Need to gain weight to enter athletic competition or is there another reason to do so? If so, make sure the weight gain process is done in a healthy way! One way is to increase the frequency of eating, which is every four hours, to increase the intake of calories and protein in the body. Then, you can also take additional supplements if you want. Most importantly, don't forget to combine the incoming food with regular exercise so that the body does not only increase fat mass, but also muscle mass. If weight gain stops midway, try consulting a nutritionist or personal exercise instructor.
Method 1 of 3: Changing Your Diet

Step 1. Have a special journal to record the food and drinks that enter your body
In addition to using a journal, data about the food and drinks you eat every day can also be recorded on a laptop. In particular, note the description of the food and/or drink you eat and the portion. Every day, go through the list and monitor the number of calories that enter your body.
- If you don't know the nutritional information contained in a particular food, try calculating it using a nutritional calculator or a calorie calculator that can be accessed for free on the internet. If you want, you can also download special apps for calculating nutrition, such as Rise Up and Calorific.
- In addition to motivating you to eat healthy foods, this method also helps you to identify the presence or absence of negative eating tendencies at certain times.

Step 2. Eat more often
If you want to gain weight, your body automatically has to consume more calories, right? To keep your weight gain steady throughout the month, try increasing your calorie intake by 5-10% of the standard calorie intake based on your age and current weight. To keep your body healthy, you should also choose healthy foods instead of fast food or processed foods.
Some examples of healthy and filling foods are bananas, almond butter, sweet potatoes, and low-fat meats. For example, if you've been eating only one banana per day, try increasing the number to three per day if you want to gain weight

Step 3. Eat every few hours
Instead, you should eat a heavy meal or snack every four hours. By doing so, your energy level will undoubtedly remain maximal and balanced so that the body can consume more calories throughout the day. If you skip meals, your body will be forced to break down tissue to keep it functioning properly. As a result, your weight gain will not be healthy.
If you want to gain weight, you should eat a heavy meal right before bed. By doing so, the body will receive the nutrients it needs to repair the cells in it throughout the night. One example of food that you can try is processed wheat pasta

Step 4. Increase protein intake
In order to gain weight in a healthy way, the body must be fed with enough protein to increase muscle mass while burning excess fat. In general, you should consume 1.6 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight each day. However, also understand that protein in certain amounts can make the stomach feel full for longer. Therefore, control your protein intake so that you can continue to eat throughout the day.
Some examples of high-protein foods are peanut butter, low-fat meats, certain dairy products, and eggs

Step 5. Choose healthy snacks
Always carry a healthy snack in your bag, like a bag of carrots with hummus. As often as possible, eat snacks consisting of three or more types of food. For example, you can eat a piece of toasted white bread with peanut butter and sliced banana. By doing so, surely the stomach will remain full and the body can receive adequate nutritional intake.

Step 6. Eat calories in liquid form
Liquids are a good option as a snack or supplement, not a replacement for a heavy meal, if you're looking to gain weight. Supplemental drinks or smoothies made from a mixture of various favorite food ingredients are also options worth trying because they are calorie-dense, filling, and of course delicious. If you want, you can also consume pure fruit juice or dairy products.
- One of the filling smoothie recipes is made from a combination of almond milk, protein powder, grated dark chocolate, peanut butter, and coconut milk.
- If you're also taking supplement drinks, try drinking one to two drinks a day to increase your weight.
- Make sure you also drink as much water as possible. At least, drink eight glasses of water every day!

Step 7. Change your diet if there is no significant change
In fact, your weight will probably stop at some point. If that happens, try to watch your diet, then make adjustments to your calorie and protein intake if needed. In addition, make sure you also choose healthy foods, and if you want, insert special days to eat high-calorie foods.
Method 2 of 3: Changing Your Lifestyle

Step 1. Work out as hard as you can
Combine weight training with cardiovascular to help convert extra calories into muscle instead of fat. For maximum results, exercise at least five times a week!

Step 2. Limit cardiovascular exercise
If you want to gain weight, you should trim long-term or long-distance cardiovascular exercise. For example, don't do long-distance running because this activity can burn most of the calories in your body. Instead, do short-term cardiovascular exercise, about 15 minutes, or mix weight training with a brisk run.

Step 3. Do weight training
Try consulting your personal instructor for a target-relevant weight training program. Most likely, you will be asked to alternate between light and heavy weights. In each session, exercise for at least 45 minutes. Generally, the instructor will also ask you to exercise in several sets at certain time intervals.
Balance diet and exercise program by referring to the concept of "metabolic window". In other words, make sure you consume protein and carbohydrates just before and after exercise so that the nutritional intake you get is more optimal

Step 4. Help your body to recover by resting
Chances are, you will be tempted to exercise non-stop for a whole month. In fact, this behavior can actually make you injured or even sick! Instead, always include a special day not to exercise, not following a diet program, and relaxing. Also, make sure you get at least eight hours of sleep every night!
Method 3 of 3: Keeping Yourself Realistic and Motivated

Step 1. Start slowly
This method is especially a must for those of you who rarely exercise and control your diet, especially since you may have to experiment to find the foods your body accepts and exercise that has the most effect. Also reduce calorie intake gradually. Don't worry, you can always increase the target later.

Step 2. Understand the reasons behind your desire to change
When you're feeling very tired or the program you're following is starting to get overwhelming, try to motivate yourself by reaffirming the reasons behind your desire to gain weight. Also think about why you should be able to achieve that goal. Remind yourself that to achieve healthy and ideal changes, your body must also gain muscle mass, not just fat mass.
If your morale starts to drop, reflect on your goals by saying, "I have to do this, I can definitely do this." Repeat the statement until you are completely ready to start over

Step 3. Be aware of negative triggers
Think about your daily habits to predict whether or not there will be personal challenges you may face in the future. If you've always tended to eat breakfast in small portions, try targeting an increase in calories in that area. If a friend doesn't support your plans, try to keep your distance from them.
Think of a new habit that you can start implementing to reach your goal weight. For example, find a friend to work out with who also has a similar goal

Step 4. Reward yourself regularly
Feel free to reward yourself with a delicious meal or snack before or after your workout. Every now and then, take a break and don't need to exercise to run your diet program. Take advantage of this moment to listen to relaxing music and if possible, choose an activity that is not only interesting, but also able to help you achieve your goals.
Control yourself on the day! Do not eat too much so that fat mass does not increase

Step 5. Involve closest relatives and friends
Convey your desire to gain weight to those closest to you. Then, ask for their advice and support as you work to complete the program. In fact, they may even be able to recommend nutritious food recipes or accompany you to exercise, you know!

Step 6. Work with a trusted nutritionist and exercise instructor
These days, you can easily get recommendations for qualified instructors at a fitness center or even a doctor's clinic. In particular, the personal instructor is responsible for tailoring the exercise program to your goals. In addition, you also need to work with a nutritionist to ensure that the food you eat is healthy and balanced enough to keep your body energized and consistent.
- Want to increase muscle mass? Try to reduce body fat percentage before starting the desired program.
- If you reach your goal in a relatively short amount of time, continue to exercise consistently and try to gradually lower your calorie intake at the same time. Supposedly, this method can help maintain the stability of your weight.
- It's best to consult a doctor before trying a new type of exercise or diet program.
- Be aware of weight gain programs that require you to fast for certain periods, then eat excessive amounts of food at certain times. Such programs prove to be harmful to your health!
- If you experience decreased appetite, difficulty breathing, or decreased motor control, see a doctor immediately!
- Balance your diet with exercise to ensure that it's not just your fat mass that's gaining. Be careful, excess fat can trigger heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other health problems.