4 Ways to Change Your Menstrual Cycle Naturally

4 Ways to Change Your Menstrual Cycle Naturally
4 Ways to Change Your Menstrual Cycle Naturally

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Want to change your menstrual cycle because you have to attend a special event? Or, do you feel the need to do it to make your menstrual cycle more regular? In fact, the menstrual cycle can be changed naturally with the help of diet and lifestyle changes. However, please understand that most of the methods listed in this article are not supported by sufficient scientific evidence so you may not feel their effectiveness afterward. Also, be willing to see a doctor if you have an irregular menstrual cycle, have bleeding that is too long or too heavy, or has extra-period bleeding.


Method 1 of 4: Using Food to Speed Up Menstruation

Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 1
Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 1

Step 1. Eat spicy food for at least 2 weeks before your period starts

If you want your menstrual cycle to come faster, try eating spicy foods 1-2 times a day, about 2 weeks before your period arrives. Some people claim that this method can increase their body temperature and make menstruation occur earlier. However, understand that the validity of the method is not supported by any scientific evidence.

Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 2
Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 2

Step 2. Drink pomegranate juice 3 times a day to speed up menstruation

Due to its very high antioxidant content, some women claim that consuming pomegranate juice can speed up their periods. Therefore, try to drink it 3 times a day, at least for 2 days before your scheduled period.

Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 3
Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 3

Step 3. Eat carrots, pumpkin, or papaya to increase the levels of carotene in the body

Foods that are high in carotene such as carrots, papaya, and pumpkin, can be consumed whole or processed into juice to speed up your period. If you want, you can drink carrot juice or eat 1-2 carrots, or eat a serving of carrots and/or papaya 3 times a day, at least 2 days before your period starts.

Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 4
Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 4

Step 4. Consumption of pineapple to speed up menstruation

Like spicy food, some people think that pineapple is effective in encouraging the body to speed up its menstrual cycle. Therefore, try to consume 30 ml of pineapple juice or eat an equivalent amount of whole pineapple every day.

Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 5
Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 5

Step 5. Drink tea made from turmeric or sesame seeds, at least 15 days before your scheduled period

To make a glass of turmeric tea, you can pour 1 tsp. turmeric into boiling water, then consume it 2 times a day, about 15 days before menstruation occurs.

Method 2 of 4: Delaying Menstruation

Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 6
Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 6

Step 1. Avoid spicy foods that can increase your body temperature

As much as possible, avoid eating chilies, peppers, garlic, paprika, and other spices that can increase your body temperature. Instead, increase the consumption of bland-flavoured foods for 1 week before your period starts. Some women claim that this method works to delay their period, mainly because their body temperature does not increase. However, please understand that there is no scientific evidence to support these methods or claims.

Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 7
Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 7

Step 2. Try eating fried lentil soup or dal once a day for at least 1 week

Although the reason behind its effectiveness is unknown, some women acknowledge the success of the method. However, make sure you only consume it on an empty stomach, at least once a day for 1 week before the start of your period.

Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 8
Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 8

Step 3. Drink parsley tea 3 times a day for at least 2 weeks

Boil a handful of parsley in 500 ml of water for 20 minutes. Then, strain the boiled water and add honey to taste. Then, drink the solution 2-3 times per day, about 15 days before your scheduled period.

Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 9
Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 9

Step 4. Try consuming apple cider vinegar 3 times a day

Before consumption, dissolve 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar in 250 ml of water. Then, drink the solution 3 times a day, at least 3 days before your scheduled period. However, keep in mind that all the natural methods listed in this article are not backed by reliable scientific evidence.

Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 10
Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 10

Step 5. Increase the duration and intensity of exercise to encourage progesterone production in the body

If you exercise regularly enough, your levels of progesterone or a hormone known to prevent menstrual bleeding will increase. Therefore, try to do intense exercise such as running, swimming, lifting weights, or aerobics. If you've already done that, try increasing the intensity. If your activity level tends to be low, try a progressive exercise program to build an exercise routine in a safe way.

Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 11
Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 11

Step 6. Be aware of the effect stress has on your menstrual cycle

Remember, anyone not recommended to increase stress levels in order to delay menstruation, although observations show that traumatic situations can delay or even prevent menstruation in women. When a person is experiencing mental and emotional stress, his body will become more alert and more focused on dealing with the stress instead of controlling the normal menstrual rhythm.

