Entertaining people is an art. You don't have to juggle, make jokes, or do back-flips to entertain people. These things will only work in small doses, the best thing you can do is to fit in the crowd and get people interested in what you have to say. Whether you're entertaining guests at home or making people laugh at a bar, the most important thing is that you have to make sure that what you have to say is worth hearing and makes people want to hear more. If you want to know how to entertain people, take a look at step one to get started.
Method 1 of 3: Entertaining People Everywhere

Step 1. Tell a funny story
It's very difficult to tell a story that can entertain crowds and make people laugh. Some stories will be very funny if you tell one person personally, but there are also stories that can win the heart of a group of people. Don't tell a story that could embarrass your family or friends. The key is to keep the story as short as possible to keep them curious and as long as possible to provide entertainment details that leave them wanting more. Tell a story with charm and confidence, and if you can do it, you can even reenact the actions of the people involved in that part of the story. However, you don't have to spend all night entertaining other people with stories, just tell one or two stories each night. Here are things to keep in mind:
- A lighthearted story and a joke to laugh at someone you all know, be it a friend or a teacher. This story can make people laugh, especially if you know how to act out the action. However, if your story is malicious, people will naturally become disinterested.
- Read the reaction of the audience as you tell the story. If they make eye contact, don't whisper to each other or play with their phones, and even nod slowly when you talk, then this is a sign that they are engaged in your story and want more. But if they start to move their feet, look at each other, and act like they're sitting in the dentist's chair, then you should finish your story sooner than expected.
- Live your story. You don't have to walk back and forth across the room and make wild moves like Dane Cook, but you do have to stand up straight, make positive body language, and make occasional movements as you tell your story.
- Create tension as you tell the story. People need a reason to get to the end of the story. If they think they already know what's going on, then they won't listen to the end. Instead of saying, “I'm going to tell you about my crazy ex-boyfriend who painted my car pink,” you can say, “You won't believe what my ex did to get revenge…” Then, the audience will continue to listen because they want to. know what happens next.

Step 2. Laugh at yourself
An important part of entertaining is being able to laugh at yourself. People who are natural entertainers can laugh at themselves because they believe they are funny and don't take themselves too seriously. If you show that you're comfortable laughing at your own silliness and aren't too proud to know when a joke goes flat, then people will be more open and relaxed when you're with you. And hey, one way to cheer people up is to laugh at yourself in a silly, stupid and unconventional way.
- You can show off your dance skills even if you know you can't dance well. As long as you can laugh, other people will find it funny too.
- Letting people laugh at you can also make them more attached and closer. Especially when you're trying to cheer up two groups of friends who don't know each other. They may think there's not much to say at first, but they'll feel more comfortable laughing at you at the same time about how much you love your cat.
- This doesn't mean you have to reproach and degrade yourself to comfort others. However, if you're comfortable enough laughing at yourself, then this will help keep others entertained.

Step 3. Ask some questions
You may not find asking questions entertaining, but if you know what questions to ask and get the person involved, then you'll keep the person interested because they'll be talking about their favorite topic – themselves. As long as you're genuinely interested and don't feel like you're being interrogated, they'll be happy to open up about themselves. Here are some questions to ask:
- Their pets
- Their hobbies
- Their favorite music group
- Their favorite film
- TV shows they don't like
- Things they like to do to relax

Step 4. Help people find common bonds
Another way to cheer people up is to help them find a common bond. You might think that mingling with the people next to you is boring consolation – until you find out that they are all devoted fans of The Bachelor. You could try discussing movies, books, places you've lived or visited, favorite sports teams, or other topics. Quickly, people will have more interesting and enjoyable conversations because you have provided a topic.
- Team sports are a great topic to talk about, as people tend to give their opinions without the manic feelings that will cause fights between people if they don't like the same team.
- Avoid bringing up controversial topics, such as abortion or gun control, or you're likely to start a direct discussion, and no one will find it very entertaining.

