"Stamina" is the strength and energy a person needs to exert force over a long period of time. This term usually refers to the exertion required to perform a physical activity such as exercise. However, stamina can also be related to the mental exertion needed to complete a task or solve a difficult problem. Increase these two types of stamina so you can live a healthier life.
Method 1 of 5: Increasing Stamina with Food

Step 1. Eat a healthy and balanced diet
Food is used as fuel by the body for energy. Healthy and balanced food makes your body energetic and healthy so that your stamina will increase. Try to eat a balanced, low-fat diet that contains lots of vegetables, fruits, and lean meats. To get long-lasting energy, doctors also recommend that a third of your diet comes from flour and carbohydrates (preferably from whole wheat / whole wheat).
- In order for the body to always get a supply of energy, consume food in smaller portions throughout the day, not by eating one or two meals a day in large quantities.
- Choose snacks that come from raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, and other lean protein in between meals. Bring nuts and fruit that provide a lot of energy when doing activities for a long time, such as cycling, hiking, or when studying hard for a final exam.

Step 2. Don't run out of fluids
There are many health benefits that you can get by drinking lots of water. Some of them are to help lose weight, prevent the formation of kidney stones, and so on. Water can also increase stamina because it suppresses muscle fatigue. Dehydrated muscle tissue doesn't perform well, so keep your stamina up by drinking about half a liter of water a few hours before a strenuous workout. If you're going to be running long distances or exercising for a long time, bring plenty of fluids so you can drink them later when you're thirsty.
- If you prefer flavored drinks, try drinking sports drinks like Powerade, Gatorade, etc. This drink provides the added benefit of replacing the body's electrolytes (important nutrients that support muscle function that are also wasted when you sweat). However, this drink contains a lot of calories, so it is not suitable for those of you who also want to lose weight.
- Do not consume energy drinks that contain caffeine in excess. This drink is great for increasing stamina in the short term, but can weaken stamina in the long term.
Method 2 of 5: Building Physical Stamina

Step 1. Do lots of physical exercise
While this can tire you out in the short term, physical exercise will increase your energy and overall stamina in the long run. In order for your health and stamina to increase, take time to exercise regularly. For adults, it is recommended that you do at least 150 minutes of moderate cardiovascular exercise a week (or 75 minutes of intense cardiovascular exercise), accompanied by strength training at least twice a week.
- Cardiovascular exercises, such as running, aerobics, dancing, and cycling, work the lungs and heart, increasing the body's ability to supply oxygen to the muscles. As a result, cardiovascular exercise makes endurance and stamina increase gradually (and fatigue levels will decrease).
- Strength training, such as lifting weights and strength training (sit ups, push ups, etc.) will gradually build muscle stamina (in addition to muscle size, strength and shape). Over time, you will be able to lift heavier weights for longer periods of time.

Step 2. Do a physical activity that you enjoy
You'll find it easier to exert physical exertion that will increase your stamina if it's an activity you really enjoy, rather than something you don't enjoy. Organize your workout to include any activities you enjoy. This could be an activity you've mastered, or it could be something you've never tried. If you're not sure what exercise you like, experiment with doing different types of exercise for a week or two. For example, you might find that you prefer low-impact exercises like cycling and swimming over your usual running workouts, or maybe you've found the opposite!

Step 3. Live an active life
Maybe you don't have time to exercise if you're very busy. Fortunately, by staying active throughout the day, you can reduce some of the negative effects of a lack of regular exercise. Don't just sit still for long periods of time, because almost any type of movement is good for heart health; the more moves the better. Instead of taking the vehicle to work, it's better to walk or ride a bicycle. If you have to sit at the computer all day, use a standing desk or walking desk instead of sitting. Use a pedometer (a device for measuring steps) and try to walk 10,000 steps a day. The more active you are, the better your overall health and stamina will be.

