How to Call an Ambulance (with Pictures)

How to Call an Ambulance (with Pictures)
How to Call an Ambulance (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


If you've ever been in an emergency situation that threatened your safety, the ability to call an ambulance can be very useful. It is important that you always remember the numbers that can be called in an emergency (according to your city or country, of course). By being calm and making advance preparations to help, you can save someone else's life.


Part 1 of 3: Calling an Ambulance

Call an Ambulance Step 1
Call an Ambulance Step 1

Step 1. Calm yourself

Take a deep breath and calm yourself for a few seconds. While it's important to be in a time of crisis, you still can't help if you're hysterical yourself.

Call an Ambulance Step 2
Call an Ambulance Step 2

Step 2. Identify the number of emergency services that can be contacted

The emergency services numbers that you can call depend on the country you live in. You should always remember (or at least keep) the emergency services numbers in your city or area. After all, generally these numbers only consist of three digit numbers. The list below includes some familiar emergency service numbers:

  • For Indonesia, call 112 (emergency services), and 118 or 119 (ambulance)
  • For the United States and Canada, call 911
  • For the UK, dial 999; if you are using a mobile phone, dial 112
  • For Australia, dial 000
  • For Europe, call 112
  • For Japan, dial 119
  • Other countries or continents have different emergency service numbers so you will need to find out for yourself if the country or continent number you are looking for is not listed here.
Call an Ambulance Step 3
Call an Ambulance Step 3

Step 3. Ask the operator to send an ambulance

Operators need to know the type of assistance needed. In this case, explain that there is a medical emergency and you need an ambulance immediately. After that, the operator will send medical personnel and equipment needed to help you.

  • If you have been injured in a criminal act, you will need to contact the police to send some officers to the scene.
  • If you are injured in a fire or traffic accident, you may also need to contact the fire department to come to the scene.
Call an Ambulance Step 4
Call an Ambulance Step 4

Step 4. Provide the operator with the required details

The operator will ask you several questions so that he can contact the appropriate parties to deal with the problem or situation at hand. When you are asked, be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Your current location (or location of the incident).
  • The phone number you used to call the operator (if you know one).
  • If you are in a public place, provide information about the intersection (eg Dago intersection or HI roundabout) or landmarks or monuments (eg Welcome monument) nearest to the scene.
  • Tell your name, the name of the injured victim and why you need an ambulance. As much as possible also inform the condition or medical history of the victim.
Call an Ambulance Step 5
Call an Ambulance Step 5

Step 5. Stay calm and follow the advice given

You will stay connected to the operator until the first party to respond to emergency services arrives on the scene. Usually the first party will arrive with an ambulance.

The operator can also provide advice on how to provide assistance while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Follow the advice given

Call an Ambulance Step 6
Call an Ambulance Step 6

Step 6. Be prepared to help

Arriving emergency services personnel may ask you for help when they arrive. Stay calm and follow the instructions the officer gives you. You may be asked to stay away from the location or victim and wait for further instructions. If the officer asks you like that, do not interfere with the rescue process carried out by the officer.

Part 2 of 3: Seeing an Emergency

Call an Ambulance Step 7
Call an Ambulance Step 7

Step 1. Call emergency services only if absolutely necessary

As a general rule, if a person is still fully conscious and able to walk, you do not need to call an ambulance although the person may need to be taken to the hospital. Only call an ambulance if the victim requires immediate medical attention at the scene.

  • Blisters, minor cuts or bruises are not considered serious injuries requiring ambulance assistance.
  • Fractures, although they can be dangerous to the victim, are often not considered a life-threatening emergency.
Call an Ambulance Step 8
Call an Ambulance Step 8

Step 2. Always weigh the decision carefully and choose the 'safest' decision

If you don't know for sure how serious the victim's injuries are, it's a good idea to call emergency services. You are not a trained medical professional and may not know how to treat or treat serious injuries. Therefore, let the experts handle the victim if you don't know what to do.

Call an Ambulance Step 9
Call an Ambulance Step 9

Step 3. Note whether the emergency situation that occurs has the potential to threaten the victim's life

In critical situations, it is sometimes difficult to know whether the injuries or injuries sustained by the victim could be life threatening. However, there are some signs that you need to pay attention to because they can determine whether emergency services need to be sent to the scene. These signs include:

  • Victim can't breathe
  • The victim lost a lot of blood
  • The victim can't move
  • Victim shows no response
  • The victim has dizziness or headache, has difficulty breathing, or appears in shock
Call an Ambulance Step 10
Call an Ambulance Step 10

Step 4. Call the ambulance or emergency services first, then help the victim

Your first instinct may tell you to help an injured victim, but it's actually important that you call an ambulance or emergency services first. Every second is precious so don't waste your time trying to find out if you can help before calling medical attention.

Part 3 of 3: Providing Help While Waiting for the Ambulance

Call an Ambulance Step 11
Call an Ambulance Step 11

Step 1. Examine the existing situation

After calling an ambulance or emergency services, there are several things you can do to help the victim. Assess the situation beforehand to see if you can provide assistance before the ambulance arrives.

Call an Ambulance Step 12
Call an Ambulance Step 12

Step 2. Keep the victim away from other threats that are in the vicinity

If possible, do whatever it takes to keep or evacuate the victim from anything that could create further harm. However, it's very important that you don't put yourself in danger when you do this. Remember that there are already victims in this situation; don't add any more victims.