Step 5. Give the other person a chance to talk
You might think that the best way to entertain is to tell jokes, juggle oranges, moonwalk, or do other things to keep your audience entertained, but the truth is that you need to take a break every now and then to give the other person a chance to talk. If you work too hard or talk 90% of the time, people are less likely to be entertained. The best bet is to try not to dominate the conversation completely, but to amplify it, give it a comforting look when you get a chance to speak.
Make sure you don't dominate more than 50% of the conversation when talking to one person, and don't speak more than 1/3 of the time when in a group. You don't have to put too much pressure on yourself, as well as on others

Step 6. Dance
Another way to entertain others is to show off some dance moves. Whether you're an expert or a complete amateur, if you're willing to embarrass yourself, then you're sure to have a lot of fun getting your dance moves out. The most important thing is that you have to be confident and not worry about looking like an idiot. People will feel relieved and happy if you make the effort, they will not expect you to be able to dance perfectly. Here are some dance moves you can learn before your premiere:
- Moonwalk Gerakan
- Helicopter movement
- Robot movement
- Movement of worms (worms)
- Body pop movement
- Twerking Movement

Step 7. Get their attention
If you want to entertain, then you have to know how to master attention. While mindfulness is a skill that can be developed over time, there are several things you can do to ensure that the people you want to entertain are genuinely entertained by you. Here is what can be done:
- Speak in a well-modulated voice
- Make eye contact when you speak
- Build trust by standing up straight and not getting nervous
- Respect others so they will listen to you

Step 8. If all this fails, get out and do something
If there's nothing else to talk about, then find something to do to keep people entertained. Take your friends to the ice skating rink, cinema or café. Being in a new environment where interesting things can happen can stimulate the brain that provokes thoughts and images that can cheer up your friend. If you notice signs that people are getting bored or restless, sometimes the best thing you can suggest is to move locations.
- Go to a bowling alley, play LIFE (a type of board game), or do something you haven't done as a kid. This will make people laugh and make them less serious.
- Play light games like basketball or volleyball. This will keep people entertained and keep them active.
- Visit natural places. A leisurely hike or even a walk around the lake in a local park can keep people entertained.
- Who says you are too old to play on the playground? You can reminisce about your childhood with your friends on the swings, monkey bars and carousels.
Method 2 of 3: Entertaining People at Your Party

Step 1. Make sure you don't run out of drinks
If you are hosting a party for adults, then this is a key rule to keep in mind as you are planning to entertain people. Nothing can end a party faster than the moment when guests realize they are running out of beer and wine. Alcohol is a social lubricant, and without it, guests are likely to feel uncomfortable or sometimes even bored. A low alcohol supply is also a sign that the party is over and it's time to head home, and you definitely don't want to give your guests this impression.
When you're planning how much alcohol you should provide, you should always stock up on more in case you have unexpected guests or people staying longer than you planned. If cost is a consideration, you can get alcohol at Costco or another place that allows you to return the drink if you don't think you'll finish it all later

Step 2. Make sure there is sufficient food supply
When the party is meant to entertain guests, you don't have to provide a sumptuous meal, unless you're hosting a dinner party. In most cases, just a pizza, snack, burger, or whatever else is needed for the event is more than enough. You can host a potluck so everyone can contribute something and you don't have to worry about cooking or buying everything. In fact, it would be better if you provide simpler food options as it will not distract them.
Even if you're just hosting a party and without any dinner component. It's a good idea to provide some snacks too as you definitely don't want your guests to go hungry plus they will help absorb the alcohol you serve

Step 3. Provide some conversation topics
One way to get your guests talking is to provide several topics of conversation so they have something to talk about. Examples include a silly photo of you in a zebra costume so your guests will ask for it, a flower arrangement so exotic that they'll ask where you got it, a new gadget that you really like, or even your pet cat, and also Dexter who has always been the lifeblood of everyone. the party. While this is not mandatory in entertaining your guests, providing something that your guests can discuss, laugh and wonder will definitely help in keeping them entertained.
You can even stock up on some gossip magazines too. Even if you want your guests to chat instead of reading, someone could just grab a magazine and make the other guests laugh (or even pass out) because of Justin Beiber, and who wouldn't want that?

