Putting on a pleasant facial expression is a very simple act, but it can have a very positive effect on your life and the people around you. Doing so will make it easier for you to make friends, start new relationships, or receive help from others throughout the day! Therefore, try to improve facial expressions by first raising your awareness. After that, you can try making a variety of simple changes to show a pleasant facial expression more consistently.
Method 1 of 3: Increasing Self-Awareness

Step 1. Recognize your natural facial expression when you're not doing anything
The expression on a person's face when they are "rested" always has a direct correlation with how they are feeling at the time. Many people have natural facial expressions that are serious and look less pleasing to other people. Therefore, try photographing your face while it is showing a neutral expression, and observe the results.
- Would you feel comfortable having a conversation with someone who has that expression?
- If you were on a bus and asked to introduce yourself to someone else, would you want to interact with someone who has that expression?

Step 2. Ask other people
Chances are, you won't be able to objectively evaluate your self-portrait. Therefore, try to get the most honest opinion from other people. If you don't mind, you can even ask strangers about it, you know, especially since your closest relatives and friends are likely so used to seeing your face that they're prone to making unhelpful comments like, "You look like that, don't you?" That's why you can try asking strangers for an honest opinion about the kinds of emotions they see on your face.

Step 3. Learn to use facial muscles properly
The easiest way to do this is to learn to move your ear muscles in front of a mirror. Chances are, you'll notice that when you do this, your eyebrows will rise too, your eyes will pucker, and your mouth will keep opening and closing. As a result, various different muscle groups will continue to be moved. Keep practicing until you can work your ear muscles to increase awareness and self-control of your facial muscles.
Knowing the simple changes you can make to your face will help you control your facial muscles for a more pleasant expression

Step 4. Understand your habits when you are nervous
Beware, these habits can prevent your face from showing a pleasant facial expression! For example, you may be used to biting your nails or experiencing uncontrollable muscle spasms in the facial area when you are nervous. Both can be perceived by others as unprofessional, especially as it will appear disinterested or unfocused.
If nervousness causes your facial muscles to twitch uncontrollably (nose wrinkle, blinking, frowning, grimacing, or lip twitching), and if the problem persists, try reducing the intensity through a hypnotic procedure
Method 2 of 3: Making Changes

Step 1. Practice at home
Stand in front of the mirror and practice changing your facial expressions. Then, try to observe the effect each expression has on your mood swings. After that, identify an expression that can make you feel happy in an instant, and keep practicing that expression throughout the day until you get used to it.
- Bite on a ballpoint pen until your mouth manages to crack a fake smile. Did you feel happier afterwards?
- Then, take the ballpoint pen, then tuck it between pursed lips. More than likely, you'll notice that those happy feelings will be replaced by negative emotions.
- Practice voicing the vowels. Saying a long "e" can force your mouth to smile. Meanwhile, voicing the letter “a” is like imitating a surprised expression. Both can create more positive emotions within you.

Step 2. Show interest in what is going on around you
Pay attention to the degree of tilt of your head. In fact, tilting your head slightly is an indicator that you are actively involved in the situation at hand. As a result, your expression will look pleasing in the eyes of others.
Don't keep checking other people's watches, cell phones, or reactions

Step 3. Soften your eyes
Open your eyes wide so that the creases are clearly visible, and always make eye contact with those around you. Remember, accentuating the crease of the eye is not the same as frowning. To master the technique, try practicing in front of a mirror! In general, eyes that are perfectly open but still relaxed are the most attractive.

Step 4. Relax your mouth
A neutral or conical mouth shape will display an unpleasant facial expression. Instead, try not to press your lips together to relax your facial muscles and create a warmer expression. When your mouth feels more relaxed, try lifting both ends slightly.

Step 5. Be happy from within
Trust me, other people will definitely notice the forced facial expressions. That's why, the expression displayed must be completely in line with how you feel at that time. Therefore, try to take some time each morning to think about the various reasons that underlie your happiness. Take advantage of this moment to be grateful, and carry those positive feelings with you throughout the day.
- Think of dear friends and relatives.
- Think about your most recent achievements.
- Start the day by reading a positive quote on Instagram.
- Have a calendar with each page decorated with pictures of cute animals.
Method 3 of 3: Keeping Yourself Comfortable and Smiling

Step 1. Smile when needed
Smiling has two benefits: to make your face look more pleasant, and to make your emotions feel more positive! In addition, your smile can also instantly affect the mood of others in a positive way. When you smile, you actually tighten the muscles around your cheeks. This condition will reduce blood flow to the cavernous sinus as well as cool the temperature of the blood flowing to the brain. As a result, more positive emotions will arise afterwards.

Step 2. Focus on unpleasant situations
If you're stuck in an uncomfortable situation, keep trying to put on a pleasant facial expression. Trust me, just forcing your facial muscles to put on a positive expression can improve your mood in an instant!

Step 3. Be confident in your appearance
Constantly fiddling with the hem of your shirt or brushing your hair will only make your facial expression look less pleasant. Instead, you will appear uncomfortable with yourself in front of other people. Therefore, increase your confidence so that your facial expressions look pleasant and convincing. Undoubtedly, other people can more easily feel comfortable around you!