3 Ways to Shrink a Bag of Chips

3 Ways to Shrink a Bag of Chips
3 Ways to Shrink a Bag of Chips

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If you remember the Shrinky Dinks craft supplies, you'll know that shrinking something is fun and the end result can be used in a variety of works of art. Fortunately, bags of chips and other treats can be depreciated in much the same way. With the right safety procedures and a little skill, you can make cute little chip bags to apply to crafts.


Method 1 of 3: Shrink Pockets in the Oven

Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 1
Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 1

Step 1. Preheat the oven and prepare the kitchen utensils

To shrink a bag of chips, you'll need a few simple kitchen items, including two baking sheets, two sheets of parchment paper, and oven mitts. Assemble the utensils while heating the oven to 90 °C.

Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 2
Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 2

Step 2. Empty and wash the plastic bag you want to shrink

Remove all crumbs and food powder from the bag. If not cleaned, the crumbs will form lumps and the surface of the bag will appear not smooth after shrinking. Dry the bag with tissue paper to help sweep up any leftovers.

Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 3
Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 3

Step 3. Place the bag of chips on the baking sheet

Spread the bag between two pieces of parchment paper. If you want the result to be even and smooth, place another pan on parchment paper to pinch the bag in the middle. For curlier results, do not use a second pan.

Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 4
Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 4

Step 4. Bake the bag for 10 minutes

Place the pan in the preheated oven and bake for 10 minutes. Check the bag every 2 minutes to gauge the process and make sure the bag isn't damaged. After 10 minutes, remove the pan and open the parchment paper to see your tiny bag of chips.

  • Be careful when removing the pan and handling the bag of chips. Both will be very hot after baking.
  • The bag of chips will be small and hard, and usually difficult to shape. The pouch will be easier to fold if it is not fully shrunk.
  • The bag of chips will shrink to about 25% of their original size, depending on whether you bake them for the recommended time or less.

Method 2 of 3: Shrink Pockets in the Microwave

Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 5
Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 5

Step 1. Empty and wash the bag of chips you want to shrink

Remove all crumbs and food powder from the bag. If you don't clean the crumbs, they will form lumps and the bag will look sloppy after shrinking. Dry the bag with tissue paper to help sweep up any leftovers.

Remember, the aluminum coating inside most plastic bags will cause sparks in the microwave. If you are using the microwave to shrink the bag, monitor the bag very carefully

Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 6
Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 6

Step 2. Place the bag in the microwave for 5 minutes

Set the microwave setting to “high” and do not preheat the bag for more than 5 seconds. Keep an eye on the bag at all times. There's a chance the bag will splash, but it won't ignite unless it's heated for more than a few seconds. If the bag turns on, turn off the microwave!

Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 7
Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 7

Step 3. Cool the bag

The bag of chips will feel very hot to the touch. Leave in the microwave for 3-5 minutes before handling. You can also use gloves or tongs to remove the bag if you want to cool it elsewhere.

  • Do not shrink several bags at once in the microwave. This will lengthen the time it takes for each bag to shrink, which in turn can increase the risk of the bag igniting into a fire.
  • The pouch will shrink and harden, and will generally be difficult to shape. The pouch will be easier to fold if it is not fully shrunk.
  • The bag of chips will shrink to about 25% of their original size, depending on whether you bake them for the recommended time or less.

Method 3 of 3: Making Crafts from Tiny Chips Bags

Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 8
Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 8

Step 1. Punch a hole in the corner of the pocket to make a key ring

Use a hole punch to make a small hole in the corner of the bag. Attach the chain to the pocket hole to make a stylish, colorful accessory as a keychain.

  • Stapling the top of the bag tightly if you are worried that the bag will open when you put it in your pocket. The stapler will also add extra weight to the pouch.
  • You can also use scissors or an awl to make holes for key chains to attach if you don't have a hole punch.
Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 9
Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 9

Step 2. Decorate the backpack or bag

Attach the shrunk bag of chips to a backpack or bag with safety pins. Mini pouches will make beautiful decorations for decorative buttons or pins that are usually found on backpacks.

Lapel pins and buttons can also be used to attach the bag of chips to a backpack. Visit your local jewelry store for information on the types of backpacks you can use

Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 10
Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 10

Step 3. Place the mini bag of chips in a collage or scrapbook

Use a little glue to glue the bag to the scrapbook. Make the pouch flatter (by placing a second baking sheet on top of it while baking) so the pouch will adhere to the book well. You can also cut and modify the pockets to make collages according to your taste.

Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 11
Shrink a Bag of Chips Step 11

Step 4. Make jewelry with mini chip bags

Punch a hole in the tops of two equal pockets and attach them to the earring hooks to make a pair of colorful earrings. Or make 4 holes in each corner of the pocket that only shrink in half to create a unique bracelet. Use some leather straps and jewelry clasps to hook the pockets and make a unique bracelet.

  • The bag of chips will be small and hard, and usually difficult to shape. The pouch will be easier to fold if it is not fully shrunk.
  • The bag of chips will shrink to about 25% of their original size, depending on whether you bake them for the recommended time or less.


Shrink the bag of chips in the oven to avoid the risk of fire


  • The bag of chips will feel hot the first time they are removed from the microwave. Be careful not to get burned. Leave in the microwave to cool before removing.
  • Do not inhale chemicals that evaporate from the packaging when heated. Shrink pockets in a well-ventilated room.
  • Keep an eye on the microwave to make sure the bag inside doesn't catch fire.
  • Do not heat anything else in the oven or microwave while the bag of chips is shrinking.
