Being popular is hard to define because no one person is really popular for everyone. If you're a girl and want to be popular, remember that popularity isn't just about clothes or how you do your hair and make up. Popularity means a completely different lifestyle from other girls. This includes getting people to talk about you, putting on a cool vibe, interacting with the people around you and letting everyone know about you, but most importantly being a role model that other girls admire.
Part 1 of 5: Show Your Cool

Step 1. Find out what's special about you
This is the first step to getting people to know about you and pay attention to you. Maybe you have a cool style. Maybe you are very funny. Find out what makes you extraordinary and unique. However, the only way to know that is to be comfortable being yourself. Pretend that popularity doesn't exist, and don't pay attention to the pool of popular people (unless you already know them).

Step 2. Make a positive first impression
For a first impression, make sure people know how amazing you are. Remember, you only have one chance to make a first impression, so make sure they remember you as a very cool person and comfortable with yourself. Always remember not to overdo it or be shy. Keep the balance, even if most popular kids seem really excited, don't try to overdo it or they'll know you're faking it. Once you get to know someone you want to be friends with, there's nothing wrong with chatting, asking for their cell phone number, and so on. Be confident, be yourself, and don't forget: everyone should know about “you” and how nice you are. Always be friendly!

Step 3. Make eye contact
Don't stare at the floor. Hold your head high and people will think you are “potentially popular”. When someone is speaking, look them in the eye and listen carefully. This shows your good personality and people will not hesitate to open up to you. Plus, holding your head high will make you look confident… and you can never go wrong with that!
Step 4. Smile
When you smile people around you can assume that you are a confident and kind person. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss, and use mouthwash. If your teeth aren't as flat as they should be, talk to your dentist about braces or other tools.

Step 5. Make sure you have good personal hygiene
Most people won't be interested if you smell bad, so make sure you shower every day and wash your hair regularly, wash your face (there are many brands of soaps and masks that are good for acne solutions), and buy deodorant and perfume, but make sure you don't use too much. lots of perfume or people will be uncomfortable. Spray perfume on your wrists, behind your ears, and behind your knees.

Step 6. Pay attention to what other people say
Don't focus so much on yourself that you forget the person's name. Talk to and praise the person you are with or you meet. Do this with a smile. Don't compliment popular people to get them to like you, and if you don't like someone's hair, don't give compliments. If you see a quality you like in someone, don't be afraid to bring it up and compliment that person!

Step 7. Speak at an appropriate and clear volume
If you mumble, you will appear nervous and weak; popular girls are "never" nervous or weak. When it's your turn to speak, speak at a clear enough volume, don't shout. Speak softly, but pleasant to hear.
Part 2 of 5: Look Confident

Step 1. Believe in yourself
Stop thinking that you are ugly or not good enough. You have to be comfortable with yourself. Think about your qualities for a moment. Believe in yourself and let people know the real you. Act as if you are their equal; not better. Show them how cool and confident you are! Don't forget to respect others and have good posture and hygiene. Take care of yourself and be yourself!

Step 2. Pay attention to your appearance
This can help you gain a reputation as a brave and confident girl. Wear clothes that are appropriate for your age (e.g. don't wear "Dora the Explorer" clothes if you're a teenager). Try using a little makeup, experimenting with hairstyles and fashion trends. I said: Don't be yourself, be who you want to be. This is true, because it pushes you to be the best. In fact, eventually, you'll realize that whether your clothes and makeup are trending or not, it's not going to make you any more or less popular. Go step by step, because confidence and courage are more important to being popular.
In some schools, popular girls tend to wear clothes that are frenetic, trendy, or even simple. In another school, popular girls wear stylish and beautiful clothes. Just remember that every school has a different type of popular kid. In some schools, popular girls are typical cheerleaders, while in other schools popular girls are fun, tomboyish, bold, and unique

Step 3. Acting innocent sometimes helps
Admit it, being popular sure makes a lot of new friends, but it can also lead to envy. If a (so-called) “friend” makes a sharp comment, laugh it off, and pretend it doesn't hurt at all. Stay cheerful. People will see this and appreciate the fact that you can laugh at yourself. Act like you enjoy the comment and and take it as a joke. Don't spread gossip and ostracize people as revenge. Just end it there, because if you continue, people will think that you are not comfortable with yourself.

Step 4. If you are bored with your hair, try something new
Like everything else, make sure your hair is well groomed and groomed as often as possible. Don't be afraid to add accessories ranging from feathers to hair extensions to side bangs as a cool finishing touch.
Part 3 of 5: Building Relationships
Step 1. Hang out
Popular girls are usually adept and comfortable in any school setting. Join a sports team or club, make sure you follow the activities you like. This will help you meet new people and develop yourself at school. Always do what you love, because people can tell if you're faking it. No one likes people who join a club or play sports just to be popular. If possible, take part in extracurricular activities every day.

