A caricature is a portrait, picture, or painting, either exaggerating (extreme) or distorting the essence of a person or an object to create an easily identifiable visual image. A caricature of a politician is usually used in editorial cartoons in newspapers, while a caricature of a movie star is often found in entertainment magazines. Caricature comes from the Italian caricare, which means to give charge, so caricature essentially means "charged photo/image."
Method 1 of 2: Creating a Traditional Caricature

Step 1. Choose the person you want to caricature

Step 2. Prepare a pencil and drawing paper

Step 3. Draw a small body in the clothes that the person will wear when doing his hobby (eg wearing a ballet tutu skirt, which is a ballet dancer's skirt that has a puffy shape)

Step 4. Draw a large head with exaggerated shapes
For example, if the subject has a relatively wide forehead then emphasize this area by drawing it wider than it actually is. If the forehead is narrow compared to the average size then draw a narrower forehead.

Step 5. Draw the hair
If the subject has curly hair, make it very curly; if the hair is long, draw it up to the heel length; etc.

Step 6. Draw the eyes in bright colors
If the subject has long eyelashes, make them very long.

Step 7. Draw the nose
The nose is relatively simple, whether large or small, uneven or straight, and so on.

Step 8. Draw the mouth
Drawing lips is relatively easy, for example full round, thin, straight, etc. If the subject has fine teeth, draw very straight teeth; if the subject has large teeth, make it a barb; if the teeth are irregular, put braces on them. Do something extreme!
Method 2 of 2: Making Alternative Caricatures

Step 1. Determine the subject of the caricature and do research on it

Step 2. Ask yourself questions about some of the most important things
For example, what features are most important to subject structure? Do you find any part of the subject's face that is unusually large, small, admirable or captivating?

Step 3. Draw an outline of the subject and make sure to pay more intense attention to the shape of the face
The lines you draw should be smooth (not dashed), smooth, and steady. A caricature is an imitation of a cartoon, and won't look right if the image you're drawing is unclear or ambiguous and vague.

Step 4. Start filling in the features

Step 5. Feel free to exaggerate and play with features you have previously observed when you were doing research or studying a subject
Don't think about realism, but still create images based on what you see.

Step 6. Make sure to add a little time to create details, for example on the hair, freckles on the face, teeth, etc

Step 7. Make sure to add some elements around the head, like the hat
These additional elements must be drawn with smooth and firm lines.

Step 8. Make sure you compare the caricature you create with the subject, then make corrections or changes if needed

Step 9. Show the caricature of your work to the subject you are drawing
Be sure to gauge the quality of your caricature by observing the person's reaction.
- Pick two or three features of your subject, and draw them to the extreme.
- If you want the final image to be in black and white, try inking for an eye-catching result.
Be creative.