4 Ways to Win Back Your Ex-Girlfriend (Male)

4 Ways to Win Back Your Ex-Girlfriend (Male)
4 Ways to Win Back Your Ex-Girlfriend (Male)

Table of contents:


Let's be honest. Winning back your lover's heart is more difficult than winning the heart of another man. But, if you want to keep fighting to do it, the value of him must be worth it. If you want to win your lover back, you have to reflect on what went wrong, work on improving yourself, and then approach at the right time. If you want to know how to win your lover's heart back and how not to get your heart broken again, follow these steps.


Method 1 of 4: Reflecting on Relationships

Win Your Man Back Step 1
Win Your Man Back Step 1

Step 1. Give yourself space

If you're constantly around your ex, you won't be able to take a step back and gain perspective on what went wrong in your relationship. While you don't have to avoid him, you shouldn't call him, find a million ways to talk to him, or even send him a Facebook message as soon as your relationship ends. This is a time of your own for a while though that doesn't mean you can't go to a party you know your ex is going to.

  • Once you move away from him, you'll have a clearer perspective on how you really feel and what you really like about the relationship.
  • If you are away from him, he will start to think about your existence. You will make him want you more by walking away.
Win Your Man Back Step 2
Win Your Man Back Step 2

Step 2. Think about what went wrong

Before trying to set things straight, you need to be honest about what went wrong in your relationship. Take some time to do some self-discovery and ask yourself what caused your relationship to end. Do you often change moods, or are you too introverted, or often flirty with other people? Think about what you can do to change that dynamic.

  • You should try to win it back if you think you can make a difference. If you break up because the two of you aren't compatible and can't really make the relationship work, it will be much harder to win over your ex than if you don't spend enough time with them.
  • Make a list of the things that aren't working in your relationship, and mark the things you can control.
  • Ask yourself if you are just going through a difficult time in your life or are facing a major change. You may be better prepared for a relationship if you feel more stable and positive.
Win Your Man Back Step 3
Win Your Man Back Step 3

Step 3. Change your style

Once you find out what's wrong in your relationship, resist the urge to call your ex and show off what you found. Actions speak more than words. Be the new you, and this fact will spread.

  • If the relationship ended because you were too clingy, try not to stick to it all the time. If you are calm, he will notice that you have changed.
  • If your relationship ended because you didn't give him enough attention, start making him feel special. Tell him that he looks great and that you are happy to meet him.
  • If the relationship ends because you spent a lot of time flirting with other guys, don't let him see you with other guys too often or he'll feel reminded of your failed relationship.

Method 2 of 4: Improving Yourself

Win Your Man Back Step 4
Win Your Man Back Step 4

Step 1. Take care of how you look and feel

Go to the salon for hair and manicures. Take a warm foam bath and choose nice clothes. Once you look good, you will start to feel much better. You don't have to change your overall appearance if you want to change. You just need to pay attention to body care and hygiene, and the rest will follow.

  • Take about 10-15 minutes to get ready in the morning, and you'll start to feel better. Maybe you were too busy or stressed before to care about your appearance.
  • Cut your hair. There's nothing that makes you feel like starting a new chapter more than a haircut.
Win Your Man Back Step 5
Win Your Man Back Step 5

Step 2. Stop thinking about people's thoughts

If you're too insecure to spend time thinking about how people see you, you'll never improve enough to get your ex's attention. It doesn't matter if people think you're cute, cute, or charming. The point is to think positively about yourself.

  • If you don't care what people think, you'll radiate confidence and your ex will be impressed that you finally know how to be yourself.
  • Don't worry about his friends. Maybe his friends think you're not right for your ex or they just can't get along with you. You should be nice and try to get close to them, but don't overdo it or you'll lose sight of your target.
Win Your Man Back Step 6
Win Your Man Back Step 6

Step 3. Keep yourself busy with the things you love

If you are busy with school work, friends, and busy pursuing your interests, you will be able to grow as a whole person who is constantly improving and who is not busy missing your ex. In addition, if he sees that you are clearly busy and not sitting around staring at the sky, he will see that you make a lot of contribution and that you are a person who has an active and active life.

  • Let your ex see you do the things you love, whether it's drowning yourself in the study room or going for a run.
  • Spend time with your friends. They can keep you positive and give you a refreshing perspective.
  • Don't use a momentary relationship as a means to occupy yourself. This will only annoy or annoy you.
Win Your Man Back Step 7
Win Your Man Back Step 7

Step 4. Develop and express your individuality

As you pursue your interests and distance yourself from your ex, you'll gain a better understanding of yourself as an individual, not just as a hurting ex. Take this time to really be yourself and show the world who you are.

  • Wear impressive clothes. Wear clothes that make you stand out as an individual. You don't have to wear something tacky to get attention. Be bold and wear "fun" clothes you've never worn out of shame.
  • Express your individuality by being creative. Write a story, take an acting class, or sing a song at an open mic event. Let your ex see that you are comfortable expressing your individuality.

Method 3 of 4: Getting Him to Want You Back

Win Your Man Back Step 8
Win Your Man Back Step 8

Step 1. Develop self-confidence

Assertiveness and self-confidence are naturally very attractive to most people. Showing your ex that you are capable of being happy is a very attractive and natural way of bringing out the desire. If he sees that you are happy with who you are and what you do, he will want you even more. Here are ways to develop self-confidence:

  • Be a positive thinker. If you learn to see the good in the world and not the bad, you'll spread unavoidable positive energy, and your ex will want to be around you again.
  • Be happy with your appearance. Think of at least three things you like about yourself, and dress to show off your best assets. Make sure to keep exercising regularly to be physically and mentally strong.
  • Be assertive. Speak clearly and effectively. Don't mumble or whisper. Get attention with your voice, and everyone will see that you are confident in what you have to say.
Win Your Man Back Step 9
Win Your Man Back Step 9

Step 2. Be classier

While it's fun to party and dance a lot, it's not always classy behavior. If you're at a party, classy behavior is social, by speaking calmly and not hogging attention. You can have a little fun as long as you're not careless and he'll like you even more. No one wants to date a woman who has fallen drunk or is struggling to get all the attention.