Step 2. Be friendly
Before you become popular, show everyone that you are a sociable and open person. One way to show that you are friendly is to hang out with friends. Try to joke around, and if your friends laugh, people will notice that you're funny. Shyness won't help you make new friends. You have to interact and talk with people around you. Don't be afraid to talk to other people. Show that you like to hang out! Be friendly and sociable, and many people will like you. You won't become popular by just sitting around and hoping other people will approach you. If you are shy, make friends with people who are very sociable. They will encourage you to talk to other people, and soon it will become easier for you to do so.
Talk about things that people like. People can get very excited when they talk about their interests. Find someone on the same schedule as you so you can walk around chatting, even if it's just from class to class. If you really want to do something useful for yourself, invite a friend to accompany you. This will make you and especially your friends feel happy. Increasing self-confidence can never go wrong

Step 3. Take care of your health and fitness
A healthy body is not only good for you, trying different sports activities is a great opportunity to meet new people. Go to the gym with friends. Most popular girls participate in sports such as soccer, softball, lacrosse, and cheerleading. However, contrary to the belief of many teenagers, exercise doesn't make you more or less popular (but it can help you make friends, this is different from popularity), unless people think athletic kids are "cool."

Step 4. If you don't like sports, join clubs and organizations
Find out what new activities are in your school. Volunteering is also a great way to get to know people.

Step 5. Always know what is going on at school
You shouldn't gossip, make trouble or talk about who's dating who, and who's hurting whom. This is evil and "no" will make you popular. Using social networking sites or talking to friends are some ways to find out how things are at school. You should also do well in school. Otherwise, people will think you don't like school.

Step 6. Join social networking sites
This site will make you more recognizable and help you stay up to date with the latest news in school. Use Facebook; this is a great way to get to know and keep in touch with people you know. Don't get involved in gossip and trouble. Try to get people interested in your page, but don't follow theirs. Some other sites you might want to try:
- Tumblr
- Snapchat
- Skype
- Kik
Part 4 of 5: Be a Part of Popular Groups

Step 1. Make friends with popular girls
Take them shopping or a pajama party. If they become your friends, you will have supporters. NEVER gossip about them or they will get angry. Sharing secrets, like girlfriends, is fine, but don't do it to be popular.

Step 2. Stay loyal to your best friends
Don't change too quickly, or they'll think you want to dump them. Try to become popular gradually. Try to divide your time equally between your friends and popular groups; So, if you fail to be popular, apologize to your friends, make them understand and not hate you. However, if your friends don't get along with you anymore, make new friends! Anyway, you don't have to be friends with a bunch of cool kids to be cool!

Step 3. Get to know the opposite sex
Talk, make friends, and flirt a little with popular/friendly/nice boys and don't be afraid. This can lead to a pleasant chat. Have a boyfriend or not, it doesn't matter. Most importantly make friends with as many popular/nice boys and girls as possible. Remember, to be part of a popular group, you have to be seen hanging out with all the popular girls, boys have to like you, and even in some schools the boys have to think you're "top" (potential to date). This cannot be achieved if you do not have male friends.
Part 5 of 5: Pay Attention to the Little Things

Step 1. Listen more than talk
Remember, you have two ears and one mouth for a purpose. People want to hang out with someone who makes them feel good about themselves, not someone who is clearly just planning their next word. So don't be fussy; You can't listen and speak at the same time. Ask them questions but don't sound too curious. People like someone who takes a gradual approach.

Step 2. Be empathetic
Popular girls know when someone needs a smile, a compliment, or a hug. It's okay if you're shy, but if you want to be popular, you have to smile, start a conversation, and relate to other people according to their circumstances. The point is to talk about things that interest the other person. Don't get hung up on thinking you're shy. Realize that you are constantly changing, and are developing social skills until you can relate to a lot of people. You have the right to change and develop.

