Gaining a woman's trust isn't always easy, especially if she has reasons not to trust you. However, if you take it slow and give him time to see you as a man he can rely on and genuinely care about, then you are well on your way to a meaningful relationship. Keep in mind that if you break his trust over and over again, it will be difficult for you to get him to forgive you even if you can do your best to make it yours again.
Part 1 of 3: Starting Slowly

Step 1. If you make a mistake, apologize to him sincerely
If you give him reasons not to trust you such as having an affair, making out with another woman, talking behind his back, or doing something that makes him think that your intentions for him weren't sincere, then the most important thing you can do is apologize to him sincerely and wholeheartedly.. Look him in the eye, remove any distractions, and explain that you recognize a big mistake you've made and want to make amends with him.
- Don't make excuses for what you've done that betrayed and hurt him. Focus on how much you regret what you did and promise not to do it again.
- Saying, “I'm sorry that you're so disappointed,” makes it sound like you're blaming him. Instead say, “I regret my bastard-like behavior. I will take full responsibility.”
- Of course, no one said that apologizing was easy, but if you really want to get his/her trust back, then this is a much better way than not admitting what you did wrong.

Step 2. Be patient with it
If you want to earn a woman's trust either because you've wronged her and want her to forgive you or because you're with a woman who needs time to open up to you, then you have to be willing to give her time to open up and feel safe with you. If you're impatient because he doesn't open up and give you a chance after a few weeks, then you're probably ruining the process for a good thing. If you're trying to get his trust back after an affair, then the decision is yours and it may take longer than a few weeks for him to trust you again.
- If you cheated on him, then you have no right to be angry with him when he takes longer to feel close to you again. It's all on the ladder.
- If he has recently been betrayed or has been hurt by an ex in the past, the best thing you can do is to convince him that you are different. Therefore, if you lose your temper with him, he may get scared and walk away from you. Show him that he is worth waiting for you.

Step 3. Don't force her to act faster than she wants
If you want to earn his trust, then you have to let him take some of the initiative. Whether you want to have a more intimate relationship with him, ask him to meet your friends, or go on a trip with him, make sure he's ready before you act. You don't want him to feel like the relationship is going too fast, or he'll get scared and walk away from you. Wait for things to happen at their pace, and you'll notice that she needs a little time to feel ready to have a deeper relationship with you.
If you want things to go faster and can't wait any longer, then it's better for you to find another lover. If you think that the wait is not worth it, then you should find another woman who is more open to you

Step 4. Don't abuse his trust
Of course the best way to earn a woman's trust is not to abuse her trust. If you want him to feel like he can trust you, then you have to be honest and open, and you have to show him that you can be counted on. If he thinks you're going to ruin dates, keep secrets, and flirt with other women when he's not around, it's going to be hard for you to earn his trust. Instead, try to be the best possible man and lover, and he'll know he doesn't have to worry about you.
- The best thing you can do is to be loyal and open to him. Don't let him feel like he can't believe what you're saying or feel like you're saying nice things to cover up a lie.
- If you're spending time with a female friend, for example, don't lie about it when nothing is going on between you and your friend. Tell your lover the truth and show that there is nothing to worry about. If he finds out from other people about you going out with another woman, he'll certainly have less reason to trust you.
- If you break his trust even the slightest, then a sincere apology is the best thing you can do.

Step 5. Be someone you can rely on
Another way to start earning a woman's trust is to become someone she can rely on. If you say you're going to pick him up at 8 o'clock sharp for a date, be there at least five minutes early to show him that you're not going to keep him waiting. If she needs help setting up the bookshelf, come when you say you will and help her out. If you and your boyfriend are used to walking to class together, don't disappear one day without an explanation. Let him see that you are reliable and will always be there when he needs you.
- If he expects to talk to you over the phone, make sure you answer his phone quickly. Don't go unnoticed for hours when you know he needs you.
- Always there for her, even when she just needed a support to cry on. The most important thing is that he feels that you are always there for him and willing to help.

Step 6. Don't be too close with your phone
There's nothing more quickly that makes a woman suspicious than a man setting a password on his cell phone and always stepping aside when he's answering an obscure call. Don't set a password on your phone, unless you're very worried about your phone being stolen. In that case, make sure you don't mind when he looks at your phone. When someone calls, let him see who's calling you before picking up, and don't secretly text him while he's with him unless he knows you're only texting your friends about a computer game you play often.
- Of course you can say that your phone is only yours, and you don't have to let him see what's on your phone because you want to earn his trust. But in this case, if you've ever covered up and made a mistake, you'll want him to know that you really won't make that mistake again.
- This also applies to your computer. If you shut your laptop immediately when he walks into your room, he'll have reasons not to trust you.

