Bisexual people are often associated with myths that other members of the LGBTQ+ community don't share. Interest in 2 or more genders sounds simple, but being labeled as bisexual is usually accompanied by a stigma attached to it. If you identify as bisexual or just want to broaden your horizons, you can read some of the myths below to unravel the mystery behind the stigma of being bisexual.
Method 1 of 7: Myth: Bisexuality is only temporary

Step 1. Facts:
Many people identify as bisexual throughout their lives.
While a person may identify as bisexual during the identity transition, this is not the case all the time. There have been many adults who have identified as bisexual over the years. Bisexuality is a real and valid identity that really exists.
If you use bisexuality to label yourself during your sexual orientation search, that's fine too! There are no rules about what labels can and can't be used to identify yourself and you shouldn't feel bad if you find out you have a different sexual orientation
Method 2 of 7: Myth: You can only be called bisexual if you have sex with 2 or more genders

Step 1. Facts:
Many people know they are bisexual before having sex with anyone.
Just as most people know they are heterosexual from a young age, bisexual people don't need to have sexual experience to know who they are attracted to. If you've been in a relationship with one person, several people, or even none at all, you can still identify as bisexual.
The same is true if you've only had sex with the opposite sex. Even if you've only experienced heterosexual relationships, you can still identify as bisexual
Method 3 of 7: Myth: You can't be bisexual if you're in a heterosexual relationship

Step 1. Facts:
You can be bisexual, no matter who you're dating.
The gender of the person you are dating does not change your sexual orientation. When you date people of the same gender or the opposite sex, you can still be bisexual.
This also relates to the myth that bisexuals feel “less pressure” when they are in a heterosexual relationship. In fact, many bisexual people feel their identity is erased when they are in a heterosexual relationship
Method 4 of 7: Myth: Bisexual people like all genders equally

Step 1. Facts:
Bisexual people have different levels of attraction to each gender.
You are still bisexual if you prefer one gender over the other. There are many bisexual people who report that their level of attraction changes over time. Whatever you feel is still valid!
There is another spectrum that plays a role in this as well. You can be both a biromantic (sexually attracted to more than one gender) and a homosexual (attracted to one's own gender) or a combination of the two. Don't feel constrained by any label
Method 5 of 7: Myth: Bisexual people tend to cheat on their partners more easily

Step 1. Facts:
Being bisexual doesn't mean you can't have a monogamous relationship.
Because bisexuals are attracted to all genders, many people think they can't control themselves. In fact, every bisexual has different tastes when looking for a partner! When in a monogamous relationship, they will apply the same standards as anyone else.
You can be bisexual and have a polyamorous or non-monogamous relationship. However, just because someone is bisexual, doesn't mean they automatically don't want to be in a monogamous relationship
Method 6 of 7: Myth: The word bisexual is the same as transphobia

Step 1. Facts:
Bisexual simply means that you are attracted to more than one gender.
This has nothing to do with the misconception that there are only 2 genders, and it doesn't mean that you are only attracted to people who are born male and female. There are many bisexual people who are in close contact with the transgender community and their sexual orientation doesn't change that.
- There are many bisexual people who are attracted to nonbinary people, and don't see any difference between trans and cis people. Transsexual and non-binary people can also identify as bisexual.
- If you're not comfortable with the label bisexual, consider exploring a pansexual orientation. This orientation shares the same basic concepts as bisexuality, as defined as attraction to all genders.
Method 7 of 7: Myth: Bisexual people are well accepted by the entire LGBTQ+ community

Step 1. Facts:
There are many bisexual people who experience discrimination from the LGBTQ+ community.
Misconceptions around bisexual people and biphobia are widespread, even within the LGBTQ+ community. Many people who identify as homosexual or lesbian see bisexuality as a phase towards a “real” orientation. This sounds sad, but times are changing!
- Bisexual people are sometimes difficult to accept anywhere. They are often considered not enough “homosexual” to be accepted in the LGBTQ+ community, but also not heterosexual enough to be accepted in the heterosexual community.
- Of course, there are people in the LGBTQ+ community who like and accept bisexual people, but there are also those who don't.