How do you find and evolve Riolu? These Pokemon are very rare and hard to find if you don't know where to look. This method varies depending on the Pokemon game you are playing. By evolving Rioulu you'll get Lucario, one of the most effective fighting-type Pokemon in the game.
Method 1 of 2: Finding Riolu
Riolu is obtained in different ways depending on the version of the game you are playing:
- Pokemon X & Y
- Pokemon Black 2 & White 2
- Pokemon Black & White
- Pokemon HeartGold & SoulSilver
X & Y
Step 1. Catch Riolu on Route 22
Walk through the grass and flowers on route 22 for a possible find of Riolu. Riolu will be at Level 6-7. Riolu is extremely rare, so finding it might take some time.
Step 2. Find Riolu in Friend Safari
If you beat the Elite Four, you'll get access to the Friend Safari in Kiloude town.
- You'll need to enter a Friend Code which will give you access to fighter-types in Friend Safari.
- The friend code you enter must first complete the game for Riolu to be available to be caught later.
- There is a 25% chance that the fighter-types in Safari and Riolu will be in Slot 3.
Black 2 & White 2

Step 1. Go to Floccesy Ranch
The farm is accessible through the start of the game. Located north of Route 20.

Step 2. Find Riolu
Riolu can be found when walking through tall grass. There is a 5% chance that Riolu will appear. When found Riolu will be between Level 5 and Level 7.
Black & White

Step 1. Defeat the Elite Four and Team Plasma
The only way to get Riolu in Pokemon Black & White is to finish the storyline first and become the champion.

Step 2. Go to Challenger's Cave
The cave entrance is on Route 9. You will not be able to enter the cave until you have defeated the Elite Four and Team Plasma. Once you meet the requirements, the person blocking the entrance will let you through.
The cave is dark, so you'll need Flash to explore the cave, as well as surf to cross the river

Step 3. Find Riolu
Riolu can appear in the first and second dungeons in the cave. There is a 5% chance that Riolu will appear, and will be at Level 49 or 50.
HeartGold & SoulSilver

Step 1. Go to Johto Safari Zone
In order to access the Safari Zone, you must complete the story in the Glitter Lighthouse. After you do that, Baoba will summon your character and notify you that the Safari Zone has been opened.

Step 2. Find Geodude to complete the Safari Zone's first challenge
Baoba wants you to catch Geodude to show you how Safari Zone works. Geodude can be found in the top area of the Safari Zone, which is always the starting area.

Step 3. Find Sandshrew to complete Safari Zone's second challenge
Three hours after you complete the first challenge, Baoba will call you back and tell you to catch Sandshrew. To do so, you must add a wilderness area to the Safari Zone. Use the area manager to do this.

Step 4. Defeat the Elite Four
To find Riolu, you will need the National Pokedex. Obtained after you win the Johto League, before you send a ship to the Kanto area.

Step 5. Place the blocks in the Safari Zone
After you complete the steps above, Baoba will contact you and will give you the ability to add blocks for each area in the Safari Zone. Riolu is located in the Meadow area, so focus on placing blocks there.
Riolu will be pulled out by Peak (Small Rocks, Big Rocks, Mossy Rocks) and Forest(Trees, pillars, twigs) blocks

Step 6. Increase blocks
You will need 42 Peak blocks and 28 Forest blocks in the Meadow area. You can only put 30 blocks in one area, so you have to increase your blocks.
Every 10 days in the Safari Zone, one block type increases. After 10 days, the Plain blocks have doubled in number. After 20 days, Forest blocks have doubled in number. After 30 days, the Peak blocks have doubled in number. After 40 days, the Waterside blocks have doubled in number. After 50 days, the Plain blocks tripled in number. This cycle will continue until each block has quadrupled in number

Step 7. Find and capture Riolu
Once you have enough blocks installed and upgraded, walk through the tall grass in the Meadow area to try to take on Riolu. The chances of seeing and catching Riolu were still very slim. The wild Riolu who was in the Safari Zone was at Level 45-46.
Diamonds, Pearls and Platinum
Step 1. Go to Iron Island
In order to get to Iron Island, you need access to the town of Canalave. Once you enter the city, walk north and cross the bridge after that to the left. You may have to face your challenger after you cross the bridge if you haven't faced one before. After crossing, walk back until you see a boat in the harbor.
Talk to the sailors in the harbor and you will be taken to Iron Island by boat

Step 2. Enter the cave on Iron Island
You will find two stairs. Walk up the stairs to the right to access the elevator that takes you to the lower basement. You will find two stairs back. This time, walk up the stairs to the left and you'll meet Riley.
Step 3. Struggle with the rest of the way in the cave
After Riley joins you, you will need to continue your journey through the caves, until you encounter Galactic Grunts. Defeat the Galactic Grunts and Riley will leave you. As a reward, he will give you a Riolu egg.
If you don't have enough room in your group to pick up the eggs, Riley will wait there until you return with enough space

Step 4. Hatch the eggs
Save the eggs in your group to hatch them. Eggs hatch by taking several steps in the game. Each egg has a number of cycles, and a cycle is completed after 256 steps. When the egg has less than 5 cycles left, the status screen will display the message: “Egg is making noise! The eggs will hatch soon!”
Once the egg hatched, a Level 1 Riolu would be born
Method 2 of 2: Evolving Riolu

Step 1. Increase Riolu's happiness
Also known as friendship level. There are some actions that make you increase Riolu's happiness. Riolu must have a friendship/happiness level of at least 220 to evolve.
- Catch Riolu with a Luxury Ball. This method only works when you get a wild Riolu. Using luxury balls will add extra value that can increase happiness levels.
- Make Riolu save Soothe Bell. This will increase the number of friendship levels obtained.
- Walk 256 steps. Every 256 steps will increase your friendship level by 1. Riolu must be in your group.
- Get a massage at the Ribbon Syndicate. This will give a huge boost to your happiness level.
- Use vitamins and EV berries. These include Pomeg, Kelpsy, Qualot, Hondew, Grepa, and Tamato berries.
- Avoid fainting and use Heal Powder. This will slightly lower the level of your friendship.

Step 2. Only use Riolu during the day
Do all kinds of activities to increase friendship levels during the day. Make sure to fight with Riolu during the day.
Riolu can only evolve in sunlight

Step 3. Level up Riolu
After your friendship level with Riolu is 220 or more, Riolu will evolve when Riolu advances to the next Level. You can use the Friendship Checker tool in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum to check friendship levels. And will display 2 big hearts. Riolu will evolve into Lucario.