Step 7. Be honest with him
The best way you can earn a woman's trust is to be honest with her. Correct! This means you are telling the truth to him. Tell him when you go out with your friends, and tell him what you did the night before. If you want to see more concerts with him, tell him what you think. He'll appreciate the fact that you're telling him the truth, and he'll find it easier to trust you than if you only said certain things.
If you decide that there's no point in telling the truth about something, there's a saying that a well-intentioned lie or two won't hurt anyone. For example, if you think her new hairstyle makes her look a little fierce, you might want to keep it to yourself
Part 2 of 3: Getting Herself

Step 1. Trust him
If you want him to start trusting you, then you have to trust him first. Tell him about what you want, what you are afraid of, what your childhood was like, what you and your friends are going through, or whatever is on your mind. If you open up to him, he'll have more reason to trust you because you've been willing to open up to him. You don't have to scare him off by revealing too personal details when you're just getting to know him, but the more time you spend with him, the more you'll need to open up to him.
- If you tell him something that really means a lot to you, then he'll know that you really think he's special and that you really like him.
- The more you trust him, the more he will feel comfortable trusting you. In this case, he may need more time to feel comfortable trusting you, so don't force him to say something he's not ready to say.
- If you tell him something you've never told anyone, then he'll see that he really means a lot to you. Of course, you say that only when you really want to.

Step 2. Always there for her when she is going through a tough time
If you really want to earn his trust, then he has to see that you're not just there for him when he's happy. If he's having a fight with his friends, has had a tough week at work, or if he's just not feeling well, then it's time for you to be by his side. If he thinks you're only there to make out and date, then he's going to see that he can't really trust you. Show him that you will always be there for him in good times and bad.
- If you want him to see you as someone he can rely on, then you have to support him and calm him down when he's angry. Don't get irritated and act like he's angry for no apparent reason, and don't just wait until he's in a good mood.
- If you want a long-term relationship with him, then you have to be prepared for the fact that he won't always be in a good mood. This applies to you too, right?

Step 3. Listen to him
Another way to earn her trust is to take the time to listen to her. Look into his eyes, don't interrupt when he's talking, and let him see that you really do hear what he's saying. Don't give him advice unless he asks for it, and get rid of cell phones and other distractions so he can see that he has all your attention. Take the time to absorb everything he has to say to you, whether he's explaining about the fight he and his mom are going through, or about the career options he's contemplating. The most important thing is that he sees that you care about what he has to say.
- Don't give her an eye that looks like you're just waiting for her to finish talking so you can tell her what happened that day.
- In addition to listening, you also have to remember what he said and take action about it. For example, if he says about an important exam he has to take next week, encourage him the night before the exam.

Step 4. Show him how serious you are
If you really want his trust, then you have to show him that you are ready to commit. This means that you embrace him in public, introduce him as your boyfriend, make long term plans with him, and basically make it clear to him that you are serious about him. If you don't book concert tickets two months in advance, then this will make him suspicious. If you treat him sweetly when you're alone with him but treat him as a friend or sister in public, then he'll feel that you don't want people to think you're serious about him.
- Of course if he's not ready to commit, then you shouldn't force him to commit. However, if it all looks like you and he have the same thoughts, then make sure he knows you really go the extra mile for him.
- Give him the news. When you don't see him for a day or two, make sure you call him or at least text him if you're really busy. This will let him know that even though you didn't see him doesn't mean you weren't thinking about him.

Step 5. Try to win the hearts of friends and family
If you really want to earn his trust, then you have to be willing to try to win the hearts of his friends and family. Be nice to their friends, show your interest in them, and let them see how much you like your boyfriend. Treat the family with kindness and respect, take the time to get to know them and be open about yourself to them. If you are nice to your boyfriend but don't give him time to be with his friends and family, he will see this as a sign that he doesn't trust you.
It's okay if you feel embarrassed to meet your lover's parents. This is natural. The important thing is that you are a nice and friendly person, and that you behave and dress well when you meet them. Make an effort for them, especially when you meet them for the first time

Step 6. Keep your promises
If you really want to win her heart and earn her trust, then you have to keep your word. If you promise to take care of the dog on weekends while he's out, don't make a last-minute excuse that you're out with your friends. If you say you'll take him to the doctor while his car is being repaired, pick him up and drop him off. If you tell him that you will be loyal and honest with him as long as you and he are together, then show it to him and make him believe.
- In fact, keeping small promises like taking her out to lunch when you promise can make a big difference. If he feels you can't be trusted even just to have lunch with him, then he'll think you can't keep important promises either.
- If you show up late or forget an appointment you made, make sure you apologize for it and show him that it won't happen again. You don't have to be perfect, but you should try to make him see that you want him to depend on you.
Part 3 of 3: Having a Meaningful Relationship

