Evolving Pokémon is one of the main aspects of collecting and fighting Pokémon in all of its games. As the Pokémon series has grown, the ways in which Pokémon evolve have drastically improved. To learn how to evolve all types of Pokémon in any game, see Step 1 below.
Method 1 of 5: Evolving Pokémon through Battle

Step 1. Fight using the Pokémon you want to evolve
Most Pokémon evolve when they reach a certain level, and the main way to gain levels is by using Pokémon in battle.

Step 2. Learn which Pokémon evolve through combat
Although many Pokémon evolve as their level increases, this does not apply to all Pokémon. You can save time and avoid headaches if you know beforehand the requirements for a Pokémon to transform. Sites like PokémonDB can provide detailed charts of the needs for each Pokémon to evolve.

Step 3. Swap Pokémon frequently
If you're facing a strong opponent, you can swap Pokémon in the middle of a fight. Besides being able to fight with fresh Pokémon, you can also share your experience with all the Pokémon participating in the battle.
A key strategy you can employ is to use a low-level Pokémon for one turn and trade it for a stronger one. That way, Pokémon that have low levels will gain experience from battles they shouldn't be able to deal with

Step 4. Use Rare Candy
Rare Candy is an object that automatically increases a Pokémon's level by one. Rare Candy is a great item if you have a lot of them and want to level up your Pokémon quickly, or if you need to add another level and it's taking too long.
Try not to use Rare Candy when a Pokémon's level is almost natural, or the Rare Candy will just be wasted

Step 5. Use special items to help lower-level Pokémon
Starting with Generation II Pokémon, things Exp. Share introduced. Exp. Share anything holding this item will gain a share of the battle experience, even if the Pokémon is not participating in the battle. This is great, because you can leave a weak Pokémon without fighting, and use it later after the Pokémon becomes stronger.
- Usually, you can only get one Exp. Shares in each game, but you can earn more by exchanging the Pokémon holding the item. You can also get Exp. Second share in Pokémon Black and White from the president of the Pokémon Fan Club.
- You can give Lucky Egg to a Pokémon, which grants a 50% experience bonus to the Pokémon holding it. Lucky Egg is a rare item, and can usually be obtained from a wild Chansey who owns it.

Step 6. Learn a specific move
There are some Pokémon that evolve after leveling up and learning certain moves. When a Pokémon has learned the necessary moves, it will evolve into its next form.
- Tangela, Yanma and Piloswine evolved after studying AncientPower.
- Bonsly and Mime Jr. evolve after studying Mimic.
- Lickitung evolves after studying Rollout.
- Aipom evolves after studying Double Hit.
Method 2 of 5: Evolving Pokémon through Friendship

Step 1. Learn which Pokémon require a high friendship value to evolve
There are some Pokémon whose friendship levels need to be increased in order to evolve. Friendship is affected by several factors, including by including the Pokémon in the group.
Pokémon that evolve through friendship levels are Golbat, Chansey, Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, Azurill, Buneary, Munchlax, Woobat, Swadloon, Eevee, Budew, Riolu, and Chingling

Step 2. Increase friendship level
Friendships are affected by many different factors, and there are a number of activities you can do to quickly improve them. A Pokémon must be in an active group to increase its friendship level. The true value of friendship varies from generation to generation. Not all Pokémon require full friendship to evolve.
- In every Pokémon game, other than the first generation Pokémon, walking will increase friendship. You will earn one friendship point for every certain number of steps (512 in generations II, 256 in generations III and IV, 128 in generations V and VI).
- Dressing up and Massaging your Pokémon will also significantly increase your friendship points. You can find NPCs (non-player characters) to do this in several locations in the game (after generation I).
- Leveling up also increases camaraderie in all versions of the game.
- Vitamins will increase friendship quickly.

Step 3. Avoid activities that degrade friendships
While there are ways to increase friendships, there are also ways to decrease them. In general, avoid situations where a Pokémon faints in battle, and avoid using healing items whenever possible. Instead, take the injured Pokémon to a Pokémon center to heal its wounds.
- Revival Herbs have the greatest negative effect on a Pokémon's friendship value.
- Swapping a Pokémon will return its friendship value to its original value.

Step 4. Meet other evolution requirements
Once you have a high friendship score, you'll usually have to do something else to trigger the evolution of your Pokémon. Most Pokémon that have a high friendship value only need to level up once to evolve.
Some Pokémon must level up at certain times of the day, such as Riolu (day) and Chingling (night)
Method 3 of 5: Evolving Pokémon with Evolution Stones

Step 1. Determine which Pokémon evolve with stones
Evolution Stones are several types of stones that help certain Pokémon to evolve when stones are given. There are quite a number of rock-evolved Pokémon, including Pikachu, Eevee, Staryu, Jigglypuff, and many more.

