Staying at a friend's house can be a fun event. You can gather with friends without having to worry that your parents will pick you up in the middle of the event. In addition, you can also leave for a moment the routine of life at home. However, your parents may not always let you stay at a friend's house. This can ruin any plans you've made, especially if your parents refuse to give permission without giving a reason. By showing that you can be trusted and agreeing with your parents, you can persuade them to let you stay at a friend's house.
Part 1 of 3: Gaining Parents' Trust

Step 1. Be a responsible person
The person in charge is the person who does the work that needs to be done. In addition, he is also honest and reliable. You have to be the one responsible for getting your parents to let you stay at a friend's house. If you want to be treated as an adult, you must also act as an adult.
Don't expect you to get results overnight. Just because you act mature in a day, doesn't mean your parents will let you sleep over at a friend's house

Step 2. Plan your stay wisely
Even if your parents trust you, their decision to grant permission often depends on what day you plan to stay. If you plan to stay overnight on school days, they may not give you permission. It's different if you stay on holidays. They will probably let you. It's a good idea to stay overnight when there are no important activities the next day to increase the chances of your parents giving permission.
- You may find it difficult to ask permission if a boy and a girl sleep in the same room. Parents will be worried if their son and daughter stay together. Thus, depending on the principles they have, they will have more stringent regulations.
- The number of people staying is also important. Parents will usually be more comfortable if there are only a few people staying and not too many.

Step 3. Continue to communicate with parents honestly
You can't gain trust in a short time. If you break your parents' trust, it will take you a long time to get it back. You have to talk to them every day to earn their trust. Tell them what's going on in your life. If you get used to talking to your parents honestly, this can help harmonize your relationship with them. This can also increase your chances of getting permission to stay at a friend's house.
- Trust goes both ways. If you want your parents to trust you, you must also give them a chance and trust them.
- A great way to show them you trust them is to listen to their advice.

Step 4. Do schoolwork and tidy up the house
For adults, life is not just about having fun because there are all kinds of work to be done. If you want to stay at a friend's house, you have to do all your schoolwork and tidy up and keep the house clean. This is done to prove to your parents that you can live a responsible life. Do the tasks that must be completed first before asking for parental permission. Don't procrastinate because your parents can use this as an excuse not to let you stay at a friend's house.
Part 2 of 3: Persuade Parents

Step 1. Make sure your parents are in a good mood
Taking advantage of a parent's mood may seem unfair. However, their mood influences the decisions they make. If they're not in a good mood, they probably won't let you stay at a friend's house. If you stay at a friend's house, it can increase their stress and anxiety. Therefore, they do not give permission for you to stay at home and easily supervised.
You can help your parents deal with any issues they're having before asking for permission. That way, their mood will be better and you have proven to them that you are a reliable and trustworthy person. This can increase the chances of your parents letting you stay overnight

Step 2. Ask for parental permission
Depending on how close your relationship with your parents is, asking for permission to stay at a friend's house can be stressful and can make it difficult to express your wishes clearly. However, you should be calm when asking for permission. It's important that you don't ask for permission by using negative words. If you feel pessimistic and say negative words, chances are your parents won't let you stay overnight.
- You can provide some information related to the stay before asking for permission. This can prevent your parents from immediately rejecting your request. Try giving information like this: "It's my friend's birthday tomorrow and other friends want to stay at her house to celebrate. Can I come with you to stay at her house?"
- Sitting next to parents can allow them to make decisions calmly and not in a hurry. This can help you when asking for their permission.
- If possible, you should ask permission a few days before the event starts. Parents will usually give you permission if you ask for permission a few days before the event starts. On the other hand, if you ask for permission suddenly, they may not give you permission.

Step 3. Tell parents all the details of the stay
If your parents are worried about letting you go out for the night, you should tell them all the details of the stay to reduce their anxiety. Explaining the plans made by you and your friends to your parents and providing the information your parents need can help you get parental consent. By telling the truth, chances are your parents will let you stay at a friend's house. Here is some information that parents should know:
- Where you stay.
- Activities carried out during the stay. You should let your parents know if you have any plans to visit other places at night.
- Who is watching over you during the stay. This is something parents should know to reduce their anxiety.
- Anyone staying other than friends, such as friends' relatives or other family members.
- How is your friend's family condition?

