How to Have Thick Lips: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Have Thick Lips: 14 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Have Thick Lips: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

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Getting bigger and fuller lips is the dream of many women. If you want to know how to take care of your lips and accentuate them using various techniques, you can study them. Learn how to use makeup and other homemade ingredients to make your lips thicker.


Method 1 of 2: Using Makeup


Step 1. Exfoliate your lips before applying makeup

Basic facial scrubs can be used on the lips as well as on all parts of the facial skin. This step is great at cleaning pores and exfoliating dry dead skin from the surface of the lips. Apply and gently massage the facial scrub onto your lips to remove flaky skin cells that will prevent your lips from looking full and healthy.

You can make a natural sugar scrub at home by mixing one part sugar and one part olive oil. Or you can buy these products at most beauty supply stores. You can also brush your lips gently with a dry toothbrush


Step 2. Moisturize your lips to keep them looking full

Moisturizing your lips will prevent them from drying out and peeling under the lipstick. You can use different types of moisturizers and lip balms to keep the skin on your lips from becoming too dry. Try to apply moisturizer every day, especially if the weather is cold or very dry and windy.

  • When applying makeup, start by applying a layer of moisturizer to the outside of your lips and face. Allow it to absorb before applying makeup. You can use a lip balm or moisturizing facial serum on your lips.
  • Moisturize from within too. The point is to drink at least 8 glasses (2 liters) per day. This step is not only healthy for the body but also keeps the skin and lips moisturized.
Get Big Lips Step 3
Get Big Lips Step 3

Step 3. Choose the right lipstick color

When choosing a lip color, try to stick to lighter colors. When it comes to dressing, we all know that dark colors give a slimming effect while light colors don't. The same theory applies to lipsticks, so dark colors will first make your lips look smaller and secondly draw more attention to the fact because dark colors are so eye-catching.


Step 4. Frame your lips with a lip pencil

Draw a line right along the outer edge of your lips with a lip pencil, then draw only a small part of the actual lips. This will help your lipstick last longer and will prevent it from smudging on your face, something that sometimes happens, especially if you use dark colors.

Do it gently. Think about Kylie Jenner. Don't create a dramatic curve along the upper lip, this will not only draw attention to the fact that your lips are drawn but also make them look smaller. Instead follow the natural shape of your lips


Step 5. Apply lipstick near the center of your lips

Take a lipstick in the color of your choice and apply it over the aunt. Use the brush to blend it with your lip pencil and to remove any rough lines. Take a lipstick that is slightly lighter in color than before and pat it on the inside of the lips, where they are the largest and most naturally exposed to light. Take your brush and blend this lipstick with the base color to make sure the makeup looks natural.

If you want, try taking a highlighter (makeup to make some parts of your face look bright and shiny) or use a small amount of white eye shadow and apply a little just above the center of your upper lip, in the crease along your upper lip. If you're using white eyeshadow, blend it in so that it doesn't look like white clumps, but rather looks like a slightly lighter, shimmery dot. This trick makes your lips look fuller, but it can also make them look a little fake


Step 6. Apply a small amount of lip gloss

Use clear lip gloss over lipstick to help reflect light to give the illusion of thicker lips. If you don't like the look of lip gloss, make sure the lighter shade of lip blush you used is glossy and not matte.

Apply lip gloss on both the upper and lower lips, but apply it on the center not on the left and right sides of the lips. The lip gloss will spread when you purse your lips, but will be concentrated in the center, making your lips appear fuller


Step 7. Use a highlighter on your lips too

Take a light highlighter in your preferred shape--brush or liquid--and top it off from the natural curve of your upper lip to make your lips appear fuller. Apply a small amount of highlighter to the curves under your lips and above your chin using a matte bronzer. This step will give the impression that your lips are more towering.


Step 8. Try using a lip plumper

Some people really believe in lip plumper which is basically a lip gloss that contains irritating ingredients. This material makes your lips 'swollen' due to an increase in blood flow to the lips, which is why there is an itchy feeling when using it. DuWop, Laura Mercier, Smashbox and Dior have some great lip plumper products. Even so, most of the 'beauty' companies also produce this product.

Lip plumper also has drawbacks. The effect is temporary and this product can be very drying on your lips

Method 2 of 2: Using Home Remedies and Lip Exercises


Step 1. Try dabbing some cayenne pepper

One of the ancient remedies for lips is to use a small amount of cayenne pepper on the outside of your lips. Mix a little cayenne pepper powder with water to make a paste then apply it on your lips and leave it on for ten minutes. Rinse with water.

  • Avoid licking your lips while the chili paste is being applied to the lips.
  • Basically this method works by irritating your lips and eventually making them dry. Do not use this method as a long-term solution.

Step 2. Try applying essential oils

Peppermint and cinnamon oils are sometimes used in very small doses to make lips fuller. This step causes the lips to swell which makes them appear fuller and pinkish in color. But usually applying cinnamon oil on the lips causes severe irritation, so it's better to mix it with a lip balm first.

  • Remember, these oils are very spicy, irritate the skin and are generally not recommended as a solution.
  • There are a number of natural lip plumpers containing vitamin E, cinnamon oil and olive oil that are sometimes sold commercially. Reviews of lip plumpers will help you choose the right product for your skin type.

Step 3. Try to whistle

Whistling engages the muscles of the lips, thereby increasing the volume of the lips with a series of repeated movements. How big lips can be made by whistling is debatable, but there's also no harm in doing it because this step is easy, free and is a natural treatment for thicker lips. Nothing to lose!

Try to whistle at scale. Whistling up and down and up and down repeatedly. Keep repeating until you can feel your muscles working. Usually you will feel a little soreness and tension when you train these muscles


Step 4. Pinch your lips

Try positions like kissing as a solution to make your lips fuller. Pursue your lips using all your strength as if you are kissing something. Hold your lips pursed for 10 to 15 seconds and do ten repetitions. Try to repeat this step three times each day.


Step 5. Alternately smile and frown

Just try to alternate between smiling and pouting to move and train your lip muscles. Press your lips together and try to smile.

Some people worry about the appearance of "smile lines" and wrinkles. Pull the corners of your lips with your fingers to avoid the formation of wrinkles. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds and repeat 10 repetitions, three times a day


Step 6. Do the basic exercises for the lips

Do you like lip sports? Here are some lip exercises you can try to increase the volume of your lips:

  • Hold your lips together and move them from right to left. Again move from left to right. Repeat this exercise four to five times to increase the volume of your lips.
  • Hold both lips in a clenched position and twist in a clockwise motion. Do this three times. Now change the direction of rotation of the lips to counterclockwise.