Step 4. Create an blend activity
You can provide some fun activities that will keep your guests entertained and keep the party from getting boring. While most parties only need a few people who are willing to talk and play with each other, providing some games or activities can help people get into the spirit of having fun and getting to know each other better. Here are some things you can provide to help entertain your guests:
- Jenga
- Card game against humanity
- An old photo album
- video games
- Record player
- domino

Step 5. Be a gracious host
Make sure your guests know where to put their shoes, hang their coats, where to put the drinks they buy, and in general all locations in the house. You don't want newcomers to feel lost or uncertain at your party. When a new guest arrives, offer him a drink, indicate the location of the bathroom, or simply be friendly and helpful so that your guest feels at home.
- While you don't want to be pushy, you should also offer snacks, water or other drinks as soon as possible after he gets inside the door.
- Make sure you don't look stressed or worried while hosting the party. These vibes will ruin the evening and you definitely want your guests to feel that you want their presence not the feeling that they are causing you any discomfort.

Step 6. Introduce each other
A big part of entertaining people is making sure that they like each other and get along well. You certainly want your guests to feel comfortable with each other, not a situation where they don't know who and where the man standing close to them is coming from. You can quickly introduce people and even tell a little about them so people know how the guests are connecting. If you're hosting a small party of less than 10 people, then you can introduce everyone to make the atmosphere more welcoming and friendly.
- You can take it a step further and help people start a conversation by pointing out their shared hobbies. You could say something like, “Jackie, have you seen Eliza? He is a gymnast too…”
- You can also tell people about the relationship between you and the person you're introducing so they can be oriented a little better. You could say, “Mary, this is John, my college friend. John, this is Mary. I've known him since summer camp in fifth grade…”

Step 7. Don't finish the party until everyone's gone
A mandatory pastime is to make guests feel welcome until they walk out the door. If you start clearing dirty dishes and trash or start scrubbing the table in the middle of a party, then this means you are telling your guests that you want them to leave and that they have caused a nuisance. Even if you're someone who loves tidiness or just wants to save a little time, you should still let the event go on and clean it up later so your guests don't feel like they're a burden.
Well, if you feel like it's really the end of the night and everyone is gone but there are a few people offering to help with cleaning, then you can accept the help. You certainly don't want to face all the chaos on your own. But the important thing is that you shouldn't make people feel unwelcome by having to clean beer cans half an hour after the party starts

Step 8. Consider using a theme
While a theme isn't mandatory when hosting a party or entertaining people, it can help keep guests talking, laughing, and generally enjoying the time. If there's a national holiday or occasion for a party like New Year's, July 4th, or Halloween, then you can have everything ready, but you can also host an animal-themed party, sports, according to your favorite movie or television show, vampire theme, or any theme that will make people tell stories, laugh together and even dress up.
Adding a "dress up" element to the event can naturally make people feel more connected during a conversation because they can talk about their outfit or what made them want to dress up that way. You can also add music or other props around your place that will make people tell stories and laugh
Method 3 of 3: Entertaining Guests in Your Home

Step 1. Be a good host
Being a good host is not a skill that everyone naturally has. A good host should be able to pay attention to the needs of his guests and not overdo it. You must anticipate guests' needs without offending them too much. You also have to be friendly, welcome them well, be helpful and make sure your guests feel truly at home (without your over-mixing, of course!). Here are some things you can do as a host:
- Take your guest's coat and tell them where to put their shoes.
- Bring their suitcases.
- Give your guests a quick tour so they know where your kitchen, bathroom and entire home are located.
- Be accommodating. Give your guests a place to sleep, pillows, blankets, towels or anything else they need to live in your home comfortably. Even though you don't want them to surpass you, you have chosen to open the door for them.

