Most people don't think about cleaning the dishwasher often. After all, if the dishes are getting cleaner, shouldn't the dishwasher also be cleaner? Unfortunately, dirt and deposits build up over time, and can reduce the performance of the dishwasher. When it's time to clean yours, see Step 1 to get started.
Part 1 of 3: Doing a Deep Clean
Step 1. Fill a sink halfway with water and add two cups (473 ml) of vinegar
This is the place where parts of your dishwasher will soak while you clean the walls and bottom. If you don't have vinegar, consider the following ingredients:
- Lime drink or Kool-Aid lime flavor. (Don't use a bright color that might stain. You don't need to add sugar.)
- Lime juice.
- Dishwasher cleaning products.

Step 2. Remove the holder and shelf
The two "shelves" in the dishwasher should be removed, as well as the cutlery holders and other parts that are not part of the rack. If it's small, place it in your vinegar-water sink for cleaning. If it doesn't fit, clean it with a cloth dampened with the same vinegar solution.
Check for leftovers! If it sticks, use a toothpick or similar sharp tool to pry it out

Step 3. Remove any debris from the hole in the winding arm
Look to make sure the hole is open for water to drain smoothly. If you experience this problem, the hole needs to be cleaned to make your dishwasher run more efficiently. Use needle-tipped pliers if you have one; otherwise, use a toothpick or similar. Be careful not to scratch anything if you are using a tool with a needle tip. Remember not to rush and be careful.
- If this hole is very small, bend the wire with a hook at the end. Thread the wire through the opening in the center of the arm. Each time you do this, a small amount of dirt will come out.
- Another option is to drill a larger hole at the end of the sleeve. Turn on the water to remove the dirt, then plug the larger hole with stainless steel screws.

Step 4. Clean around the door ends and gasket
This part is not washed in the dishwasher cycle. Use a damp cloth and vinegar solution (or, if you prefer, a small amount of mild cleaning spray). An old toothbrush or other fine household brush can get into the ends and under the gasket, too.
Don't forget the bottom ointu! In some dishwashers, this is the dead spot where the water doesn't drain, so it can build up dirt. Wipe this off with your vinegar rag. If any sticks, remove your scrubbing brush as necessary
Step 5. Remove mold or mildew with bleach
Do a separate cycle with any acidic cleaners you've used and never mix bleach with other cleaners or dishwasher detergents. Bleach is a very harsh chemical, for you as well as your dishwasher, so use it sparingly and only when needed.
- If mold and mildew are a problem, leave the dishwasher wide open for a few moments after each cycle to let it dry.
- Avoid using bleach and detergents that contain bleach if your dishwasher has a stainless steel interior or door.

Step 6. Attack rust stains
If your water contains a lot of iron or rust, rust may be out of your control. If possible, treat the problem at the source. If the problem isn't rusty pipes, a water softener can remove a limited amount of iron from the water, but usually works by exchanging hard-to-clean minerals from surfaces for easy-to-clean salts. There are filters that can remove iron from the water and may be traced if your water is very high in iron.
- Use a dishwasher safe rust remover to remove the stain yourself, but seek professional help to ask how it came to be.
- If the outer layer starts to crack or peel from the wire basket in your dishwasher, try a cover paint made specifically for dishwasher racks. Pull the shelf out and check the bottom as well. If the damage is severe or extensive (not just a few teeth but all of them), see if you can replace the entire shelf. Online stores sell a wide variety of tool parts, so replacement parts may be very easy to find.
Step 7. Put all replacement parts in your dishwasher
Once the grater, sieve, sleeves, and all insides have been thoroughly cleaned and the smaller parts have been soaked, place them as usual. Or move on to the next section – if your dishwasher is “really” bad, you can just take the underside down and it's really working.
Part 2 of 3: Dismantling Your Washing Machine Floor
Inspect the bottom of your washer and around the drain. There will be a grater or grille around it, under the arm. This is where the dirty water flows. Look for dirt clogging this area. Remove any solid debris that builds up, especially pieces of paper, broken plates, gravel, etc. If something gets inside, you just have to disassemble it to grab it.

