How to Exercise for Broken Legs (with Pictures)

How to Exercise for Broken Legs (with Pictures)
How to Exercise for Broken Legs (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Maintaining an exercise routine while you have a broken leg can be difficult, but not impossible. All leg injuries are bound to interfere with regular exercise routines, but you can still be active and maintain regular cardio and muscle training. Try to stay as active as possible during the injury and be prepared to return to activities (or at least gradually) once your injury has healed and the cast, boots, or previously worn safety shoes have been removed. Follow the advice of your doctor, physical therapist or sports coach, to exercise properly during your injury and restore full mobility and strength to your body when the time is right.


Part 1 of 2: Adjusting a Cardio Exercise

Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 1
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 1

Step 1. Check with your doctor

Before starting any program, talk to your doctor or physical therapist to make sure your new exercise doesn't put you at risk of aggravating the injury.

  • Physical therapists are highly experienced in tailoring fitness exercises to suit the needs of their patients.
  • As a result of your injury or surgery, you will usually be required to wear a hard cast, boots, or special equipment to limit your movement.
  • Take advantage of the equipment and knowledge provided by your physical therapist.
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 2
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 2

Step 2. Sit down

You can still increase your heart rate to a desired level with cardio while sitting. The following exercises should be performed on a sturdy chair with no arms and a straight back.

  • Even if you are not injured, the following cardio exercises are suitable for people who are constantly sitting while working.
  • For the following sets of exercises, the recommended number of repetitions is 25 for each exercise, and performed in succession with minimal rest breaks.
  • Try using a heart rate monitor. This will help you adjust your workout duration to get your desired heart rate zone. Calculate your target heart rate according to the instructions in this article.
  • Do 3-6 rounds per exercise for short training times. If you want longer, do 8-12 rounds of practice.
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 3
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 3

Step 3. Begin with the exercise to raise the roof

The exercise to raise the roof is performed using both hands and arms, and pushing as hard as possible straight up.

  • Start by straightening your elbows outward, and your hands at shoulder height. Push your arms up firmly and quickly as if you were raising a roof. Do as many as 25 repetitions.
  • Next, push up both arms alternately. Again, move as fast and as hard as you can. Do as many as 25 repetitions.
  • To increase your heart rate, apply strength and speed to your every move.
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 4
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 4

Step 4. Switch to one-arm boxing

As if punching a sandbag hanging on your left side, hit the dummy sandbag firmly and quickly with your right fist.

  • Your movements should be fluid and steady. Hit it through the chest with your right hand and arm. Repeat for 25 reps.
  • Now, imagine that the sandbag is on the right side and start hitting it with your left hand and arm. Do as many as 25 repetitions.
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 5
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 5

Step 5. Hit with both hands

Imagine the sandbags are on either side of you, and hit alternately.

Keep your moves fluid, strong, fast, and not sloppy. Do as many as 25 repetitions

Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 6
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 6

Step 6. Begin the side-to-side arching exercise

Straighten your arms up as if you were guarding a goal, position your wrists and hands slightly inward with your palms facing each other and forming an arch.

  • Lower your body to the right side in slow, gentle swings.
  • Swing your body to the left. This movement trains the abdominal muscles and sides of the body. Try to keep your buttocks planted in the chair and use your side abdominal muscles to move.
  • Exhale as you swing down. Repeat the swing from side to side for 25 reps.
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 7
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 7

Step 7. Perform arm loops

Hold your arms straight out sideways from your body, and begin to rotate your arms forward. The arm rotation should be kept as big as a dinner plate.

  • Do it quickly and vigorously for 25 reps. Watch your breath as you practice.
  • After completing the forward loop, do not rest or lower your arms, and repeat the same movement, but in the opposite direction.
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 8
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 8

Step 8. Work your abdominal muscles

This exercise should only be done in a chair that is sturdy and has a backrest. Don't let the chair fall over as you rock backwards.

