Does the thickness of your lawn appear uneven with certain thinning sections? Fertilization can help the lawn grow as thick/thick and green as you hope. To apply fertilizer properly, you must prepare the soil, choose the right fertilizer, and use a method that will give your lawn the best chance of growing stronger and healthier. Read the following article to find the information.
Method 1 of 2: Choosing the Type of Fertilizer

Step 1. Know your grass type
The type of grass will determine the type of fertilizer that needs to be used, and how often you need to fertilize. Some areas are suitable for growing warm season grass types - which can tolerate little water and hot weather. Meanwhile, other areas are suitable for cool season grasses - which are resistant to cold and extreme heat. If you don't know the type of grass in your yard, ask a neighbor who has the same type of grass, or pull a little bit of the grass and ask the nearest garden center.
- Including warm season grass types, including St. Augustine, Bahia, Carpetgrass, Centipede, Bermuda, and Buffalo. In the United States, for example, this species mainly grows in the southern part. This type of grass turns brown in the fall after the first frost of each year.
- Including cool season grasses, including Fine Fescue, Bluegrass, Bentgrass, and Ryegrass. In the United States, this species mainly grows in the northern part. This type of grass stays green all year round.
- Both warm season grass and cool season grass can grow in the central region of the United States.

Step 2. Perform a soil pH test
Measuring the level of alkalinity or acidity of the soil will help determine the pH of the fertilizer you should prepare. You can buy a soil pH meter at a gardening supply store or online. Follow the instructions to determine the pH of the soil. If the soil has a high acidity or alkalinity, you will need a type of fertilizer that will balance the pH of the soil appropriately for optimal grass growth.

Step 3. Measure the area of the lawn
You will need to know how many square meters your lawn is to determine the amount of fertilizer to buy. Multiply the length and width of the page to find the area in square meters. Make sure you reduce the area that does not need to be fertilized, such as the house and certain areas of landscaping.

Step 4. Buy fertilizer
Once you know the type of grass, soil pH, and yard area; choose the type of fertilizer that suits the needs of the grass in your yard. There are many different types of fertilizers to choose from, and it's a good idea to do a little research before choosing one. If you have difficulty making a choice, you should consult or ask for help from the gardening shop manager. Here are some factors you need to think about:
- You can buy fertilizer in liquid or granular form. Liquid fertilizers work quickly, but are also absorbed quickly so it is necessary to re-fertilize every few weeks. Meanwhile, granular fertilizer that is spread in the yard will be absorbed more slowly.
- Choose a granular fertilizer that reacts quickly or that reacts slowly. Slow-acting fertilizers only need to be applied once or twice during the grass growing season.
- Choose between chemical and organic fertilizers. You can use a fertilizer that also kills weeds. However, the use of organic fertilizers is relatively better for the health of your grass in the long run.
Method 2 of 2: Fertilizing the Lawn

Step 1. Provide adequate equipment
The equipment you use will give different results to your lawn fertilization activities. If you have a large lawn, we recommend renting equipment designed to spread the fertilizer evenly throughout your lawn.
- Choose a fertilizer spreader with a rotary spreader for large yards.
- Choose a drop spreader for small lawns or grasses that require careful fertilization, such as grass around flower beds or landscaping.

Step 2. Fertilize at the right time
In order for fertilization to give the best results, you should do it at the beginning of the growing season. However, each type of grass reacts differently.
- Fertilize warm season grass when it starts to turn green, in early spring. Fertilize again when the hottest period of summer has passed.
- Fertilize cool season grasses when the summer heat has passed, as growth occurs in early fall. For that you can use a fertilizer that will protect the grass during the fall and winter, given towards the end of summer. Re-fertilize in early spring, making sure the fertilizer is applied in time before the extreme heat.

Step 3. Prepare a fertilizer spreader (spreader)
Open and close your spreader when it's empty to make sure it's working properly. Fill the spreader with fertilizer according to the time of fertilization and the needs of the grass. Read the directions on the package for the recommended amount. Adjust the speeder settings to spread the fertilizer according to the recommended dose.

Step 4. Start fertilizing
Choose a location on the page to start and activate the spreader. Walk at a normal pace while the spreader spreads the fertilizer. Do it as consistently as possible without stopping, slowing or accelerating the pace or turning off the spreader.
- Sprinkle the fertilizer all over the yard evenly. Be careful not to overlap or even miss any areas.
- Make sure you don't sprinkle too much fertilizer. If you're not careful, your lawn could be 'burned' by chemicals.
- Clean the spreader after you have finished spreading the fertilizer. Spray the inside as well as the outside using a spray hose.

Step 5. Water your lawn
Watering helps the soil absorb the fertilizer properly so the grass will start to benefit from the fertilization.