Bread is a great source of staple food and can be made early in the game Minecraft. Because wheat is so easy to get, bread becomes one of the staples when you build a settlement and run it. With just a few harvests, you can get an almost unlimited supply of bread for your adventures in the game. The process is the same for all versions of Minecraft and Minecraft PE.
Method 1 of 2: Growing Wheat

Step 1. Get the seeds (Seed)
While you can find wheat in the game, the best way to keep your bread constant is to grow it yourself. To do this, you need seeds (Seed) and water (Water). In the console version of Minecraft, this is called Wheat Seed.
- You can get seeds by breaking the grass or harvesting the wheat in the village.
- Read the next section if you simply want to know how to make bread, but don't want to grow wheat.

Step 2. Make a farm plot
Use a hoe (Hoe) to turn grass blocks into farmland blocks (Farmland). This allows you to plant seeds and grow wheat.
- Farmland must be placed in 4 water blocks in order to get water. There are many ways to build a farm so that you can maximize the soil conditions close to the water and produce a large harvest. For tips, check out the wikiHow article on farming in Minecraft.
- Make sure you make blocks of farmland outside to allow the wheat to get enough light.

Step 3. Plant the seeds on the farm block
Select the seeds in your inventory, then right-click the farm to plant them there.

Step 4. Wait for the wheat to grow
Wheat must be processed in 8 stages before it can be harvested. Each stage can take 5-35 minutes. Harvesting wheat before the final stage (when the grain turns brown) will only produce seeds (Seed), not wheat (Wheat).

Step 5. Harvest the wheat
When the wheat has turned brown, you can harvest and collect the wheat. You need 3 grains to make 1 loaf.
Method 2 of 2: Making Bread

Step 1. Look for wheat if you are not growing it
You can get wheat in chests which are spread all over the world. You can also get wheat grown by the villagers. One block of Hay Bale can be converted into 9 wheat.

Step 2. Use the crafting table
Bread should be made on the crafting table. You can make a craft table using 4 wooden planks (Wood Plank).

Step 3. Place the 3 wheat in the horizontal row that is in the crafting window
You can put them in any row, as long as they are all on the same row.

Step 4. Move the finished bread into the inventory (inventory)
Now you have one slice of bread. If you pick it up and eat it, you can regain 5 hunger (Hunger) (about 3 bars in the game screen).
- Bread is one of the easiest foods to get in Minecraft. Over time, when you've built a large enough wheat field, you'll have an almost unlimited supply of wheat to make as much bread as you need.
- Carrots and potatoes give a greater yield than wheat if you grow them. However, these two ingredients are difficult to find, so bread remains the main staple food because it is easier to find.