How to Get Your Hamster to Trust You: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Get Your Hamster to Trust You: 12 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Get Your Hamster to Trust You: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Hamsters are cute little animals to care for as pets. Hamsters are naturally curious and can make you happy when you see them in their cage. However, hamsters do not immediately trust humans. In fact, because of your size (you are hundreds of times bigger than a hamster), he may see you as a predator until he proves you otherwise. With time, patience, and a gentle touch, your hamster will learn to trust you and get to know you better.


Part 1 of 2: Getting Your Hamster Accustomed to Your Home

Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 1
Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 1

Step 1. Place the hamster cage in a good place

Allowing your hamster to get used to his new environment is an important foundation for building his trust. Finding a good location to store your hamster's cage will make the adaptation process easier. A warm room is ideal for hamsters, especially if they are free from drafts.

  • The room should not be frequented by humans because this will make the hamster confused or frightened.
  • Your bedroom is usually not a good place to keep a hamster cage because hamsters are nocturnal and will make a lot of noise when you sleep.
Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 2
Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 2

Step 2. Give your hamster time to adapt to your home

Allow the hamster at least a few days to adapt to its new environment. During this time, your hamster will begin to adapt to the location of some objects in its cage (food, water, and sleeping areas).

  • Don't worry if your hamster washes his face or grooms himself too much. This is not a sign that your hamster is as nervous as you might think. Instead, it is marking and claiming its new territory.
  • Smell tagging allows your hamster to recognize some of the places and objects in his new home.
Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 3
Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 3

Step 3. Approach the hamster cage carefully

Your hamster may see you as a big predator at first. Don't convince the hamster's perception by approaching the cage in a threatening manner. Instead, your approach should be slow and calm without any sudden movements or noises.

Try talking to your hamster in a low, soft voice as you approach and reach for the cage

Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 4
Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 4

Step 4. Stand near the cage

During the first few days of the introduction process, the hamster will hide in the cage as you approach it. He may feel wary of you and his new surroundings. Over time, however, your hamster will feel calm enough to do activities that your hamster would normally do, such as exploring its cage, when you are nearby.

  • Talking to him in a low, soft voice will help him relax and feel comfortable in your presence.
  • You don't have to stand next to the crate for long periods of time. Try standing for a few minutes at a time to see how he reacts.
  • Once you see him doing what your hamster would normally do when you're around him, keep talking to him. Your voice will continue to help him adapt.
  • Consider offering your hamster a treat while you are near his cage. Place it under the cage, as your hamster may not be ready to take the treat right out of your hand.
Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 5
Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 5

Step 5. Don't hold it

It is very important not to touch the hamster during this adaptation period. Adjusting to his new home is hard enough, especially if you hold on to him and lift him up. Talking to the hamster and being near the cage is enough.

Part 2 of 2: Holding a Hamster

Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 6
Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 6

Step 1. Try to hold the hamster while it is awake

Once your hamster has gotten used to your new home and your presence, you can earn its trust by touching it appropriately. He will be more willing to cooperate if he is awake and alert, that is, at night.

  • Do not wake the hamster to train it. If he's in a deep sleep and is suddenly awakened, he may turn defensive, which could lead to you being bitten by him.
  • If your hamster is busy doing other things when you approach the cage, get the hamster's attention by patting the cage, moving the water bottle, or talking softly to him.
Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 7
Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 7

Step 2. Wash your hands

Clean hands are very important when handling hamsters. If your hand smells like food, your hamster will treat your hand as food and try to bite it. Be sure to wash your hands with unscented soap. Even fruity-smelling soap can make your hamster bite your hand.

If you have multiple hamsters, wash your hands as you handle each one. The smell of one hamster on your hand will make the other hamster feel he is being attacked

Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 8
Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 8

Step 3. Get used to the hamster with your hands

Your hamster will trust you if it can trust that your hand won't hurt it. With clean hands, gently place one hand under the cage. Let him explore your hand by sniffing it.

  • Don't be surprised if your hamster runs and hides when you put your hand in the cage for the first time. From the point of view of the prey, your hand entering the cage can look like a large bird swooping in to pick it up.
  • Lay down your hands in a non-threatening way (your fingers are clenched into fists). Spreading your fingers can make your hamster think it is being attacked.
  • Don't pull your hand away if he tries to bite it. Hamster bites are his way of exploring your hand. If you suddenly pull your hand away, he may become frightened and become more wary of your hand.
  • Try offering him a snack, talking to him, or stroking his back as he gets more comfortable with your hand. Over time, he will take the treat from your hand.
Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 9
Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 9

Step 4. Pick up the hamster

When the hamster is comfortable in your hands, put your hands in the cage. Make your hand like a shovel and wait for the hamster to walk over to your hand. Pick him up with both hands as you remove him from the cage. Let your hamster face you while you're picking him up-he'll know how he's doing and won't jump.

  • The hamster will move restlessly and jump out of your hand while it is still in the cage. Let him do it.
  • If he seems annoyed, calm him down by giving him a snack and/or rubbing his back. Talking to him in a soothing voice can also calm him down.
  • The hamster will squeak when you pick it up. It was a sign that he didn't want to be held.
  • If he continues to squeak, put him back in the cage and try to pick him up again later.
  • If you're having trouble picking him up with your hands, place an empty mug in the hamster's cage and let him climb over it. Once he has crawled into the mug, gently "pour" the hamster into your hand.
Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 10
Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 10

Step 5. Hold the hamster for a few moments

Being held by you can stress your hamster. Try to hold it for a minute or two at first, then slowly add time each time you lift it. Try holding it for about five minutes a day.

  • Hold the hamster close to you and stroke its back and forehead.
  • When the hamster is comfortable to hold, sit or lie on the floor and the hamster will crawl and climb over you.
Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 11
Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 11

Step 6. Don't let the hamster fall

When you pick up and hold your hamster, don't let it fall. Hamsters have poor eyesight and shallow perception, so they won't know how and how high they are from the floor. In addition, your hamster may injure himself if it is startled and tries to jump out of your hand while removing it from the cage.

Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 12
Make Your Hamster Trust You Step 12

Step 7. Return the hamster to the cage

After a few minutes, or when he starts to get annoyed, return the hamster to the cage. Just as you lift him up, use slow, gentle motions to bring him back into the cage.

  • Make an effort to get your hands under the cage before letting them get out of your hands.
  • Give him a treat when you put him back in the cage.


  • Be patient as your hamster learns to trust you.
  • Even if your hamster doesn't make a sound, it will want to interact with you. In fact, hamsters seek human interaction and affection.
  • Hamsters are animals that have to get used to something first. Try holding your hamster at the same time every evening.
  • If your hamster squeaks, it could mean that it needs attention, is frightened or disturbed. You have to understand and find out what's bothering him.


  • Hamsters can hurt themselves if they fall.
  • Hamsters will bite your hand when they are trying to trust you. To break the biting habit, gently blow on your hamster's face when it bites you.