Step 3. Know what your body language is telling you
For example, if you fold your arms in front of your chest it's as if you're saying, "Don't bother me." Another example is standing or sitting limply, an attitude that says, "I don't feel important." Positive body language reflects how you feel about yourself and can influence others. Most popular kids at school or parties know how to make others feel good by displaying positive attitudes like nodding, eye contact, and most importantly, a warm, radiant smile.
- Don't act. Starting fights and insulting other girls will not make you popular. In reality, it will only make you the target of gossip or even ridicule. If you really don't like someone, hide your feelings and keep smiling.
- If someone doesn't like you, ignore them because not everyone will like you. Even so, keep being nice because one day they might soften up and realize how cool you are.
- Adjusting and changing yourself are two different things. Trying to be someone else won't add any friends; people will realize this charade someday. Build your own character. All kinds of people can be popular, so don't change yourself.
- Make friends with the friendliest members of the popular group. Be friendly, not pushy, desperate, or too needy. Usually popular groups can help, but if you try to get into the group too soon, you could end up being "followed" by them. Try to find two of the friendliest girls and try to make them think you're cool. Once one of them thinks so, the other will realize the same thing.
- Remember, being popular takes time. It may take a month or more. It will not happen in an instant. Think of it as a social project you're working on.
- Have one good friend you can completely trust. Be a good and trustworthy friend to him too. If you are a good friend, other people will want to be friends with you!
- Avoid lying. If you lie, don't let them know. Earn their trust.
- Be an organized person, because messy looking binders and lockers will make people disinterested. Always try to be clean, tidy and organized, as this will also help you in your studies!
- Start by going out with a popular group once a week, at lunchtime or at school if you can. Don't be too pushy, and don't always ask "When are we going out?" Then, increase it to twice a week. Get them to invite you more often than you invite them. Pretending to be busy, as if they don't have time will make them more curious to hang out with you.
- Slowly, take up activities that keep you as busy as they are. Getting good grades, being good at a particular sport or getting involved in a school project are all great ways to get noticed. Win a race or organize a fundraiser for a charity.
- Avoid being home on weekends. Make sure you have fun with friends (or go alone). The more people you see, the more they will like you. Studies show that familiar faces are more attractive than unfamiliar faces. It's okay to stay home all weekend, but staying home every weekend isn't going to make you cool.
- Good at being funny; people will be more interested in hanging out with you. But don't be so funny that you look like an attention seeker!
- Be the girl who laughs at yourself when she realizes she made a silly mistake, but make sure the others laugh too; it's not good to always stand out. And remember, popularity only means socializing, the important thing is that you go to school to study, socializing is number two if you have time. Hang out with people who understand this, if you hang out with people who don't understand, they can do things like chat you up in class and get you into trouble!
- Don't try to be popular just to get someone (like a boyfriend). Stay loyal to old friends even after you become popular. Otherwise, if you're not popular anymore for one reason or another, you won't have any friends.
- Never appear aloof or bored with your life. If you smile, always greet people, and are cheerful, you will be easier to approach.
- Don't be too curious about other people's business, because people will feel annoyed. Just ask what's going on, if they answer "Personal matter.", or, "It's nothing.", don't ask any further.
- Dress well so people will notice you.
- Don't be too controlling.
- Watch TV shows that other people are watching (Pretty Little Liars, Secret Life if an American Teenager, Glee, Teen Wolf, Lying Game, etc.) so you have something to talk about with popular girls.
- Remember, the girls you think are ignoring you are human too; maybe they don't know you. Get to know them and show the real you. Popular kids are usually too busy (school, sports, and extracurricular activities) to know everyone. They don't have time for that. So put a bit of extra effort reasonably.
- If you're shy, hang out with the friendliest popular people. Don't befriend the losers!
- Try to be sweet and smart. Acting stupid once in a while is "cute", but if you overdo it, people will think you're really stupid.
- Watching people who are already popular can help. They already have the gestures, ways of speaking, appearance, and deep knowledge that you want to emulate. But do this quietly; Don't let them realize you're watching them closely and think you're scary.
- If you want to be popular, follow the girl you feel comfortable with. Don't follow girls you only know briefly.
- You don't have to be the cool guy that everyone adores. You'll also want to make real friends outside of popular groups. Remember that popularity is not for everyone. After all, if everyone is popular then no one is popular.
- Be nice to everyone, but if the popular avoids someone, don't get too close to them.
- Remember, your school may have a uniform or dress guide. If so, don't try to break it, because it will make you look stupid instead of cool.
- There is a difference between a popular girl who is kind and smart, and a gossip who tries to be popular.
- Being proficient in one or more subjects is a good way to get people to know you through a teacher. In this way, you will be recognized by many people and gain popularity.
- There is a big difference between respect and fear. Fear will make your name known in a bad way. You will lose friends and be disliked by people. Respect will make people like you, and enjoy being around you, so make sure you're being nice. You're not a popular girl if you step on other girls.
- Once you've been friends with other popular girls for a while, make sure they're not friends with you just to take advantage of you.
- Most importantly, be yourself. If you try to be someone else, you will most likely fail. Why are you trying to be like everyone else when you can stand out?
- If you can't join a social networking site or your parents forbid you, create a Gmail account and you'll automatically have a Google Plus account, a site where you can post safely and choose people to share your posts with.
- Don't forget your family. Spend time with them too.
- The most important rule: Don't be mean and arrogant! In movies, popular girls are always mean, arrogant, and rich. In reality, no one wants to hang out with arrogant and mean people, and it's possible to be popular even if you're not rich or don't have designer clothes. A popular girl is a good girl who is liked by many people and has many friends.
- If the popular group is mean and arrogant, don't hang out with them! You don't need to be associated with such people. If you hang out with them, you can join the gossip, or worse, get into trouble for spreading rumors!
- Don't say you can do something you really can't because they might want you to prove it.
- Always remember that no matter what happens, God loves you just the way you are.
- If you're already friends with popular people, don't forget your old friends! Introduce old friends to your new ones so you can all hang out together!
- Don't copy other girls. This will make you look like a copycat.
- Do not be influenced by sharp criticism especially if the criticism is not true. And don't feel bad about yourself.
- Don't use too much makeup. Use a little concealer for your acne scars. Don't use makeup like a mask because it will make you look fake.