Step 1. Show how much you care about him
If you want a meaningful relationship with a woman who trusts you, then one of the most important things for you to do is let her know how much you care about her. Tell him you love him, give him meaningful compliments, spend time with him, plan romantic dates with him, and always tell him how lucky you are to have him. Don't take him for granted or he'll feel like he can't trust you because you're no longer attracted to him.
- You don't have to give him kisses and hugs all the time, especially if that's not your style. However, you have to find a way to let him know that you care.
- Giving him a gift for no particular reason, not because it's Valentine's Day or his birthday, can show him how much he means to you. It's your intention that matters, not the price of the gift.
- Write a chinese letter for him to surprise him when he is having a bad day. If you do this when he least expects it, he will be attracted to you even more.

Step 2. Learn to compromise
If you really want a serious relationship with your boyfriend, and if you want him to trust you, then you have to be able to compromise with him. Let him know that not everything needs to go your way, and that you want him to be happy too. Even if you're trying to get his trust back, you don't have to keep giving in to him, or he'll think you don't have a stand. Try to have a productive conversation that weighs the pros and cons of a decision, and find a path that makes you and your loved one happy.
- He will see that he can trust you if you also consider his thoughts and feelings rather than always wanting things to go your way.
- Sometimes, you have to let him win and go see the movie he wants or go to the restaurant he's been aiming for. This shouldn't be a problem as long as he also allows you to win on some occasions.

Step 3. Don't try to be perfect
You may think that you have to be the perfect guy all the time and never let your boyfriend down to earn his trust. Don't push yourself too hard to be perfect when you're trying to be loyal and reliable. Do the best you can, and he'll feel like he can trust you for that. In this case, there is no reason for infidelity. Adultery is not allowed.
- If you're late for a date, apologize and show him that you're really sorry. As long as you don't make this a habit, he'll appreciate the fact that you're willing to admit your mistakes.
- You also don't have to mind saying, "I don't know." You don't always have to act like you know what you have to do to earn his trust. In fact, he may trust you more if you are honest about how you feel.

Step 4. Be open
Another thing you can do to get him to trust you is to be open about your feelings. Let him see that you trust and can open up to him, and let him know that you are willing to break down your defenses for him. You don't have to tell him all your secrets, but you should try to be open and honest when you talk to him either when you tell him what you did last week or when you tell him about your university major. If you get used to being open, he'll see that he can trust you in the long run.
- If something is bothering you, you need to be comfortable and open with him about it even if it's a little embarrassing and makes you worry that he thinks badly of you. If you never talk about the problems you're having, then he won't open up about his problems to you either.
- If you're having a bad day, you can be honest about it. Explain what happened. You don't want him to feel like you need to hide everything from him. If you hide something from him, then he will also hide something from you.

Step 5. Make an effort to communicate
To maintain a meaningful relationship with a woman who trusts you, you need to be open and willing to communicate with her. You can't keep avoiding him when he wants to talk to you, and you have to make him feel more comfortable talking to you. When he's talking to you, make sure you're open to discussion and make sure you stop what you're doing and listen carefully. If you have something to say to him, don't put it off or be passive and say what you think.
- Communication is the key to a healthy relationship. If you want him to trust you for a long time, then you have to make him feel that you want to talk about your relationship with him, and you want to share how you feel about it.
- If he's afraid to tell you how he feels because he thinks you're angry or doesn't think so, then he's not really going to trust you.

Step 6. Make time for her
If you want to make your relationship with him work, and want him to trust you, then you have to make time for him and show him that he is your top priority. If you spend too much time with your friends, or don't answer the phone for hours, then he's more likely to distrust you because he doesn't know what you're doing when he's not around. Make an effort to always be there for him, have a regular schedule for spending time with your friends, and let him know what you're doing when you're not with him. Making a time commitment is needed to get him to trust you.
- If you know you can't use your phone for a few hours, because you're in a meeting or watching a movie, you can text your previous boyfriend to say hello and tell him what you're going to do. Of course, you don't have to tell him about everything you do in your life because it can be exhausting, but you can tell him about what you do basically. It can also make him trust you.
- Making time for him shows that he is the center of your life. This is very important to make him trust and believe in you.