While you can't control a guy's feelings for you, there are things you can do to get his attention and show that you're special. By being honest and positive in his life, you can make him fall in love with you.
Method 1 of 3: Get His Attention

Step 1. Show you care about your own appearance and health
By taking the time and energy to look after your physical appearance, you can show him that you value your appearance and your health. You will also feel more confident if you are healthy and strong. Keep in mind that self-confidence is always seen as attractive.
- Stay active by exercising at the fitness center regularly. Don't miss a gym session just to spend time with him. Invite him to exercise with you or buy tickets to a sports game.
- Make sure your hair is kept clean and well styled, and pay attention to your personal hygiene.
- Use a little of your unique perfume in the morning or before going out, or use a body lotion for a softer scent.
- If you're wearing make-up, try to get a look that's stunning, but simple. Make sure you don't wear too much makeup.
- Brush your teeth twice a day, floss between your teeth, and use mouthwash. During the day, chew mints or gum to freshen your breath.
- Wash your clothes regularly. Instead of buying new clothes, take advantage of what you have. Set a regular schedule for washing clothes and make sure you always have a clean top, pants/skirt, underwear, and socks. Don't let him see stained or unkempt clothes!

Step 2. Try to smile in a friendly manner often
Your charming smile is the best weapon that can always be used for free (and shouldn't be overdone). Throw a genuine smile as often as possible, whether it's for your crush or someone else. Your smile makes you appear more friendly and approachable, and can make you feel happier.
- Look for things that make you smile. When you're feeling a little sad, think of happy moments or funny jokes to put a smile on your face. Do you have a favorite pet? Favorite memories? Whatever it is, think about it as often as needed.
- Try smiling slowly. If you make eye contact with a guy you like, smile slowly at him and let your charm spread all over your face. If you tend to blush easily and look down when he looks at you, let it happen after you smile. You will become a very charming person.

Step 3. Try to make frequent eye contact with him
Eye contact is an important component of flirting and can increase his attraction to you. Look him in the eye when he talks to you and don't be afraid to lock his eyes, even when neither of you are talking.
If you're too nervous to look him in the eye (or don't think it's the right thing to do), throw in a quick glance to make eye contact with him. By looking at him for a moment and looking away, you can show your interest and find out if he has an interest in you too

Step 4. Take advantage of the soft texture to attract the touch
Several studies have shown that people find objects with a smooth, soft texture to be soothing and pleasant. Try wearing clothes made of microfiber, silk, faux fur, or other soft textures that he can/want to touch. This makes him associate your presence with pleasant sensations.
Try wearing red clothes to attract his attention. The color red is known to increase attraction and arousal in both men and women. Try wearing a red dress, red top, or red lipstick to get her to notice you
Method 2 of 3: Leveraging Personality

Step 1. Emphasize similarities
One of the reasons people feel attracted to other people is because of a sense of connectedness. If you have something in common with him, emphasize those things in the conversation. For example, if you both like the same type of music or band, talk to him about it. Make sure you don't over-emphasize or lie about the similarities. These two things will only make him think that you are desperate or dishonest.

Step 2. Show your independence
Too “sticky” or dependent on others for happiness are traits that are viewed as unattractive. Instead, show him that you are an independent and strong woman. He will be interested when you show that you have a fun life and don't need other people to feel happy. Make plans with your friends and family and turn down occasional invitations to date so he knows that you too have a life of your own.

Step 3. Be friendly and understanding
Being rude to him or someone else is a quick way to "kill" his attraction to you. Mirror politeness and friendliness to the guy you like and show that you are nice to others too. By reflecting a friendly personality, you can increase his attraction or liking for you.

Step 4. Point out the things that make you special
Giving him the opportunity to find out what makes him unique is a great way to increase his affection for you. This will captivate him and make him want to get to know you better. For example, if you are good at playing a musical instrument, look for opportunities to play music in his presence. Or, if you're really good at baking, try making cookies and sharing your work with them.

Step 5. Be a positive encouragement in his life
Most people can be negative when alone, so they are attracted to people who can focus on the positive. Instead of focusing on what's wrong in life or talking about people who annoy you, try to emphasize the good or the positive. Also, reflect kindness in your words and avoid gossip. Give positive things in his life and try to be a positive person in general.
This does not mean that you never complain when you are with him. Everyone must have complained. However, it will be tiring if you listen to someone who constantly complains. Try to control yourself so that he feels comfortable and happy when you are with him, not tired and stressed
Method 3 of 3: Get Him Captivated

Step 1. Keep your balance
At the beginning of a relationship, it is important that you spend a lot of time with him. At this time, the two of you are just getting to know each other and feel good about spending time together. Don't resist or resist the urge to spend more time with him early in the relationship, but make sure you know when to resist the urge or withdraw. The principle of "scarcity" suggests that people tend to want and value things that are a little hard to get. This does not necessarily mean that you can play with it. Just make sure that you don't always give your presence every time he contacts you. Keep a balance between time to spend with him and time to yourself.
- To get away from him, make plans with your friends or family, make time for yourself, or try to find more time to spend without him.
- This strategy may seem strange, but it can be beneficial for both of you. This can give him a chance to think about his feelings and give you time to think about your own. Separated, the two of you won't feel bored or take each other for granted.

Step 2. Make him feel needed
Things that make him feel needed can increase his affection for you. Asking her for help or even just asking her for advice will make her feel like a needed and important person in your life. For example, you could ask him to move some furniture in the bedroom or ask him to make a decision about your car insurance.

Step 3. Be relaxed
Remember that you can't always make him fall in love with you. He is free to decide what he wants. If in the end he doesn't feel love, resist the urge to "punish him". Realize that if you are meant to be in a relationship with him, it will. If not, maybe you are destined for a better person.
Don't use the term "boyfriend" (or call yourself that) until he uses it first. If you use it too soon, it may leave you and won't come back. More importantly, don't talk about marriage and children. This can frighten him
- Give him space. Allow him to spend time with his friends and occasionally tell him that you can't make it to his place. This way, you can tell if he really wants your presence or not.
- If you don't know much about them, open up space to get to know each other. There's nothing wrong with chatting with him
- If you get to know his friends and make friends with them, he will feel more comfortable around you.
- If you want to seduce, try not to overdo it. For example, if you tease him until he tickles him in public, he will feel that you are a strange person and feel embarrassed to be around you.
- If you're trying to forget him and it turns out he has feelings for you, while you still have some feelings for him, don't hesitate to tell him how you feel.
- Don't fall into the abyss of overanalysis. Analyzing your feelings and interactions with them is important, but if you overdo it, you will fall into the abyss of false assumptions. Of course, you don't want that to happen, do you?
- Don't get too attached to him. On the other hand, don't ignore it. Give him the space he needs and if he's feeling down, try to give him some peace or comfort.
- Don't seduce his close friends. This will only spark a fight between them and no one will care about you.
- Don't force him to compromise or put him in a difficult position. A man cares about how you feel, even when he's not interested in being in a relationship with you. Don't force her to answer your questions if she's uncomfortable.
- Don't make her feel worthless by constantly nagging about your ex. If you tell him what you don't like about your ex, he may get irritated.
- Don't be obnoxious and obsessive. If he just wants to be friends with you, accept his decision. However, show that you are still attracted to him if his mind changes.