Method 3 of 4: Regulating the Menstrual Cycle

Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 12
Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 12

Step 1. Sleep with the light on for 3 nights in a row to help regulate your menstrual cycle

Try sleeping with the light on only on 3 days of your cycle. The light is useful for imitating the moonlight which some people believe can trigger ovulation and encourage the body to regulate the menstrual cycle. Some women find this method effective, even though there is no scientific research to support it.

Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 13
Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 13

Step 2. Spend more time with women who are menstruating

Some theories suggest that women who are menstruating will release pheromones. These chemicals will reduce your menstrual cycle and encourage your body to speed up or slow down your period. That's why a group of women who live together for several months may have their periods at the same time, especially if their cycle ranges are not much different. Although scientific research has disproved it, many women still believe in the truth of the theory.

Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 14
Change Your Period Cycle Naturally Step 14

Step 3. Reduce stress to maintain a positive hormonal balance

Since stress can disrupt the activity of hormones that initiate and maintain the menstrual cycle, try to identify your stressor and try to avoid it.

Method 4 of 4: See a Doctor

Avoid Panic Attacks Step 2
Avoid Panic Attacks Step 2

Step 1. See a doctor if your periods stop or become irregular

Although menstrual cycles can change from time to time, it's still important to see a doctor if this happens, especially since sometimes these changes indicate that something is wrong with your body. Therefore, see your doctor if your periods have stopped for several months or if your cycles are always irregular.

  • If you are sexually active, the cessation of your period may indicate that you are pregnant. However, it is also possible that you have certain medical disorders or are under a lot of stress.
  • If your menstrual cycle is erratic, you may have an underlying medical disorder that needs to be treated immediately.

Step 2. Check with your doctor if your menstrual cycle is too long or too much blood volume is passed

In particular, the length of the menstrual cycle should not exceed 7 days. In addition, the volume should not be too much, such as when you have to change pads every 1-2 hours. If these two conditions are not met, immediately see a doctor to receive the right diagnosis and treatment options.

Since your body can lose too much blood if your period is too long or too heavy, use this method to make sure it's nothing to worry about

Step 3. Check with your doctor if your menstrual cycle is not in the range of 21-35 days

Menstrual cycles that are less than 21 days and more than 35 days indicate a problem in your body. However, don't worry too much because in some cases, the situation just happens because your menstrual cycle is indeed irregular. However, keep checking with your doctor to make sure there are no medical problems to worry about and treat.

A woman's menstrual cycle can occasionally change due to stress, weight loss, changes in exercise patterns, or certain medical disorders. However, you need to be aware of and immediately treat persistent changes

Step 4. Check with your doctor if you experience bleeding outside of your period

This condition may or may not be normal. To determine the cause, immediately consult a doctor and ask the most appropriate treatment options.

Chances are, you won't need any treatment. However, it's still important to see your doctor to make sure there's nothing to worry about

Step 5. Discuss the possibility of using birth control to make menstruation more regular

If your menstrual cycle is irregular, try taking birth control pills orally to regulate them. In addition, birth control pills can also suppress PMS symptoms, you know! Consult this option with your doctor.

Of the many contraceptives available, look for the option that works best for your body

Step 6. Discuss the possibility of taking bioidentical hormone therapy with your doctor

Bioidentical hormone is one type of hormone whose chemical structure is very identical to the hormone produced by the female body, although the ingredients are synthetic from soybeans and sweet potato (yam). Today, bioidentical hormone therapy is often used to manage menopausal and PMS symptoms, as well as reduce the risk of fibroids and regulate menstruation. If you want, try to consult a bioidentical hormone option whose circulation has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and the side effects.

  • Be careful, progesterone cream made from plants and yam extract can not provide the same benefits, especially because the hormone content in it is too little so that it will work less effectively in the body. In addition, they also cannot be synthesized and converted into progesterone by the body.
  • Avoid products that do not contain a marketing authorization from the US Food and Drug Administration, especially because the ingredients contained in them may not necessarily match those listed on the packaging label.
  • Further research is still needed on bioidentical hormones and the long-term risks of their use.


  • Remember, there is no scientific evidence that women can use natural methods to change their menstrual cycle. Most of the recommendations you'll find are actually just "old fairy tales".
  • Before trying to delay or speed up your period, make sure the reason behind it is really strong. Remember, a woman's body is programmed to establish a rhythmic menstrual cycle, and trying to change it can have a negative impact on your health.
  • Deliberately delaying menstruation by forcing the body and mind to stress is actually not recommended. Be careful, this method has a negative impact that outweighs the positive impact.
  • Always discuss your desire to change your menstrual cycle with a trusted medical professional.
