Working in two different places is indeed a less than ideal situation. But sometimes, you are forced to do it in order to improve your financial condition. Don't worry, read this article to find out the strategy!
Method 1 of 3: Managing Time

Step 1. Use the agenda to keep track of your schedule
Doing more than one job is prone to making you forget appointments with coworkers or come late to the office. Therefore, make sure you have a special agenda to record your daily schedule.
If your schedule is really tight, try dividing your activities into 15-minute intervals

Step 2. Discuss your situation with your boss at work
Most likely you are reluctant to do it, right? Believe me, telling your busy boss at the office will actually reduce your burden. In fact, it could be that your boss will actually help arrange a work schedule that makes it easier for you.

Step 3. Compile your to-do list
No matter how great your memory, the possibility of forgetting a small responsibility or two is still there (especially for those of you who work on two or more jobs). To help you remember each task and responsibility, try compiling a to-do list for the day as soon as you wake up. Don't forget to cross out the activities you have completed!

Step 4. Ask a friend, relative, or partner for help
Balancing professional and personal responsibilities (such as cooking, cleaning the house, and paying bills) can be a particularly difficult task for those with two or more jobs.
- Ask a friend, relative, or partner to help with cooking, washing clothes, babysitting, or other personal responsibilities. Make sure you thank them for their help; also show how much you really appreciate the help with concrete actions like hugging them tightly.
- Having trouble finding time to cook dinner? Do not worry. Invite some of your friends to cook one type of food in large portions. After that, divide the food into small portions and put it in the freezer. Whenever you want, you can take a serving of food and heat it up as your dinner.

Step 5. Keep your boundaries
Make sure you determine when to start – and stop – working. If you don't, chances are you'll lose track of time and work too late, especially if you can do some of the work from home.
If you've already made plans to have fun with friends and relatives, don't let your work get in the way of those plans. Do your best to balance social and professional life
Method 2 of 3: Dealing with Stress

Step 1. Get used to a busy schedule
Working in two different places will certainly make you busier than the average person. Try to get used to the busyness; view the busyness as a “little madness” that has become a part of your life and as such, you have to accept. Try your best to maintain positivity and do your best to get through the busyness.

Step 2. Take at least one day a week to take care of yourself
Crazy busyness is prone to make you forget to take time for yourself. Every now and then, there's nothing wrong with getting away from the crushing bustle; take the time to rest to have fun with friends and family and relax. If possible, set aside one day a week to do so.
Plan a day of fun with friends and relatives; take them to a museum, watch a movie, or just relax and chat at home all day

Step 3. Stay connected with friends and relatives
Working in many vulnerable places makes you feel alienated from the people closest to you. Therefore, make sure you look for ways to stay connected with those closest to you, no matter how busy you are.
- Phone or contact the people closest to you through short messages regularly; You can also diligently update your status on social media so that the people closest to you know your latest news and activities.
- Always remember that phone calls, text messages, and interactions via social media will never replace face-to-face interactions with loved ones. So make sure you always set aside time to just have lunch with friends and relatives on the sidelines of busyness.

Step 4. Get as much sleep as possible
Doing two jobs risk increasing fatigue but reducing your sleep time. If one job requires you to work at night, the chances of experiencing sleep disturbances or excessive fatigue will increase.
If possible, go to bed earlier at night so that you have more energy to work all day the next day. Also take advantage of free time at the office – however short it may be – to take a nap. Even if you only sleep for 20 minutes, your energy and alertness will increase after that

Step 5. Feel free to please yourself
Many people are forced to do two jobs for financial reasons. However, if you are too stingy or calculating, you will most likely feel that all your efforts and hard work has been in vain. Set aside some of your income to pay important bills and save; but don't forget to also fulfill personal needs and pleasures.
Buy new clothes, do treatments at the salon, or occasionally invite friends to dinner at an expensive restaurant

Step 6. If possible, choose an office location that is not far apart
Moving too far can consume your time and energy; as a result, there will be no more energy left to do the second work. We recommend that you choose an office location that is not far apart to reduce the possibility of stress and maximize your time.
Method 3 of 3: Maximizing Second Job

Step 1. Choose a job that you enjoy and that can benefit you
One way to work to the fullest is to choose a job that you enjoy and can provide you with long-term benefits. Choose a job that matches your hobbies or that can equip you with new skills that will be useful in the future.
If you like video games, for example, try working in a retail store that sells a variety of video games

Step 2. Take time to rest before starting any other work
To reduce the chances of depression, always take time to rest before you start another job. It doesn't take too long; just take about 30 minutes to rest your body and mind.
For example, you could take the 30 minutes you have available to stop by your favorite coffee shop and have a nice hot cup of coffee before doing the second job

Step 3. Focus on what you are doing
Undertaking two or more jobs is tough; as a result, some people often do work A while working on job B. While ideally this would make your job done faster, in fact the opposite is true. Your inability to focus on one job will actually reduce the effectiveness of your work.