Step 4. Invite other people to join you
If you feel you can't increase your stamina by doing it yourself, try inviting a friend to do activities with you. Believe it or not, physical activity can be done more easily if you do it with friends. Friends can provide encouragement when you are getting tired. Their words can be powerful medicine to keep you motivated. In the end, having friends makes you not want to quit, because you want to impress them by pushing your skills to the max.
Workout partners don't have to be friends. You can invite children, neighbors, or pet dogs to do daily exercise activities. You can also join a fitness center that will offer you to pair up with a workout buddy. You can also take exercise classes and meet new friends who share the same fitness goals as you
Method 3 of 5: Rest in Sufficient Amount

Step 1. Get enough rest
While it's important to be active in exercising, it's also important to get enough rest to get good stamina. A good night's sleep leaves you refreshed, energized, and focused, so you can exert all your physical strength. On the other hand, lack of rest can make you weak and have a poor performance. Poor sleep habits can cause several health problems that have a negative impact on stamina, such as weight gain, high blood pressure, and illness.
Although everyone's sleep needs are not the same, the National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get about 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night. Sleeping less than 6 hours a night is usually considered unhealthy and can lead to several health problems as mentioned above

Step 2. Gradually increase the stamina target you need to reach
Every exercise you do to increase stamina should be done gradually. If you train too hard too early, you may tire and eventually give up. It's a good idea to set specific, simple goals as a stepping stone to your main goal, such as running 1km at the start, then in two weeks increasing to 2km, then 5km, and finally 10km. Celebrate every small achievement as an achievement. Keep it up, and don't give up!
- For cardiovascular exercise, start slowly, then increase your heart rate gradually and maintain it for no more than 30 minutes at first. Increase the intensity and duration of your workout at short, realistic intervals until you reach your goal. In a few months, you may be making rapid progress without feeling the change!
- For strength training, start with weights that are easy to lift. Gradually increase the weight on the barbell or exercise machine. Alternatively, if you're doing weight training to get in shape, modify your workout to make it easier to do. For example by lowering the legs when doing push ups, or doing crunches to replace sit ups. Gradually increase the weight, resistance, or exercise intensity to build strength slowly over time.
Method 4 of 5: Building Sexual Stamina

Step 1. Take time to increase sexual stamina
Many people who try to increase physical stamina have a specific goal, namely to have longer and better sexual abilities. Sexual stamina can be increased by improving physical fitness. The exercise instructions in this section are used to deal with short sex time that occurs because you feel tired or out of breath during sex. Chronic shortness of time problems can also be caused by medical or hormonal factors, although this is rare. So if you are physically healthy but have poor sexual stamina, consult a doctor. However, sex is not just a physical activity. Emotional health is just as important as physical health. A person's inability to engage in satisfying sexual activity is often caused by emotional problems or personal relationship problems with a partner. The following are some of the things that cause unsatisfactory sex, along with how to solve them:
- Erectile Dysfunction. Men who have difficulty maintaining an erection may be in a hurry to orgasm when they have an erection. Fortunately, erectile dysfunction can be treated with various medications. Go to the doctor for a prescription because most erectile dysfunction drugs can only be obtained by prescription.
- Biological Cause. Some things that can cause unsatisfactory sexual activity include hormonal disorders, thyroid problems, imbalanced brain chemicals, and nerve damage (this is rare). In this case, because the underlying causes are various and not immediately obvious, you should consult a doctor before undergoing treatment.
- Drug Use. Certain medications can affect libido, which makes it difficult for a person to have long and satisfying sex. In this case, you should consult a doctor to change the drug.
- Anxiety Problems. Sex (especially if you are inexperienced) can be stressful. Stress and nervousness can make it hard to "get in the good mood" or make you orgasm faster. If you experience this, do everything that can make you calm and not stressed before having sex. It should be emphasized here that sexual activity should not make you depressed. If you still can't calm down, talk to a counselor or therapist.
- Relationship Problems. Unsatisfactory sexual activity is sometimes caused by problems or emotional tension between you and your partner. In this case, the best way is to talk frankly and openly with your partner. If necessary, you can consult a household counselor.
Method 5 of 5: Increase Mental Stamina

Step 1. Visualize your goal
Mentally, it's very easy to get off track when you focus too much on the difficulties you will have to face when you are trying to complete a task, rather than on the goals you have to achieve. Don't lose big for something small, so don't lose sight of your main goal. Always keep the end goal in mind when you complete each task. This will help you stay focused and not waste time doing things that don't matter.
- You don't even have to focus on literal goals, because you can imagine another winning image. Close your eyes and let your mind wander, then build a mental picture of yourself finishing a race at a high speed or getting an A on a final exam. Don't fall asleep!
- Avoid the challenges, obstacles and obstacles that you may face before the goal is reached, but be aware of them and work hard to overcome the obstacles and reach your goal.
- While at school, keep your motivation high and build stamina to study before the final exam by inviting friends to study together.

