Mood is a mood characterized by loss of motivation, resentment, and depression. This condition is not as severe as depression or anxiety, but can last for months if not treated immediately. Overcome moodiness and improve your mindset by making changes in your daily life from the physical, mental, and environmental aspects.
Method 1 of 3: Changing Environmental Conditions

Step 1. Take advantage of the sun
Vitamin D deficiency due to changing seasons can trigger mild depression that makes you feel down. Know that sunlight is a source of vitamin D that we need.
- Leave your face, legs, and arms out in the sun. Sunbathing for 20 minutes every day is enough for the process of absorption of vitamin D that is safe for the skin. Do not be too long in the sun without sunscreen cream.
- In winter, the days get shorter and darker faster, so many people develop Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) because the lack of sunlight makes them vitamin D deficient. if you have SAD and ask about the therapy needed, for example: light therapy using a special device that emits light like sunlight.

Step 2. Make time for yourself
Instead of spending time off on vacation, set aside a day to do fun activities. Maybe you've forgotten what it's like to enjoy life because you're stuck in the routine of work.
- For example: go to a restaurant to enjoy a favorite menu, watch a movie at the cinema, or watch a sports match. If you like shopping at supermarkets, take this opportunity to buy consumer goods as needed. However, don't do this if you feel tired or depressed after shopping.
- Take the day off to start or finish work that you haven't had time to do, for example: tending plants or tidying up the house.

Step 3. Reorganize your workspace or home
Changes in the environment can change the perspective. Instead of just arranging things on the table, move the table to another place to organize the workspace.
- Keep it clean and tidy. Instead of getting distracted by scattered items, deal with anxiety and focus on work by cleaning and tidying the room. Cleaning is a form of therapy because you can focus your attention on the goals you want to achieve.
- Open the wardrobe and tidy up the dressing table then separate clothes and cosmetics that are not used anymore. Throwing away things you don't need can be a relief. If it's still in good condition and worth donating, you'll be happy to be able to help others.

Step 4. Don't open Facebook if you're feeling down
Take the time to do hobbies and socialize after a full week's work by cutting back on time using the internet and watching TV.
Research in 2013 showed that people who use Facebook experience less fulfilling lives. They feel dissatisfied because they see the success of others. You will experience the same thing if you watch too much TV or movies because sitting too long will inhibit creativity, trigger boredom, and reduce cognitive abilities. To make life more enjoyable, watch less TV shows about celebrities, glamorous life-themed movies, and don't access social media

Step 5. Take a trip out of town
Seeing a different scene is a temporary change that is useful, but not to avoid problems. Buy a plane ticket for a 1-2 day vacation.
- Determine a vacation location that is different from the everyday atmosphere. Conditions that are much different from everyday life will change sensory stimulants that become input for the brain so that they can trigger creativity and imagination.
- What kind of environment makes you feel very happy and excited? The bustling big city or the quiet forest? Enjoy the waves of the sea or the breeze on the top of the mountain? Decide on a location where you find freedom and joy and then plan to vacation there, even if it's only for one day.
Method 2 of 3: Making Physical Changes

Step 1. Exercise at least 1 hour a day
If you already exercise regularly, change your exercise schedule or do a new sport. Joining an aerobics class at the gym can restore motivation and increase metabolism.
- Research shows that exercise can increase energy, reduce anxiety, and be a means to channel anger or sadness (including improving sleep quality and boosting the immune system).
- If you're just starting to exercise, join the exercise with other people in class. Many people feel more motivated to practice regularly and achieve the best results. In addition, you can practice lifting weights or boxing as a way to deal with anxiety by channeling energy during exercise.

Step 2. Leave the car at home
As much as possible, get used to walking, instead of driving a car. When you exercise, your body produces endorphins that trigger feelings of pleasure.
Scientists think that nature is a tool that helps you solve problems and improve your mood. To overcome the mood, a leisurely walk under the shady trees is more beneficial than walking in the middle of a big bustling city

Step 3. Don't take alcohol or drugs
Alcohol and drugs are depressants that trigger feelings of sadness and demotivate. If you're used to drinking alcohol, break this habit to see if you're feeling down from alcohol.
Alcohol or drug addicts looking to overcome their addiction, read the wikiHow articles “How to Quit Alcohol” and “How to Beat Drug Addiction.” If you're having trouble dealing with alcohol or drug addiction, talk to your doctor for a safe solution

Step 4. Get in the habit of getting up early
Change your daily schedule so that you can still exercise or walk in the morning before going to work.
- Too much sleep is bad because it makes you feel more tired than before. Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep every night. A good night's sleep makes you feel refreshed when you wake up in the morning, instead of feeling weak or sleepy.
- Use free time wisely to do things outside of routine activities, not to watch TV or access Facebook.

Step 5. Reward yourself by going to a hair salon, manicures, massage therapy, or enjoying a spa
Invite a close friend to accompany you so that this activity feels more fun.
- Taking care of yourself and taking care of your body is beneficial for dealing with stress. Massage therapy to massage the deep muscle tissue is very good for dealing with moodiness, but you can choose other methods that make your body feel more comfortable.
- If you can't get professional therapy, soak in a tub of warm water sprinkled with Epsom salt to relieve muscle aches and tension throughout the body. Also add essential oils with a lavender or citrus scent for aromatherapy.

Step 6. Eat a healthy diet for a few weeks
Fast food that is not nutritious is slowly bad for health and mood. Get in the habit of eating fruits and vegetables half of your meal and the other half consisting of whole grains and lean protein.
- Several studies have shown that non-nutritive food has an impact on student performance in school because it affects their ability to concentrate and mood. The same effect is experienced by adults because high-calorie foods with low nutritional content trigger moodiness at work or in everyday life.
- To improve brain power, consume nuts, broccoli, pumpkin seeds, sage, salmon oil, whole grains, or take omega 3 supplements.
Method 3 of 3: Making a Change from the Emotional Aspect

Step 1. Determine the target you want to achieve
Many people feel depressed after they hit their target and then lose motivation because they have nothing else to achieve. Set short-term and long-term goals with a reward for yourself if the target is achieved.
Tell a friend about the goal so he can provide support and motivation. For example: if you set a goal to win a 5K race in 2 months and tell a friend about it, he or she can ask how far your training progress has been and the results of the races you've participated in. If no one knows, you'll feel reluctant to go out and practice making it harder to hit your target

Step 2. Observe your relationships with other people
Remember that the negative influence of the negative or cynical people around you can reduce your motivation and enthusiasm for life. Minimize interaction with them or ask them to be positive for the common good.
Facebook and other social media are the main sources of negative influence. The rapid development of technology makes us have a very wide social network, although many friendships are limited to friends in cyberspace. If your Facebook or Twitter account is full of people complaining, criticizing, or posting depressing news, hide or block them. You can't get over your moodiness if you continue to be influenced by negative things like this

Step 3. Call an old friend
Renew relationships with people who play an important role in your life, especially those who can support you to achieve your best.
- Contact the people who have played a major role in your life to remind yourself of who you have been, the changes you've been through, and the goals you want to achieve in life.
- Remember a friend who always makes you laugh, feel happy, and excited. Call him to take him out to dinner and chat. Prepare yourself with the best appearance to have fun and enjoy life.