People want to lose weight for a variety of reasons. Some people try to do it to improve their physical appearance, while there are also those who do it with the reason to improve the health of the body in general. Whatever your reasons for losing weight, it's important to remember that a weight loss routine requires consistency and commitment on your part. There are several tips in this article that will help you lose weight.
Method 1 of 3: Lose Weight by Changing Your Diet

Step 1. Plan a new diet
The most important first step in losing weight is determining the right diet. Plan a diet that fits your lifestyle, and set clear weight loss goals. It is important for you to plan a diet that is in accordance with the ultimate goal to be achieved and also your medical/health history. Sometimes, it's best to have a dietitian design a diet plan for you. There are several ways you can do to lose weight by changing your diet. Below are some eating patterns that you can use.
- Keep in mind that no matter what diet you choose, dietitians and medical professionals recommend that you don't lose more than 450 to 900 grams per week, which is unsafe for your body. Also, studies show that rapid weight loss increases the risk of gaining weight back more easily later. To lose 450 to 900 grams per week, the average adult must cut 500 to 1,000 calories from their daily diet.
- Low-carb or no-carb diet: This type of diet excludes carbohydrates from the diet, and replaces the nutrients provided by carbohydrates with protein-rich foods. Although this type of diet is very helpful in losing weight, it may cause nutritional deficiencies because carbohydrates are an obligatory part that humans need naturally.
- Low-fat diet: This type of diet is designed to reduce the level of fat consumed from the diet so that there are no excess calories that increase weight. Also, reducing the level of fat consumed reduces the risk of increased blood pressure and heart disease.
- Low calorie diet: This type of diet controls the overall level of calories consumed, contained in all types of food, to help reduce human body weight. This type of diet usually causes fatigue because the average level of calories consumed is reduced, which causes the energy you have is also reduced.

Step 2. Talk to your doctor or dietitian
It is important for you to discuss with your doctor before starting a weight loss program.

Step 3. Drink plenty of water and vitamins
Not only healthy, drinking water also reduces hunger and cravings by making you feel full. Also, taking a daily multivitamin can help meet additional nutrients that your diet may not be getting enough of.
- Doctors advise adult men to consume at least 3 liters of water every day, while adult women are advised to drink 2.2 liters of water every day.
- Vitamins are very mandatory because in general the amount of food consumed will be reduced, which makes the body lack of nutrients.

Step 4. Don't skip breakfast
Going on a "no" diet means skipping a meal. Unlike many people believe, breakfast actually helps in boosting the metabolism to start the day, which helps in burning more calories going through the day.
Start your day with a single serving of food containing about 500 to 600 calories. Types of foods that are healthy and filling, and include safe to eat in your diet such as bananas, a bowl of oatmeal, whole wheat bread with one to two tablespoons of peanut butter. Both types of food will meet your body's carbohydrate and protein needs. Carbohydrates provide energy for you in no time, and protein provides energy to carry out activities throughout the day

Step 5. Don't forget lunch
If you have eaten in the morning and plan to eat in the evening, it is not recommended that you eat large meals at lunch. However, you can eat a healthy and filling meal for lunch.
- For lunch, you are advised to consume as much as 300 to 400 calories. Salad, yogurt, salmon, chicken (not fried, but grilled), fruit, soft cheese, steamed vegetables, or soup are all good choices.
- Avoid foods that are high in saturated fat or high in calories. Foods that include fried foods, solid sauces, and cream.

Step 6. Get dinner in moderation
For Americans, dinner is when they eat the most of the day. Therefore, it is very important for you to limit the portion of dinner. Do not overeat and also add dessert after dinner.
Your dinner should consist of 400 to 600 calories. Roast chicken with whole wheat pasta, mahi mahi tacos, stir-fried beef with broccoli and shiitake mushrooms, or round slices of beef with pomegranate sauce are delicious choices that meet nutritional needs and are within the recommended calorie range

Step 7. Avoid unhealthy snacks, soda, and alcohol
Snacking on chips, candy, and various other types of unhealthy foods in between meals is tempting when following a certain diet. All of these "unhealthy" snacks, especially those with a lot of "empty" calories or a lot of fat, will throw excess calories into your metabolism and store them as reserves. Also, soda and alcohol, especially beer, contain a lot of calories and are generally considered unhealthy for meeting the body's nutritional needs.
- Alternatively, try snacking on a handful of almonds, carrots and hummus, a low-calorie snack, or yogurt.
- It's important to remember that diet sodas have never been proven effective in weight loss. In fact, the level of sweetness contained by special diet sodas makes your body feel like you are getting a lot of calories, even though there are actually no calories entering the body. Therefore, drinking a special diet soda has a greater chance of increasing hunger and the desire to eat sweet and high-calorie foods.
Method 2 of 3: Lose Weight with Exercise

Step 1. Set a reasonable target weight
The body has certain limits in exercising. Therefore, it is important for you to be aware of it so as not to create an exercise routine that far exceeds the body's physical capabilities. Also, remember to change your lifestyle through small things (by walking or cycling instead of a vehicle, taking the stairs instead of an elevator, etc.) that can increase the amount of physical activity you do in one day, so your exercise intensity do not need to be overly forced.
Setting goals that are too far away can have a negative effect on you and trigger feelings of wanting to give up. Try setting small goals, which can be achieved in the span of one week, rather than making big goals that are impossible to achieve

Step 2. Make sure that the body can withstand the exercise
It is important for you to know if your body is able to withstand the exercise you are about to undergo. If your knees are weak, don't run or jog on a hard surface. If you have heart problems or other illnesses, make sure that you see a medical professional for advice on an exercise routine that is safe for you.