  • Keep your arms as stiff as possible, and lean back slowly so that the broken leg in the cast or boot lifts off the floor.
  • Your abdominal muscles should be in full control of your movements.
  • Now, rock your body forward and keep your body in one unit so that your abdominal muscles are trained.
  • Don't let your feet touch the floor, then repeat the swing by leaning back again.
  • Do this movement slowly and place the arm anywhere as long as it is comfortable and steady. Repeat this movement for 12 repetitions.
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 9
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 9

Step 9. Repeat your set of exercises

Your short workout consists of 3-6 training rounds as described above.

For people who are used to heavy cardio training, feel free to do 8-12 rounds to get the desired heart rate zone

Part 2 of 2: Maintaining Muscle Shape and Strength

Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 10
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 10

Step 1. Continue with your upper body exercises

First, talk to your doctor to make sure that exercise doesn't make your injury worse.

  • Continue upper body exercises if they do not pose a risk of aggravation and pain, and have been approved by your doctor.
  • For safety reasons, make sure you are accompanied by someone, either at home or at the gym, to prevent falls or further injury.
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 11
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 11

Step 2. Use the chin bar

Do chip-ups using a reverse grip with your palms facing you and your hands slightly less than shoulder-width apart.

  • Pull your body up until your chin or upper chest touches the bar.
  • Do 5 sets of 6 reps in each set.
  • Make sure you are assisted by someone else to slowly position yourself on the floor as you complete each set.
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 12
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 12

Step 3. Try the advanced version

This type of chin-up exercise is called the sternum gyronida and works a variety of muscles and is more difficult to perform.

  • The goal of this exercise is to position your body on an incline and your lower chest to touch the bar.
  • Depending on the type of injury, and the shape of the restraints in your leg, this exercise may not be possible. The ability to work the upper leg muscles is necessary to keep the body in an inclined position.
  • If you can do this exercise, do 5 sets of 6 reps in each set. Make sure you have someone with you for your safety.
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 13
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 13

Step 4. Try crunches

Keep your injured leg straight (rather than bent), position it properly so that your foot is flat on the floor or leaning against a slightly higher bench.

  • The injured leg should remain straight, but the healthy leg can be bent at a 90-degree angle.
  • Place your hands on either side of your head, but don't intertwine your fingers behind your head.
  • Push your lower back into the floor, and raise or roll your shoulders off the floor. Do not raise your shoulders more than 10 cm from the floor
  • Focus on making slow, controlled movements while keeping your lower back pressed against the floor for maximum benefit. Do 5 sets of 30 reps per set.
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 14
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 14

Step 5. Try doing push-ups

Position your body so that your toes are touching the floor and your hands are directly under your shoulders.

  • While keeping your back straight and your head up, press your body up off the floor.
  • Lower your body back toward the floor until you feel a stretch in your chest and shoulders. Hold this position for a second, then push your body up while keeping your back and head straight.
  • Repeat for 5 sets of 20 reps per set.
  • Depending on the type of injury and the restraint applied, push-ups may not be right for you. All exercises that cause pain in the legs should not be done.
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 15
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 15

Step 6. Try squats with one leg

Make sure you are careful doing this exercise. Your healthy legs must be very strong to perform this exercise, and you must have good balance and mobility. It's a good idea to ask a friend to stand next to you so you can grab their arm if they lose their balance. Make sure your ankles are warm and supple.

  • Keeping your back straight, lower yourself into a sitting position, with your healthy thighs forming a 90-degree angle from your pelvis.
  • Keep your injured leg straight in front of you, parallel to the floor.
  • Return to a standing position using healthy leg strength.
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 16
Exercise With a Broken Leg Step 16

Step 7. Use your creativity

The exercises above are just examples.

  • Whatever exercise you try, make sure that someone accompanies you during your workout so you can exercise safely without causing any pain.
  • Work with your doctor, physical therapist, or trainer to develop an exercise menu consisting of cardio and muscle strength exercises that are safe for you.
