Although the origin of the burrito is not clear, it is clear that the burrito is a delicacy that is easy to carry around. The balance of flavors makes for the perfect burrito: a big mix of meat, rice and chickpeas balanced with a little extra rice and vegetables in such a way, then drizzled with sour cream and warm guacamole. Burritos not only fit in your hand, they fit right in your stomach.
- Big flour tortilla
- Chickpeas (refried beans or black beans are the traditional ones)
- Mexican Rice
- Choice of meat (see section 1 for details)
- Sliced Cheese
- Chilli Rajas or other canned green chilies that have been diced (optional)
- Tomato, diced
- Chopped raw onions, or roasted onions
- sour cream
- Pico de Gallo or other salsa
- Guacamole
- Lettuce, chopped
Part 1 of 2: Determining the Meat

Step 1. Try making “carne asada”
Carne asada is one of the most popular accompaniments to burritos. Carne asada is the edge, tip, or side of a steak that has been seasoned and grilled over a high temperature and then lightly charred. It is considered an expensive food but is worth the taste after baking. Like most Mexican meats, it is readily available in a "carniceria".

Step 2. Try adding chicken to the burrito
Although chicken is not a common meat used in Mexican burritos, it is very popular in the United States. There are many uses for chicken meat. Here are three ways to prepare your burrito:
- Boil and slice. Slicing chicken is a traditional method used to prepare typical Mexican dishes.
- Stir fry chicken. Stir-fried chicken is generally black chicken meat that is deep-fried in a little oil and Mexican spices before being cut into smaller pieces.
- Mole chicken. Black mole is a very tasty complement to chicken. Give it a try if you've never tasted this variety of cuisine that 99% of Mexicans already enjoy.

Step 3. Try the “carnitas” stuffed burrito
Carnitas is the Mexican term for slow steamed pork, specifically for boston rump cuts or picnic ham. First the meat will be slowly steamed to break down the collagen and cook the meat, then finish by frying or sautéing the meat for a crunchy texture.

Step 4. Try using al pastor
"Al pastor" means "Shepherd's style", and this probably comes from the Mexican interpretation of the Lebanese shawarma. Today, this method is the way to cook pork spicy, and of course very tasty. Try this type of meat for burritos. Go for it!

Step 5. Try using chorizo
Chorizo is a spicy pork sausage that comes packaged. When sauteed, it will become fragrant and rich in taste. Very commonly used in breakfast burritos or normal burritos.

Step 6. Try using “barbacoa”
Barbacoa is a name that comes from the English word “barbecue”. In modern Mexico, barbacoa refers to meat (usually lamb) that is slowly cooked over an open flame.

Step 7. Experiment with ingredients, and other, more unique meats
Many burrito connoisseurs aren't used to experimenting with the meat used, but it's a good idea to reduce the saturation of plain chicken or beef. Head to your local “carniceria” and have the butcher provide you with these things:
- Lengua - beef tongue
- Cabeza - cow's head
- Tripa - large intestine

Step 8. Make the ground beef tacos
Ground beef, seasoned with tacos, makes for a very tasty beef burrito. If you don't want to get confused with Mexican style for the first time, try this simple recipe and get things started from there.
Part 2 of 2: Putting together the Burritos

Step 1. Steam or heat your flour burrito
Flour burritos have an amazing elasticity when exposed to heat and a small amount of liquid. If you don't have a burrito steamer, try sticking the tortillas in the microwave for 20 seconds or more.
Remember to choose a burritto that is large enough. You can always make a burrito that's too big, but trying to wrap a burrito with a tortilla that's too small will only make it difficult and spill the seasoning. Do this properly

Step 2. Place the tortilla on a large layer of foil and cover a small amount of Mexican rice in the center cavity of the tortilla
The shape doesn't matter, as long as you can leave room on all sides of the tortilla to wrap it around. If you don't want to cook typical Mexican rice, you can use plain or brown rice for a healthier option.

Step 3. Place some chickpeas on top of the rice
If you are using j=black chickpeas, be sure to drain the liquid before adding. Again, the portion is up to you. Most people only use a little, but you can add as much as you want.

Step 4. Add as much meat as you like
Meat is the star of this dish so make sure it's perfect. For vegetarians you can use tofu, mushrooms, etc.

Step 5. Sprinkle some cheese over the meat (optional)
You don't have to add cheese if you don't want to, but many burrito fans do. If you're buying cheese from a store, look for the "Mexican 4 cheese" type. If you want to use more than one type of cheese, purchase one of the cheeses below:
- Monterrey Jack
- Cheddar
- Asadero
- Queso Blanco

Step 6. Add green chilies and tomatoes in almost equal portions
These two ingredients are not mandatory, but they will make the burrito taste better. If you want to add salsa or pico de gallo, don't use too many tomatoes.

Step 7. Add a small amount of garlic to the tortilla
Whether it's still a little raw or grilled and lightly seasoned, garlic is a great touch for a burrito, but you don't want it to be too strong.

Step 8. Add sour cream, guacamole and salsa in equal portions
This mixture will make the burrito taste less dry.

Step 9. Use a small amount of lettuce on top
Crispy, juicy lettuce leaves are laid out to give the burrito a more delicious taste. Especially if the contents of the burrito are still warm, just use a small amount of lettuce. Add a little more if you want.

Step 10. Roll up the burrito
Fold both sides of the tortilla in the middle. Secure the sides of the tortilla with your fingers, using your thumbs and folding the bottom to the sides. Hold the burrito in the center and simply roll it forward until the top of the tortilla is no longer visible.
Finish the burrito by wrapping it in foil. The foil will keep the burrito warm. And it will keep the burrito rolled up while you eat it
- There are so many variations you can make with a burrito. Try making a soggy burrito once you've mastered the normal version.
- Several types of salsa will make this dish taste more delicious.