle from your hair. The tip of the triangle should point toward the back (the base of the triangle is the base of the neck). Gently ruffle your hair before shaping it into a loose, messy bun. Hold it with tongs.

Step 10. Pinch your curls into a bun
Divide the top of your hair into sections. Start at the bottom. Tuck your curls in a ponytail loosely. Repeat this until all the bottom curls have been tucked into the bun, then start again at the top. Let the short sections of hair remain loose.

Step 11. Let sections of hair that are too short to be tucked into a bun dangle in front
This section of hair that hangs around your face will frame your face. The result will look better if you have layer slices. But if not, then your hair is a long, flat bob (which looks great too). When you're happy with how it looks, you can leave it alone or add a little more volume by using a thin brush and a final spray of hairspray.
- You can use various variations of the methods above to get a Taylor Swift-style hairstyle. For example, you can part your hair in the middle (instead of the sides) and use a curling iron to achieve a curly bob look. Then, let the bangs fall straight across the forehead, instead of being brushed to the side. This is also one of the popular Taylor Swift hairstyles.
- If your hair isn't long enough to style Taylor Swift, you might want to consider a hair extension option. However, make sure the extension hair is of high quality real hair.
- Be careful when using scissors and styling products. Always protect your skin and eyes.
- Especially when cutting bangs. Make sure your eyes and face are not exposed to the scissors. Avoid cutting bangs in a room full of people where someone might accidentally bump you.