Step 2. Make sure your guests' needs are met
A big aspect of being a good host to your guests is meeting their needs. Many guests are too shy to tell you what they want and need, and you may choose to ask them so they can feel comfortable. You may not want to ask them over and over but you also don't want to distance yourself so much that they don't dare to ask. Here are things you can ask your guests to ensure that their needs are met:
- Offer your guests a glass of water or a drink. They may be shy about asking for something they need.
- If an old friend of yours is coming to town to visit you and you both always love splitting bottles of wine, then have one ready when your guests arrive.
- Make sure they don't starve. While you don't want to be too pushy, you should also make sure that your guests are full. They may not want to admit that they are hungry at first, so make sure you have several food options available at mealtime.
- Provide a plate of snacks, such as trail mix, crackers, fruit, or anything else that doesn't perish so your guests have something to eat.
- Ask if they need towels, shampoo, or anything else for bathing. Tell them what they can and can't use.
- Prepare the right food in advance. There's nothing wrong with asking your guests what they like for breakfast, if they have any particular allergies, if there's a snack they really like before staying with you, so you can prepare something they like and don't get caught up in running the grocery store..

Step 3. Take them to the “must visit” places
If your guests are coming to town to visit you, then you should take them for a walk around. You may not be a big fan of tourist attractions in your hometown, or feel there's nothing worth seeing, but if your guests are coming from far away to see you, then you should at least put in a little effort to get them to have a look around. Take a little time to think of a great place to visit in your hometown, be it the Liberty Monument or the famous little jazz café on the other side of town. Make sure your guests visit some of these places so you can practice being a good host.
- Well, if you live in Manhattan and you don't want to wait in line for 3 hours to get up to the empire state building, then you should at least guide your guests there and wait at the Starbucks opposite. You shouldn't completely abandon them, especially if it's their first visit.
- These great places could be unique and famous restaurants, landmarks, statues, quirky shops, ocean views, or something very popular in your hometown.
- Of course, a “must visit” place doesn't have to be a tourist trap. Take your guests to their favorite places from your home, you can even take them to your favorite bar or restaurant. Show them what you love and your life.

Step 4. Don't forget to give them some personal time
While it's important to be a good host, offer up your home, and ask guests how they're feeling, you also need to be able to give them their own space and time especially if they're staying with you for a few days. You shouldn't barge into their room or where they sleep without knocking on the door, and you shouldn't be with your guest 24/7, unless that's what the person wants. It can be a bit claustrophobic when you're at someone else's house, and you should understand the fact that guests want to be left alone at this point.
Many people need time to relax, especially after a day of traveling or a long journey to see landmarks or sights. You should give your guests some time to decompress, even if you're really happy that they're with you

Step 5. Don't be too pushy
This is the same as giving your guests space. You don't want to be the one who asks so many times that the person being asked has to say yes. If your guests keep telling you they're not hungry more than once, then you can leave them and let them know there's lasagna waiting for them in the fridge if they want. You don't want your guests to be forced to say yes to something they don't really like just to please you.
Your guests will probably have certain ideas about what to do when they visit you. If you ask them to do something, like go to the pool or water park, and they don't seem very interested, you shouldn't force them unless you're absolutely sure that's what they want and they say no just because it's too bothersome

Step 6. Give them a plan for things they can do on their own
If you want to entertain your guests, then you should also plan time to take a break from entertaining. Unless your guests expect you to be with them 24/7 – provided that's what you want to do – you should provide a list of things they can do while you're working, resting, or doing your own thing. Include a place to find lunch or a list of attractions, such as a museum or park, if you live in an area with lots of such places.
Preparing all of this from scratch can save you from feeling like you have to be there every day. If you can't suggest something your guest can do without you, then you should probably always go out with him instead of getting a little time to relax

Step 7. Prepare items that can keep them entertained in your home
Providing a variety of activities in your home that guests can do in their absence can also help because you don't have to entertain them 24 hours a day. If you have small children, you can provide them with video games, markers or paper for drawing, or action figures for them. If your guests are adults, you can provide several gossip or cultural magazines, a box of TV series, or photo albums for your guests to view. Providing something to help entertain your guests can help you a bit when you need 30 minutes to fold clothes or when you don't know what to do with your guests.
Providing board games or other activities like Twister or Monopoly can help you find something fun to play with your guests
- Wear something interesting. Cool earrings or quirky shoes can spark conversation, especially if there's an interesting story behind them. Things like that always attract people's attention.
- Timing is everything. A joke is 10 times funnier if told at the right time.