How to Recognize the Signs of a Cat in Passion: 11 Steps

How to Recognize the Signs of a Cat in Passion: 11 Steps
How to Recognize the Signs of a Cat in Passion: 11 Steps

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An unneutered female cat will become sexually mature between 5 and 12 months of age, depending on how well she is fed and the age of the cat itself. Unlike feral cats out there who have to compete for food and feel cold in winter, pet cats have the privilege of getting plenty of food and light. This affects the cat's mating season. Feral cats have a specific breeding season, with kittens born in the spring and early fall, while your pet cat can have a breeding season at any time, and will probably have one every three to four weeks. A cat's behavior in heat can be worrying if you can't identify the cause, but the instructions below will make it easier for you to identify whether your cat is in heat or not.


Part 1 of 2: Recognizing Changes in Cat Behavior

Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 1
Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 1

Step 1. Listen to its distinctive meowing sound

Another term for a cat in heat is "a distinctive meow." When in heat, the female cat becomes very noisy and will often walk around the roof of the house. These noises can sound like sad sounds, sad cries, and can be loud and the meowing will be long enough to keep you up at night.

  • If your cat does meow constantly all the time, this kind of noise isn't necessarily a sign that your cat is in heat.
  • When a cat is meowing characteristically, the meows usually become much louder and longer, and occur in conjunction with the other behaviors listed below.
Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 2
Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 2

Step 2. Observe the cat's restless behavior

Restless behavior and as if unable to do anything are characteristic of female cats in heat.

This restlessness usually occurs at the same time that he is meowing with a characteristic sound

Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 3
Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 3

Step 3. Cats expect more love from their owners

A female cat when in heat often looks much more spoiled than usual. If your cat usually seems nonchalant, this behavior will change when the cat is in heat.

  • When in heat, your cat will rub his body around your ankle constantly as if to indicate that he will be in danger if you try to walk.
  • This behavior will also be seen in the way he rubs his cheeks and chin (where his scent glands are) on furniture, and especially on entrances and exits such as on door frames.
  • When in heat, a cat's scent changes subtly, and he likes to spread this scent around him to tell the male cat to come to him.
Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 4
Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 4

Step 4. Watch your cat's tail

A distinctive sign of a cat ready to mate is the tail curling reflex. You will see that when you rub her lower back, especially over the pelvis and base of the tail, the female cat will lift her bottom and move her tail to one side.

This reflex is a female cat's way of making it easier for male cats to access their genitals for mating

Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 5
Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 5

Step 5. Observe the cat crawling

This is a behavior in which the cat puts the front quarter of the body on the ground while the bottom is raised in the air, and then crawls along the floor in this position.

Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 6
Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 6

Step 6. Watch the cat roll over and over

Some female cats when in heat will roll over and appear wailing at the same time.

If you can't recognize a cat's behavior this is completely normal although sometimes the cat's behavior can cause you concern, and cause you to call your vet in a panic. However, keep in mind, this is not a sign that your cat is sick

Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 7
Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 7

Step 7. Watch the cat's excessive licking movements

When a cat is in heat, usually the genitals will become swollen. This mild swelling is uncomfortable, and will likely cause your cat to lick the area constantly.

This mild swelling will not be noticeable to the layman, so don't expect you to see a physical difference

Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 8
Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 8

Step 8. The cat will disappear temporarily

Even pet cats will disappear temporarily when in heat. If the male cat does not come when the female cat is “called”, then the female cat will likely go on an adventure for a day or two to find a male cat for herself.

If your cat is not neutered and you don't want her to become pregnant, then keep your cat indoors while she is in heat and lock the door so the male cat cannot enter

Part 2 of 2: Understanding the Cat's Reproductive Cycle

Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 9
Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 9

Step 1. Understand the estrus cycle in cats

Female cats are polyestrous animals, i.e. animals whose cycles of heat are repeated several times a year.

  • This is different from dogs that have a diestrus cycle, where the heat cycle is only twice a year.
  • When in heat, your cat's uterus will swell due to its increased blood supply which will be used to anticipate pregnancy. You will not be able to observe this because there are no visible external signs.
Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 10
Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 10

Step 2. Understand the role of seasons

The mating season for wild cats is between spring and late summer. This means that the kittens will be born in winter, when their chances of survival are reduced.

  • Indoor lighting (artificial light) can trick a pet cat into thinking it's not winter. Thus, if your cat spends a lot of time indoors, the changing seasons will have little or no effect on her reproductive cycle.
  • A pet cat that always stays indoors will experience a cycle of heat throughout the year.
Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 11
Tell if Your Cat Is in Heat Step 11

Step 3. Know the time frame of the cat's reproductive cycle

The female cat's reproductive cycle lasts an average of 21 days. From a total of three weeks, he will experience a period of heat for seven days.


  • Keep your cat indoors and away from potential mates when she is in heat, unless you want to keep kittens.
  • A cat's heat period usually lasts 4-7 days.
  • Due to the problem of overpopulation of cats with countless stray cats, and those that are euthanized every year, you should spay your cat unless you are a professional breeder.
  • You can spay your cat at your local vet. Usually, it costs around IDR 600,000 – IDR 1,860,000, depending on where you live and where you spay your cat.