  • Classy behavior is part of maturity. Every man wants a woman who is mature and in control of their emotions, not one who likes to cause chaos in public.
  • Dress elegantly. Your appearance should also be classy, not just your behavior. You can show a bit of cleavage, but don't wear clothes that are scandalous or that are too tight and make you look too pushy and cheesy. If you look cute but classy, your ex will automatically notice you.
Win Your Man Back Step 10
Win Your Man Back Step 10

Step 3. Let him see you having fun

Smile and show that you are really enjoying the atmosphere and bringing joy to the people around you. You better not pretend. If you really want him to want you back, you have to really have fun, and be comfortable without him.

  • Laugh – often. Let him see you laugh and giggle with friends and enjoy life.
  • Get involved. Engage yourself fully in the conversation you are having. Let him see you come alive, make gestures and express opinions.
  • Let him see you engaged in fun activities. If he sees you laughing while watching a quiz, enjoying a run with a girlfriend, or dancing on the dance floor, he'll want to spend more time with you.
Win Your Man Back Step 11
Win Your Man Back Step 11

Step 4. Avoid overly aggressive behavior as if you were avoiding the plague

If you really want to get his attention, show him how much you have fun, or look amazing until he's blown away, he'll get your point. Try to keep yourself the best version of yourself and hope he will notice you. Don't overdo it or you'll only make things worse.

  • Don't try too hard to have fun when you're around. Let everything be natural.
  • Don't try too hard to be attractive around him. Dress appropriately for the occasion and don't put on more makeup than you normally wear or wear very high heels just to get her attention. He will certainly notice you, but not in a good way.
  • Don't stick to it. Let him come to you. If you are at a party, let him approach and greet you first.

Method 4 of 4: Approaching

Win Your Man Back Step 12
Win Your Man Back Step 12

Step 1. Tell him how you feel

Once you've reflected on what went wrong in your relationship, improved yourself, and got his attention, all that's left is to tell him how you feel. This part may be difficult, but you have to get rid of your shyness and get over the nervous feeling in your chest if you want results. Opening up and telling her you want to try one more time won't be easy, but it's worth it. Here's how to do it:

  • Choose the right time and place. Try inviting him alone when he's in a good mood and when his friends aren't around.
  • Swallow your shame. If you made a mistake in the past, apologize and be specific to show that you are self-aware.
  • Be honest. Tell him that you miss him in your life, and that you made a big mistake and want him back.
  • Tell him that you want to make amends and show him that you have changed.
Win Your Man Back Step 13
Win Your Man Back Step 13

Step 2. Keep him this time

If your ex is receptive, you'll start spending time with him, whether on a date or with you in a crowd. You should make the most of the time you have with him to make sure that you never lose him again. Here's what you should do:

  • Don't repeat mistakes. Remind yourself of what went wrong before and vow not to do the same thing this time. Remember how hard you tried to improve yourself.
  • Don't put too much pressure on yourself. If you're constantly worried that you'll make another mistake, you won't be able to focus on the present.
  • Start a new sheet. Think of this as starting a whole new relationship with lots of information. Don't live in the past or bring up old arguments.
  • Be yourself. Even though you are now a better version of you, you are still your old self, so remember to be the girl he fell in love with in the first place. If you try too hard to prove how different you are today, you will lose perspective on yourself.
Win Your Man Back Step 14
Win Your Man Back Step 14

Step 3. Know when to walk away

If you've tried everything, but your ex still won't give you time, it's already a fatal mistake for you to be able to chase him back. If he ignores you, rejects your approach, or is being mean to you, it's time for you to back off before you get hurt even more.

  • Remember, not all relationships can be saved. You did your best and praise yourself for trying.
  • Turn around with your head held high. Don't feel ashamed for opening up and telling your true feelings.


  • Be positive when you're going through it all so you don't appear to care about the situation. Don't make negative comments about what people are saying because it shows that you really care.
  • If you are asked why the girl/boy is behaving like that towards you, tell them honestly that you don't know. Don't make fun of or spread gossip about them to anyone. That way, they'll look like (most likely in fact) crazy people, and you'll look like an innocent person who's been hurt.
  • Jealous people will try to bring you down to their level. Do not let. Remember that your future is bright.
  • If you're around your ex, don't just sit back and think about what you're going to say. Talk to the people around you and he will naturally be sucked into the conversation.
  • Remember that happiness is the key to the value of life. Enjoy your life to the fullest and make the most of every situation. Finding happiness is the definition of success in life.
  • Every action he does is to get your attention. So smile and act like his flirting with other girls doesn't bother you.
  • If you have a hard time ignoring drama, imagine that you're sitting in an airplane starting to fly, watching the cars and buildings shrink. Your body is that small, even smaller. Your problem is only in your head. Imagine how small your head is when compared to those cars.


  • Don't react to their words. The less you say, the less likely you are to be dragged into an argument.
  • Never tell your friends that you have a problem with your boyfriend because they will eventually intervene!
  • Don't get revenge by cheating.