Step 1. To remove built-up dirt, look for the plug under your sink
Make sure to unplug the dishwasher and not the garbage disposal! Follow the rope leading to the washer to be sure.
If your washer is movable, move it around to see the correct laces move

Step 2. Carefully remove the screws at the bottom
Make sure not to drop it! The filter cover will open, making the area exposed.
As you disassemble this section, be sure to pay attention to what you are removing and where. Capture the photo as you do it and place the parts in a safe place, in order of when they were released. When you start reassembling, you won't be confused about what to do

Step 3. Glue the tape over the opening of the filter
This is to prevent dirt from entering while you clean it. You want to get all the dirt out of the washer – not clog the pipes further.
Step 4. Use a cloth to remove any solid dirt and then scrub the base as needed
Be careful handling broken glass if you find one. Rubber gloves are also a good idea.
Use a brush or cloth to loosen and remove dirt. For a washing machine that hasn't been cleaned in a long time, you need a strong cleaning agent to remove dirt that has built up over the years

Step 5. Screw back all the parts and reinsert the plug
It's easiest to do the opposite of everything you did to disassemble it. Do not turn the screw too hard, especially if it goes into soft plastic.
You might want to do an experiment to check if all the parts are working as they should
Part 3 of 3: Mastering Routine Maintenance
Step 1. Use your washing machine regularly
This will help prevent food and other debris from building up inside, reducing the need to clean it. Once in a while when it's empty, too – with a short, water-saving cycle, of course!
Step 2. Run a little hot water in your sink before turning on the dishwasher
You will produce cleaner dishes if the water is hot. You can collect running water and use it to water plants or other uses. Run the water until what comes out of the faucet is hot.
Set the water heater thermostat to 120f (50C). Water cooler than this will not be as effective for washing. Hotter water can scald human skin
Step 3. Turn on the garbage disposal before starting the dishwasher
The dishwasher drains into the same pipe as your sink, so the drain should be clean. If you're having trouble with your washing machine, it could be from your garbage disposal. Here are some articles to read:
- How to Maintain a Garbage Disposal
- How to Clean Your Garbage Disposal
- How to Fix a Garbage Disposal

Step 4. Run the vinegar in the dishwasher at a time
Place 2 cups (473 ml) of vinegar in the bottom of the dishwasher and turn it on on a low power saving setting. Halfway through, stop the dishwasher and allow the vinegar to settle on the bottom for 15 or 20 minutes.
- Once done, turn it on again and you're done. If it's really bad, you can let it sit overnight.
- If the smell is a problem, sprinkle 1/2-1 cup (118-236 grams) of baking soda on the bottom and run the dishwasher as usual. (

Step 5. Spray the front of your dishwasher with a mild cleaning spray
Wipe with a sponge or soft cloth. Pay attention to the buttons and handles. In addition, do not miss the small ledge between the panels, it usually collects dirt.

Step 6. Refill your dishwasher's rinse dispenser approximately once a month
The rinser helps prevent dirt spots on your dishes. Unscrew the knob handle on the dishwasher door and pour in the rinse according to package directions or your dishwasher's manual.
- Do not use a rinse if you have a water softener.
- A solid rinse is available. If you forget to refill the liquid rinse, the solid one is more visible, so that can help you remember it.
- If you wish, some dishwasher detergents contain a rinse.
- Pliers and Borax are useful cleaning agents, too.
- Fill your dishwasher properly, stacking objects pointing downwards and inwards. Check that all arms rotate smoothly before turning on the dishwasher.
- Always pick up objects that have fallen under the dishwasher as soon as possible.
- Run the engine full to save water and energy, but don't place the plates too close together. Dishwashers wash by spraying water over them, so water needs to reach the dishes to clean them.
- Do not wash containers with labels that come off easily. Scrape heavy dirt and large particles from the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.
- For dry, sticky dirt, moisten the area or spray it with a cleanser, then let it dissolve for a few minutes before cleaning it. You don't need a lot of scraping and scrubbing.
- Wear gloves if you don't want to touch the cleaner or dirt.
- Wash small items in the basket with a fork and knife so they don't slip into the shelves and end up under. Some dishwashers even have a covered basket for small items.
- Not all dishwasher detergents work the same way. The next time you buy a container of detergent, try a different brand and see if it works better. Browse ratings and reviews, too. At the very least, choose powders or tablets over gels and liquids, and make sure to keep them dry and liquid-free before using them.
- Don't rinse too much at first. Dishwashers and detergents have improved. If you haven't tried putting dirty dishes in yet, give it a try. You may be surprised.
- If you are not comfortable disassembling and assembling, do not unscrew the screws at the bottom of the dishwasher. It doesn't require much cleaning.
- Never mix household cleaners, especially bleach, with other cleaners or chemicals.
- Only use detergents made for dishwashers, not the liquid dish soap (cleaning liquid) you use to wash dishes by hand. Dishwashers are designed to contain water that sprays from a certain direction, not thick foam. You will only cause chaos.