Step 2. Divide your problem into chunks
If you think the problem you are facing is big and strong, you will quickly become discouraged. Therefore, keep your mental stamina high by breaking the task down into easier and smaller chunks. Focus on doing the most important things first or completing the task in a series of successive stages. The sense of accomplishment you get when you solve every little problem will help you to stay focused and give your full attention to the remaining tasks.

Step 3. Improve your ability to focus
The brain is not the same as a muscle, but it can be strengthened like a muscle. Work on your ability to concentrate and focus on large tasks over time in the same way you would build strong muscles. Gradually increase the duration and intensity of your mental tasks. Over time, the tiredness that once appeared when performing some mental tasks will seem normal, and even feel easier.
For example, when you are learning to play the guitar and find it difficult to concentrate on completing the initial task of practicing notes and chords, try practicing every day, adding five minutes of practice time per day each week. For example, train for 30 minutes per day in the first week, 35 minutes in the second week, and so on. In less than two months, you'll be practicing for an hour a day and your guitar playing skills will improve tremendously

Step 4. Eliminate distractions
Usually, when faced with a difficult task, one will put it off by completing other meaningless distractions. To keep your mental stamina high and focus on the task, remove these distractions from your life. For example, if you have a bad habit of playing online games instead of doing a pile of tasks, download an app that can block gaming sites. If you're wasting more time reading a lousy magazine than finishing a novel you've designed, stop buying magazines. Do everything that can make you concentrate on your work. Because you have no other choice but to do it!
Double-check your schedule. Check your schedule for upcoming events that could interfere with your ability to focus on work. If your schedule clashes, cross out or reschedule a "fun" event so you can concentrate on your main task

Step 5. Don't overdo it with stimulant drinks
In the short term, coffee and energy drinks can be useful for increasing energy, because caffeine can increase your energy levels and focus. However, neither of these are useful for increasing mental stamina in the long term, as they often make you "crash" after the initial boost phase, which leaves you even more tired than before. These two stimulants can also form habits that make you addicted to caffeine. It even becomes useless even in the short term.
Never use stimulant drugs (eg Adderall, etc.) to be used as an aid in study or work. This type of drug has strong side effects and should not be used unless directed by a doctor

Step 6. Talk to other people
If you rely on your mental stamina to cope with a difficult situation such as a breakup or the loss of someone, know that most problems will be easier to deal with if you share them with other people. Share it with a loved one, a friend, a family member, or a trusted person when you're having a hard time. Most of the time, you will feel better just by expressing your feelings. You will feel more comfortable even if the person can't help you solve the problem.
If you're embarrassed to talk about it with other people because it's too personal, just talk about it to yourself. Think about how depressed you are and write down these feelings in a diary. After some time, reopen the book and read the thoughts you just wrote. You will be surprised by everything you write down and now you should be able to focus more clearly on dealing with the problem

Step 7. Rest
As with physical stamina, mental stamina also needs rest. If you've been concentrating hard on completing a task or overcoming a difficult situation, take a break when you get the chance. When you're at the office, walk down the office hallway to get some calm or splash water on your face in the restroom. If you're having trouble keeping a smile on your face at a stressful social event, don't beat yourself up, and take a few minutes to rest. You'll be amazed that a short break from a stressful situation can leave you feeling more refreshed, energized, and ready to get back to work.
- Increase your exercise time by a few minutes each day.
- When running, don't be too hard on the ground, keep your feet on the ground lightly, as this can help increase mileage and reduce fatigue.
- Run a short amount of time each day and increase the mileage if the first mile is easy for you.
- Motivate yourself to exercise every day, even if you're not in the mood.
- Doing exercise alone can help increase your stamina, because you won't feel pressured to do something because of the people around you. If you do it gradually at your own pace, you'll most likely be able to keep practicing, and eventually reach your goal.
- Reduce stress levels by doing relaxation every day.
- Give your body plenty of rest physically or cognitively. Alternate between physical and cognitive rest so you don't get tired.
- Do breathing exercises and meditation every day. Do yoga and meditation for at least an hour a day.
- Go for a walk in the evening after eating a meal.
- Consume fruit every day.
- Do the exercises at a steady pace and don't break your routine. Taking a break from activity may be helpful, but staying out of your routine for days at a time will make it difficult for you to get back into the routine.
- Don't drink caffeinated drinks such as coffee or energy drinks before doing aerobic exercise. These drinks speed up your heart rate, and once you start exercising, your heart can beat too fast, which can be life-threatening.
- Consuming energy drinks every day is unhealthy. If you want a healthy and strong body with high stamina, avoid consuming energy drinks in excess.