Do you want to have long, beautiful hair that makes people stop and admire it? Many people dream of having long hair that makes a sound when you wave it, but don't know how to get it. Most of us don't realize that what we put into our body can affect our hair. Having a good hair care routine can also help prevent your hair from breaking before it has a chance to grow. Read on to find out how to grow your hair as fast as you can. This method will also make hair healthier and thicker.
Method 1 of 4: Taking good care of your hair

Step 1. Change the way you wash your hair
Factors such as how often you wash your hair and what temperature the water you use can affect the length of your hair. This is because washing your hair too often (like every day) and using too hot water can cause hair to dry out and become brittle. This eventually leads to hair breakage which prevents your hair from growing long and thick. The solution? Wash your hair no more than 3 times a week, and use the coldest water you can stand.
- At first, reducing the frequency of shampooing may make your hair look a little greasy. Wear a hat or headgear if desired for a few days until your scalp gets used to the new routine and produces less oil and is back in balance. It shouldn't take long for that!
- If you hate cold showers, try washing your hair in the sink in cold water, separate from your regular shower. When you shower, keep your hair covered.

Step 2. Dry your hair gently
Are you used to drying your hair roughly with towels, combing it, and using a hairdryer? If so, then you are damaging your hair! Your hair doesn't have a chance to grow long and strong because you treat it too harshly when it's still wet. Think of your hair like clothes made of soft fabric so you wouldn't just toss it in the dryer, but the other way around. You will be careful to hang it outside and let it air dry. Now, treat your hair just as soft. After washing, pat dry with a towel, allowing the rest to air dry.
- Do not comb your hair while it is still wet. Wet hair tends to be more easily pulled and broken than dry hair. If you need to untangle the tangles, use your fingers and a wide-toothed comb to gently untangle the tangles.
- Don't blow your hair except for special occasions. Frequent blow drying causes hair breakage, frizz and split ends. The damage is not easily repaired so you have to wait for new hair to grow.

Step 3. Do not use harsh chemicals on your hair
The shampoo and conditioner you use may affect your poor hair growth. Most commercial shampoos contain sulfates which wash the natural oils from your hair, making it more susceptible to breakage. Conditioner contains silicone which coats the hair with chemicals and therefore needs to be washed with a stronger shampoo in order to be clean and abrasive. This wash and wear cycle can really damage your hair! Instead, do the following ways
- Do one last rinse of your hair with a strong shampoo to remove any remaining silicone. Don't give conditioner just yet; just untangle it so it doesn't wrinkle and let it air dry.
- Give your hair a break for a few days. Don't do anything to it - don't wash it, straighten it, or use any products!
- When it's time to wash again, use a natural shampoo. Read labels and use shampoos that contain only natural oils and other cleansers, no chemicals. You can even try shampooing without shampoo.
- After that, soften your hair using diluted apple cider vinegar instead of conditioner. This method really works and once it dries it won't smell like vinegar at all. For a deep 'conditioning' treatment, try using coconut oil. After that, you'll never want to go back to the chemical-filled products you've used before.

Step 4. Try natural hair styling techniques and products
Start using gentle ways to style your hair. Use heating tools such as curling irons, straighteners, and hair dryers sparingly. Switch from chemical-based hairsprays and styling gels to more natural versions. This will give your hair a chance to grow long and strong, and reveal its own unique natural texture.
- You can make your own hair gel from harmless ingredients.
- To straighten stubborn hair that stands up or curls, use a little argan oil or other cosmetic oil on your hair, instead of using over-the-counter products.
- Try natural ways to curl your hair without heat or straighten it without heat.

Step 5. Use a hair mask once every two weeks
This will help repair the damage that has already been done by restoring moisture to your hair. After that, your hair will feel soft, smooth and healthy, and will stay healthy long enough to continue growing.
- Try a hot oil mask using coconut oil and almond oil. Coconut oil is highly penetrating and deeply moisturizes while almond oil adds a little extra glow to dry and brittle hair. Massage the oil into your hair and put on a shower cap. Run the blower over the shower cap for about 10 minutes, then remove the cap and wash your hair.
- You can also try using warm olive oil, cinnamon and honey – these ingredients can make your hair shine by moisturizing it.

Step 6. Protect your hair from external damage
Cover your hair when you spend hours in the sun, swimming in chlorinated pools, or sitting in places with high levels of air pollution. Your hair can be damaged by repeated exposure to these factors, so tie your hair under a scarf, hood or hat, and wear a head covering when swimming. And make sure to wash it gently afterwards to keep your hair healthy.
Method 2 of 4: Having a Healthy Diet and Taking Hair Growth Supplements

Step 1. Eat more protein
Protein is the main building block of hair, and you need plenty of protein for your hair to grow long, shiny and healthy. This doesn't mean you have to eat a lot of meat (although you can) - it does mean that you need to focus on getting protein from most of your meals.
- If you are a meat eater, then enjoy beef, chicken, fish, pork and other types of meat. Eggs and some types of cheese are also high in protein.
- Soybeans and other legumes, and leafy vegetables like spinach also have protein. So if you are a vegetarian you have to live with this food!

Step 2. Consume omega-3 fatty acids
These "good" fats contribute to healthy, glowing hair and skin. Omega 3s can be found in a number of delicious foods such as avocados, nuts, salmon, flaxseed oil, and more. You can also take fish oil supplements to provide a large and instant intake of omega-3s if you need more supplements.