Step 2. Get the evolution stone
How to get stones varies, depending on the game and the type of stone you are looking for. There are several different types of stones, and each stone affects a different Pokémon.
- Fire Stone - Evolves Eevee, Vulpix, Growlithe and Pansear.
- Water Stone - Evolves Eevee, Poliwhirl, Shellder, Lombre, Staryu and Panpour.
- Thunder Stone - Evolves Eevee, Pikachu and Electric.
- Leaf Stone - Evolves Gloom, Weepinbell, Exeggcute, Nuzleaf, and Pansage.
- Moonstone - Evolves Nidorina, Nidorino, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Skitty, and Munna.
- Sun Stone - Evolves Gloom, Sunkern, Cottenee, Petilil and Helioptile.
- Shiny Stone - Evolves Roselia, Togetic, Minncino and Floette.
- Dusk Stone - Evolves Misdreavus, Murkrow, Lampent and Doublade.
- Dawn Stone - Evolves female Snorunt and male Kirlia.

Step 3. Give stones to Pokémon
Give stones to the Pokémon you want to evolve with them, and bring them into battle. When a Pokémon's level increases while holding the stone, its evolution will begin. Stones will be used up in the evolution process.
Method 4 of 5: Evolving Pokémon through Exchange

Step 1. Decide which Pokémon evolve through swapping
Some Pokémon can only evolve when swapped from one player to another. This means you either need a friend who is willing to trade back your evolved Pokémon, or they have something you want as a replacement.
There are many Pokémon that require swapping to evolve, including Kadabra, Haunter, Onix, Slowpoke, Porygon, and many more

Step 2. Determine if the Pokémon requires special items as well
Many Pokémon that require swaps to evolve also need to hold a special item when they're swapped. For example, in order to evolve Onix, Onix needs to be swapped when holding a Metal Coat. To make Clamperl evolve, Clamperl needs to wield a Deep Sea Scale or Deep Sea Tooth.

Step 3. Swap Pokémon
You can start the exchange on the second floor of the Pokémon center. Connect your Gameboy with a friend's Gameboy via a wireless network or a connecting cable (depending on the type of game). Enter the second floor of the Pokémon center and select TRADE from the game screen. Pokémon will evolve automatically when the swap is complete.
Method 5 of 5: Evolving Pokémon in Special Cases

Step 1. Make Wurmple evolve
Wurmple will randomly evolve between being Silcoon or Cascoon depending on his personality status.

Step 2. Evolve Tyrogue. When Tyrogue reaches level 20, Tyrogue will change to Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, or Hitmontop
The evolution result depends on the comparison of attack and defense stats. If his attack is higher than his defense, you will get Hitmonlee. If his defense is higher than his attack, you will get Hitmonchan. If his attack is proportional to his defense, you will get a Hitmontop.

Step 3. Make Feebas evolve
You need to meet the Beauty Feebas score in the Beauty Competition, then level up Feebas to evolve him into Milotic.

Step 4. Make the Nincada evolve
Nincada needs to reach level 20, and you'll also need a Poke Ball in the bag and an empty space in the group. If you meet all these conditions, you will get Shedinja and Ninjask.

Step 5. Make the Mantyke evolve
You need Remoraid in the group, then you need to level up Mantyke (level numbers don't matter). This way, you will get Mantine.

Step 6. Make Pancham evolve
You'll need to level up Pancham to at least level 32, and also have a Dark-type Pokémon in your group. If you fulfill all these conditions, you will get Pangoro.

Step 7. Make Inkay evolve
Level up Inkay to level 29. When Inkay is almost at level 30, fight and hold your 3DS upside down during the fight. If the fight provides enough experience to level up Inkay, then Inkay will evolve into Malamar and you can restore your 3DS position.

Step 8. Make Tyrunt evolve
You need to level up Tyrunt to at least level 39. After that, level up during the day to trigger evolution into Tyrantrum.

Step 9. Make Amaura evolve
Like Tyrunt, you need to level up Amaura to at least level 3. After that, level up at night to trigger evolution into Aurorus.

Step 10. Make Sliggoo evolve
Level up Sliggoo to at least level 50. After that, level up in a rainstorm to evolve him into Goodra.

Step 11. Make Eevee evolve
Eevee is one of several unique Pokémon, and Eevee can evolve in different ways for different results. You can use evolution stones, increase your friendship value, or have them evolve in specific locations.
Step 12. Nosepass and Magneton will evolve when raised to an area with a magnetic field
These areas include New Mauville in Hoenn (Gen 6), Mt. Coronet, Spear Pillar, and Hall of Origin in Sinnoh, Chargestone Cave in Unova, and Route 13 in Kalos.
Step 13. Sneasel evolves by wielding the Razor Claw at night
Gligar evolves by holding the Razor Fang at night, and Happiny evolves by holding the Oval Stone during the day.
- You can prevent evolution by pressing the B button on the Game Boy while the evolution process is in progress. This is usually useful for some Pokémon that learn certain moves early in their unevolved form. The Pokémon will continue to try to evolve each time its level increases if you cancel its evolution.
- Holding Everstone will also prevent evolution in Pokémon.
- Pikachu in Pokémon Yellow will not evolve unless you use cheats.
- Some Pokémon will not evolve in certain games because their evolution form has not been found in that game.
- Pokémon left in Daycare or Pokewalker will not evolve.