If you have a friend who speaks Spanish, you may want to wish them a happy birthday in their native language. The most common way to say “happy birthday” in Spanish is " feliz cumpleaños " (fey-LIIZ KUUM-pley-ahn-yos). There are also a few things that will make your congratulations even more special and personal. You can also liven up the traditional culture of celebrating your friend's birthday.
Method 1 of 2: Standard Happy Birthday Wishes

Step 1. Say "¡ Feliz cumpleaos
"This phrase means "happy birthday" and is used to greet someone on their birthday. This phrase is suitable for anyone in any situation. The pronunciation of " feliz cumpleaños " is fey-LIIZ KUUM-pley-ahn-yohs.
- You can add the name of the person related or related to you, if you want. For example, if the birthday person is your mother, say "¡ Feliz cumpleaos, mi madre !"
- If you want to say "happy birthday" to a friend in a more informal way, you can also say "feliz cumple " (fey-LIIZ KUUM-pley).

Step 2. Use " felicidades " to say regular congratulations
"Felicidades " (fey-lii-sii-DA-deys) means "congratulations". Some of you may find it odd to say “congratulations” to someone on their birthday, but this is common among Spanish speakers. This is appropriate, especially if you've wished this person a birthday before.
- For example, if you're at a friend's birthday party, say " feliz cumpleaños " when you arrive, then say " felicidades " when you leave.
- You can also say " felicidades en tu día ", which means "have a nice day."

Step 3. Say that you wish the birthday person a long life
On someone's birthday, it is customary to wish him long life and express the hope that he will celebrate many birthdays in the future. If you want to express this sentiment in Spanish, say "¡ Que cumplas muchos más !"
The translation of the phrase is "that you complete more." Pronounce it as "key KUU-plas MUU-chos mahs."

Step 4. Sing the song "Happy Birthday" in Spanish
The basic happy birthday song in Spanish is sung to the same rhythm as Indonesian. However, the lyrics in Spanish cannot exactly follow the lyrics in Indonesian.
- The lyrics of the happy birthday song in Latin America are: "¡ Feliz cumpleaos a ti! ¡Feliz cumpleaos a ti! Feliz cumpleaos querido/a (name), feliz cumpleaños a ti. Ya queremos pastel, Ya queremos pastel, aunque sea un pedacito, pero queremos pastel."
- On the other hand, the lyrics of a happy birthday song in Spanish are "Cumleaños feliz, cumpleaños feliz, te deseamos todos, cumpleaños feliz."
Happy birthday songs can be quite complicated in Spanish culture. Many Latin American countries, such as Colombia, Venezuela, and Chile, have their own versions of the traditional “happy birthday,” some have multiple stanzas and are quite long.
Method 2 of 2: Celebrating Happy Birthday in Spanish or Latin America

Step 1. Get ready to celebrate with the whole family
In Spanish-speaking culture, birthdays are considered a family event. Although friends can be invited, birthday parties are usually held by the family of the birthday party. The whole family, including distant relatives are usually present there.
If you are invited to a Spanish-speaking friend's birthday party, their family will be warm, friendly, and loving. Especially in Spain, you will hug a lot of strangers

Step 2. Recognize the importance of quinceañera for a 15 year old girl
In Latin American countries, especially Mexico, a 15th birthday signifies a person has entered adulthood. The traditional celebration begins with going to church and dressing formally.
- Part of the event at this church is the "masa de acción de gracias," in which the woman thanks her for going through her childhood.
- The "festejada" (birthday) usually receives gifts from the family, including tiaras and jewelry.
- These parties usually include a sumptuous meal, accompanied by music and dancing that can last for hours.

Step 3. Eat "tres leches" cake at a Mexican birthday party
The "tres leches" cake is a large, colorful cake served as the centerpiece of a Mexican birthday party. These cakes are usually decorated with a theme that reflects something the birthday person likes.
For example, if the birthday person likes football, chances are the "tres leches" cake is decorated like a football field, complete with players and a small audience supporting their team

Step 4. Hit the piñata while your eyes are closed
The piñata is one of the best known Spanish traditions. Pinatas are usually brightly colored and come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and are filled with lots of small toys and candies. Party attendees take turns trying to beat the piñata to shreds, and spill all the gifts inside for everyone to take.
- Piñatas which are usually sold in Indonesia are rarely seen in Latin American countries. The piñata can have a shape that reflects the "tres leches" cake companion.
- While the partygoers try to hit the piñata, others sing the traditional piñata song, which begins with "Dale, dale, dale." This song encourages the hitter to aim well and hit the piñata so it breaks and pleases everyone with candy and toys.

Step 5. Watch as the birthday person's face gets smashed into the cake
Especially in Mexico, the birthday person's hands are tied behind their backs and their face is thrust into the birthday cake as the first "bribery". The partygoers shouted "¡ Mordida !"
The word "mordida" means "bite". In this context, shouting from the audience prompts the birthday person to take his first bite of his birthday cake
Music plays an important role in Spanish and Latin American culture. As with the piñata, there are songs usually associated with " la mordida ". If you attend a Spanish or Latin American birthday party, you'll hear music and singing well into the night.

Step 6. Give a symbolic gift, if desired
Birthday gifts don't have to be complicated or expensive, especially in Spain. Children always receive small gifts, usually books, toys, and candy. Adults usually don't get gifts.