Step 3. Drink plenty of water
If you are dehydrated, it will show in your hair. Your hair will become dry, dull and more prone to breakage. This means that drinking water is an important and easy part of growing longer hair. Drink plenty of water and you will see the difference in no time!
- Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go and aim to drink at least 2-3 liters of water per day.
- If you find it difficult to drink a lot of water, drinking herbal teas or flavored water can also work.
- Avoid caffeinated and alcoholic drinks and don't drink too much soda. Choose water instead.

Step 4. Take or use a hair growth supplement
Certain supplements are said to help promote hair growth and lead to long hair over time. It's not an instant fix, but if you start taking supplements, you'll see significant hair growth over a few weeks or months. Try some of these supplements and see if they work for you:
- Biotin is a popular hair growth supplement. Biotin is often taken by pregnant women to ensure that the baby in their womb gets enough nutrition, but there is no prohibition against consuming it even if you are not pregnant.
- Atlantic cedar tree oil is a supplement that can be applied directly to the scalp to promote hair growth. Argan oil can also be used in the same way.
- Beta-sitosterol is a plant and seed-based substance that can cause faster hair growth.
Method 3 of 4: Using Wigs and Other Instant Ways of Lengthening Hair

Step 1. Apply hair extensions with tongs
This method can be the fastest way to get long hair! Go to a beauty supply store and choose hair extensions that match your hair color and texture. Pin this hair under the top layer of your hair, close to your scalp, so it will blend in well with your natural hair.
- Wear enough hair extensions so that they are evenly distributed and neither side looks thicker than the other.
- You can get hair extensions made of plastic, real people's hair, and other substances. The price is proportional to the quality. The more you are willing to pay a premium, the more beautiful and natural your hair extensions will look.

Step 2. Purchase professional hair extensions or weaves at a salon
This option is a more expensive and more permanent version of the extension. These extensions made from real hair or wigs are woven, sewn, or glued to your hair or scalp. This is a popular way to get long hair instantly that is widely used by celebrities.
- It is very important for you to make sure that you are treated by a salon technician who is an expert in this matter. Don't accept extensions or weaving done by an amateur as they can cause pain, irritation, and hair loss.
- Only try putting on your hair extensions yourself if you're sure you can do it! Otherwise, you may lose some hair in the installation process.

Step 3. Try on a wig
Want your hair to be instantly longer? Why not try a wig or wig? You can try all kinds of hair colors and textures (straight, curly, wavy, etc.), and the best part is, you can wear it as long as you want. Head to a wig shop and talk to a waitress or a professional to help you choose the one that best suits your skin tone and face shape. You can even cut and style this wig at the salon if you want.
Method 4 of 4: Maintaining Healthy Hair by Changing Your Lifestyle

Step 1. Trim your hair a little about once every three months
Don't trim too often because you're trying to grow your hair out. Trimming the ends is important for removing damaged ends, which if left untreated can leave you with long hair that feels and looks like straw.

Step 2. Massage your scalp with your fingers for better blood circulation
Do this for about 5-10 minutes to stimulate blood flow to the area. An increase in blood flow means an increase in the amount of nutrients transported there which will promote growth. Lavender oil (pure essential oil) can be massaged on the scalp on certain days this oil is said to be very helpful in promoting hair growth.
- Exercise in general increases blood flow throughout your body which also means it increases blood flow to your head.
- Combing your hair is also good for increasing blood circulation in your scalp.

Step 3. Reduce stress
Stress can cause hair loss as well as a decrease in the speed of hair growth. If you are experiencing stress, try yoga or other types of exercise to help you relax and reduce stress.

Step 4. Get enough sleep
Eight hours of sleep a day is very important for hair health and growth. Sleep is the main time your body uses to grow and repair itself. If you are not getting enough sleep then your body will not have enough time to concentrate on hair growth.
- Don't use a brush comb on your hair while it's still wet as it can break and break hair and also cause split ends - use a wide-toothed comb instead.
- Don't tie your hair too tight. This can cause breakage and your hair won't grow as fast.
- Do not brush your hair harshly as it will damage your hair. Trimming split ends or damaged hair is also a good thing to do.
- Always use a wide-toothed comb to comb your hair to prevent strands from falling out or pulling out.
- Avoid dyeing, brushing, and blowing your hair and using harsh chemicals and heating devices (such as straighteners or curling irons).
- The average hair growth rate is 15 cm per 12 months or about 5 cm per month. Performing all the above treatment steps can reduce the risk of hair breakage and hair loss thereby avoiding the possibility of cutting the extra 15 cm in the salon.
- Use argan oil on your hair. This oil makes your hair grow faster.
- Try covering your hair with a fashionable hat or other hair accessory that will protect it from the sun's rays without looking shabby, or wear a beanie so you don't thicken your hair.
- Use a silk pillowcase on your bed to prevent hair breakage.
- Wash your hair every other day to keep your hair smooth and beautiful.
- If you must comb your hair while it is still wet, then comb it from the bottom up.
- Don't wash your hair too often. Twice or once a week is enough.
- When the weather is sunny and you will be traveling outside for a long time, use sun protection, as the sun can damage your hair.
- Try using avocados, they are great for your hair.