By following this tutorial you will be able to draw a horse in four different ways. Let's begin!
Method 1 of 4: Cartoon Horse

Step 1. Draw a big circle with two lines crossing each other in it. At the bottom of the circle, draw a smaller circle

Step 2. Draw a side-sloping diamond-shaped image on each side of the top of the large circle

Step 3. Draw a large oval circle slightly perpendicular to the large circle

Step 4. Add four legs in the oval circle to form the horse's body scheme

Step 5. Draw a tail on the back of the horse

Step 6. Add the pony hair using smooth curved lines

Step 7. Add the eyes, nose and mouth with the guides of the crossed lines inside the big circle to determine the exact position

Step 8. Draw two curved lines from the horse's hair into small circles to make the horse's nose stand out

Step 9. Darken the lines that make up the horse's body and add the necessary details on the horse's legs

Step 10. Erase unnecessary lines

Step 11. Color the image
Method 2 of 4: Horse Standing

Step 1. Draw an oval circle to make the head

Step 2. Draw another oval circle to make the horse's muzzle
Don't forget to leave room for the horse's nostrils.

Step 3. Draw the ears and muzzle of the horse

Step 4. Make a large oval circle to make the horse's body and this is the largest part of the horse's body
The circle must be bigger than the previous two circles

Step 5. Draw two curved lines to create the neck

Step 6. Make two oval circles joined by a curved trapezoid to make the front legs, and add two curves under the legs to make the hoofs of the horses

Step 7. Make two circles to make the horse's thigh

Step 8. Draw two lines attached to the trapezoid below to create the hind legs and add two curves under the legs to make the horse's tread

Step 9. Draw curved lines to create the mane and tail of the pony

Step 10. From the schematic you have created, draw the horse

Step 11. Erase unnecessary lines

Step 12. Color the horse
Method 3 of 4: Horse Running Fast

Step 1. Draw a circle in the shape of an oval to make the head

Step 2. Draw a curve on the left side of the oval to create the mouth

Step 3. Draw another oval circle to create the center of the horse's body

Step 4. Draw two circles on the right and left of the oval to form the outlines of the body

Step 5. Draw two lines to connect the body with the head, also add two curves on the top of the head to make the ears

Step 6. Make four oval and elongated circles to make the horse's thighs

Step 7. Make eight small circles connected by rectangles to make the legs, add four oval circles to form the hoofs of the horses

Step 8. Draw curved lines to create the mane and tail of the pony

Step 9. Draw the horse based on the schematic you have made

Step 10. Erase unnecessary lines

Step 11. Color the horse
Method 4 of 4: Realistic Horse (Head)

Step 1. Make two circles in an oblique direction. The top circle must be bigger than the bottom circle. Connect the two circles by drawing a rectangle

Step 2. Draw a curved line to the left of the two circles. Make a sketch for the neck of the horse

Step 3. Add the ears on the top of the head

Step 4. From the shape you have created, sketch for the horse's face

Step 5. Add the eyes in the shape of almonds, then add the nose as well

Step 6. Draw the horse's hair by making random curved strokes

Step 7. To make it look more detailed, make short, smooth strokes on some areas of the face that were darkened by the shadows

Step 8. Erase unnecessary lines