  • If the victim is bleeding profusely, apply direct pressure to the wound to block the flow of blood. Wrap the wound with a towel or shirt, then press the wound. You can also use other available items (make sure they're clean) to make a temporary tourniquet (a device to stop or stop blood flow). You can use a belt, although it is not ideal.
  • If there is a victim in a traffic accident, you can help the victim by evacuating him from a smoking or burning vehicle.
  • If the victim is in a dangerous place, such as a busy street, move the victim to the side of the road to avoid being hit by a car or other vehicle.
  • Never approach a burning vehicle and, if the victim has a spinal cord injury, never attempt to move it alone. You could make the injury worse or even burn it.
Call an Ambulance Step 13
Call an Ambulance Step 13

Step 3. Give artificial respiration

If you have obtained permission and a certificate to provide rescue breaths, you can try doing this. Check the victim's vital signs first. If the victim does not appear to be breathing, give artificial respiration. The steps can be explained as follows:

  • When giving rescue breaths, start by pressing on the victim's chest. Place your fingers on your chest and press down to a depth of (about) 5 centimeters 30 times. Make sure you press hard and fast so you can apply at least 100 pressures in a minute. Try to do it faster than one stroke per second.
  • After you press on the chest 30 times, you need to pump air into the victim's lungs. To do this, carefully tilt the victim's head up. After that, lock the air passage between your mouth and the victim's mouth by pressing his nose and covering his mouth with your mouth (like kissing position). When you give the victim air, blow air from the victim's mouth until the victim's chest is visibly raised. Give two breaths for each round of chest compressions (30 compressions), with one breath taking one second.
  • Repeat the process for as long as needed. Press the victim's chest 30 times and give two breaths for every 30 compressions.
  • If you don't know how to give rescue breaths, it's a good idea to let someone else do it because you risk injuring the victim if you do.
Call an Ambulance Step 14
Call an Ambulance Step 14

Step 4. Ask people around the scene for help

You may not know how to give rescue breaths, but others around the scene may know how. Ask the people around you to help you deal with the victim. If you're trying to move the victim (without any spinal cord injury), ask local people to help you move the victim.

Call an Ambulance Step 15
Call an Ambulance Step 15

Step 5. Calm the victim

While you cannot provide medical assistance, you can provide moral support. Victims may feel fear and anxiety. Sit next to him and provide support, and calm him down until an ambulance or emergency services arrives.

  • Notify the victim that an ambulance or help will arrive. Keep talking to him and make sure he keeps talking to you.
  • Help the victim stay calm and make sure she doesn't feel alone. If the victim is lying down or lying on the ground, keep him or her lying down. If the victim is standing, ask him to lie down.
  • If he asks or asks for something, hold the victim's hand or touch his shoulder to let him know that you are there and willing to help him.
  • Listen to the victim's request. Never give food or drink to a victim with an unknown injury. There is a possibility that the food or drink given can further injure the victim.
Call an Ambulance Step 16
Call an Ambulance Step 16

Step 6. Do not obstruct medical personnel or emergency services

Once the ambulance or emergency services personnel arrive, do not block them and move away from the site unless otherwise instructed. They are trained experts ready to respond to an emergency, but they shouldn't distract you.

If you are a witness to an incident, the police officer will likely ask you to move away from the scene and ask a few questions about the incident you saw. Follow the officer's instructions and answer any questions you can answer while the paramedics deal with the injured person


  • Most people carry cell phones. If you see someone, stop them and ask them to call an ambulance. Do not borrow his cell phone to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Don't do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or can put yourself in danger. Keep in mind that a trained expert will arrive at the scene.
  • In the United States, many 911 emergency service number systems use the E-911 (enhanced 911) feature. If you call emergency services by landline, the operator's computer can find your current address and record your phone number. However, don't rely too much on the feature and be prepared to let the officer know your current location (or the location of the incident).
  • If you're using an iPhone, the GPS911 app, GPS112 or Important Numbers (an international version that can be used when you're traveling abroad) will call emergency services and accurately show your GPS position on the screen.
  • You can use any cell phone or telephone to call emergency services. In addition, you do not have to pay when using a pay phone because the service is free.
  • Learn how to give rescue breaths and first aid in an accident (P3K) before an emergency occurs. Knowledge of both can be beneficial and save a person's life in emergency situations.
  • In case of an emergency, make sure you don't put yourself in danger. Say there is a traffic accident in the middle of the road. Do not help the victim unless the victim is on the side of the road because other vehicles can pass quickly and you are at risk of an accident. At the very least, make sure the traffic is secured before you help the victim. In any emergency situation YOUR safety comes FIRST.


  • Do not disconnect the phone with the operator until the operator allows you to disconnect.
  • Always check for medical marks on the victim's wrist or neck. This mark is usually gold or silver, but has a red 'medical' symbol (a wand with two snakes). Medical alerts like these can tell you about the victim's medical problems, medications, and allergy medications.
  • Emergency telephone services are operated by officers. Although they can imagine the seriousness or panic the caller is in, do not give inappropriate responses (eg swearing, insulting or swearing). If you do so, you may be subject to a criminal offense, regardless of whether you do so in a critical condition or not.
  • Never call an ambulance to just play around. It just wastes money and risks wasting the lives of other people who actually need medical help. In addition, it is illegal and you can be traced directly to the phone number used, and threatened with arrest.