Step 3. Stretch before and after exercise
Make sure that you prepare your body for the workout by stretching your muscles before the workout. This way, you can avoid injury. Stretching after exercise can help prevent pain.
Be aware that an injury that occurs during exercise can be a major reason for delaying your weight loss plan. A pulled or torn muscle will keep you from exercising for weeks or even months, and the weight you've managed to lose may come back because of it

Step 4. Do a "low risk" exercise
While "low-risk" exercise may sound like it interferes with the rapid weight loss process, its true meaning is to avoid unnecessary straining of joints and muscles during exercise. Walking and jogging have proven to be effective substitutes for running. Various types of machines such as ellipticals, stair-climbers, and rowing machines can ensure that the body does not receive unnecessary stress during exercise.
In addition to running, jogging, swimming, and walking, simple exercises such as arm cycle, up down plank, squat, leg lift, plié squat, bench dip, kick, duck walk, lunge, and various other sports can be done to support weight loss.

Step 5. Monitor body condition during practice
Make sure that you continue to monitor your pulse, breathing, and heart rate throughout your workout to see if your body is able to properly handle the stresses of the workout. If you notice any sudden or unusual changes in bodily functions, see a doctor or medical professional as soon as possible.

Step 6. Do it consistently
Exercising infrequently will provide little or no benefit in weight loss. Once you have an exercise plan, do it consistently every day. There are two reasons for you to do this. First, the weight will only go down if the exercise is done consistently. Second, training that is interspersed with empty days or is done irregularly will make it more difficult for you to reach the desired weight, and this is because you cannot increase the duration or intensity of the exercise.
The results of the exercise may only be visible after quite a while. Stick to it regularly and remember that anything worthwhile may take some time to achieve. This may be difficult, but the results are worth it

Step 7. Assess your progress
If you don't have a scale, buy one! To make sure that the exercise you are doing helps you lose weight, you need to be able to monitor your weight.

Step 8. Don't despair
Weight loss through exercise will not happen instantly. The process takes a long time to produce measurable results, and in some cases, you may gain weight first. Stick to the exercise schedule with discipline and wait for the results to show.
Method 3 of 3: Undergoing Gastric Bypass Surgery

Step 1. Make surgery a last resort
Undergoing surgery to lose weight is a drastic and potentially dangerous step. Try every other available way to lose weight before taking surgery into your consideration.

Step 2. Know the advantages and disadvantages of gastric bypass surgery
There are advantages and disadvantages that you will experience after undergoing gastric bypass surgery so it is important for you to know the advantages and disadvantages associated with the operation.
Here are some of the advantages:
- You will lose weight very quickly
- Can be a solution when all other options don't work
- Appetite can be limited for people who have difficulty controlling the urge to eat
- Requires very little physical effort
As for some of the disadvantages are:
- Surgery is dangerous, expensive, and may not be covered by your insurance
- Your stomach may bleed if you eat too much
- The abdomen can stretch over time, which means that the results of the surgery are not permanent.
- This method does not solve the root of your weight gain problem
- This method may lead to a severe lack of intake

Step 3. Try to consult a health professional or doctor
A medical professional may be able to help you lose weight without undergoing gastric bypass surgery. Your medical professional may suggest alternative treatments, diet, therapy, or exercise programs that can help you avoid complications and limitations caused by gastric bypass surgery.
Also, some people who may be advised to undergo gastric bypass surgery are too large for the procedure. This can be an important reason for you to visit your doctor and discuss whether surgery is really a good solution for your weight problem

Step 4. Determine if the weight loss is worth the sacrifice
Your doctor will tell you if you are eligible for gastric bypass surgery, and you should also be informed about the limitations you will have to undergo postoperatively. Some of these include extreme limitations in food intake, strict restrictions on the types of food that can be consumed, as well as discomfort felt in the stomach during or after eating.

Step 5. Schedule and prepare for surgery
Gastric bypass surgery should not be underestimated. The surgery is an invasive medical procedure that requires you to take time off from work to recuperate, and may require the help of a friend or family member after the operation. Therefore, make sure that you plan everything in advance.

Step 6. Attend all planned appointments and follow the doctor's instructions
After undergoing gastric bypass surgery, you should strictly follow your doctor's advice during the recovery period to ensure that the best results can be achieved. Also, gastric bypass surgery requires you to see your doctor regularly to gauge your body's recovery after undergoing surgery.