Step 4. Tell parents that staying over is a good activity
Even though the goal of your stay is to have fun with friends, there are many benefits to staying at a friend's house. Telling parents what benefits can be obtained can reduce their anxiety. In addition, this can make them believe that the stay is good for you. If parents are reluctant to give permission, try telling them the following benefits:
- Children staying at a friend's house can learn new social interaction skills. If they want to stay at a friend's house, they must be able to adapt to a new environment.
- You can get a new view of other families while staying. When sharing this information, make sure you don't say things that make your parents think that you don't want to live with your family.
- Parents can relax when the child is not at home.
- An occasional stay at a friend's house can be a nice gift for you.

Step 5. Ask parents what worries them
If you have difficulty persuading your parents, you can try to discuss with them to find a solution that can reduce their worries. Ask them what worries them and what can be done to reduce their worries. You should focus the conversation on finding a solution, rather than showing irritation when your parents refuse to give you permission.
You have to ask calmly and clearly. Try saying something like this: "I know mom and dad are worried I'm staying at a friend's house tonight. If you may know, what's worrying mom and dad? Maybe I can find a solution so mom and dad don't worry."

Step 6. Provide the contact number of a friend or family friend that parents can call
Contact numbers are very important for parents and you because they want to be able to contact you just in case. Even if they won't call the number, they will feel more at ease if they have a contact number to call. If they don't get any news from you, they can call that number to find out how you're doing. The number given should be a friend's home phone number or a friend's parent's cell phone number.
You should not give out a fake phone number. Even if you don't get caught giving out a fake phone number, lying to your parents can break the trust and they may not give you permission again

Step 7. Suggest to your parents and friends to host a sleepover at your house
Your parents may feel uneasy if you stay over at a friend's house. If you propose to your parents to host a sleepover at your house, they will probably allow it. That way, you can spend time with your friends and your parents can keep an eye on your activities.
Some parents may be reluctant to allow their children to invite their friends to stay at their house. Therefore, this plan probably won't work

Step 8. Ask permission after arriving at a friend's house
Asking permission to stay overnight after arriving at a friend's house can be a risky approach. However, spontaneous plans may work. If you want to use a smarter way, you can ask permission to have dinner at a friend's house because usually your parents will allow it. After dinner, you can relax for a while and then call your parents for permission. Sometimes parents will make allowances for something that has happened. However, if you want to use this method, you have to be prepared for disappointment. Some parents may not like their children trying to trick them.
- You can pack things for your overnight stay just in case.
- To ensure this plan is successful, your parents must know the family of the friend who is hosting the overnight event. In addition, if you have stayed at his house, you have a greater chance of getting parental permission.

Step 9. Make a schedule for departure and return
Parents like carefully crafted plans. Tell them when you will be coming home. That way, they can relax until you get home. Making plans is a good thing to do because it can reduce the anxiety and stress that your parents and your parents experience as well as yourself.
You should allow your parents to pick you up whenever they can. Many adults have a lot of busyness every day. Therefore, it is your parents who decide when you have to go home so they can pick you up
Part 3 of 3: Responsible Stay

Step 1. Make an honest plan
If you have a plan to do something and your parents approve it, you should follow the plan that has been made. Otherwise, you can break the trust of your parents. This should be done to show them that you can be trusted, especially if you're not used to staying over at a friend's house.
If you can prove to them that you are carrying out your plan, they will start to give you more confidence

Step 2. Introduce your parents to your friend's parents
One of the things that parents consider whether to give permission or not is their response to friends who hold overnight stays. However, your safety is their main concern. They want you to be well looked after during your stay.
If they can recognize the faces of your friend's parents, they will be more relaxed when you ask for permission to stay at a friend's house again

Step 3. Let your parents get to know your friend better
If your parents don't know your friends, you should introduce them to them. This way, parents can know that your friend is not someone with bad intentions. Sometimes even a naughty friend will be nice when your parents are around.
Your parents may worry that your friend will be a bad influence on you. If he is an aggressive and irresponsible child, you may have a hard time persuading people to let you stay at his house

Step 4. Call your parents if you want to be picked up
You have to be able to take care of yourself when you're not at home. If you don't want to continue the overnight stay, you should be able to decide when you should ask your parents to pick you up. Even if it's late at night, your parents might be happy if you contact them instead of engaging in activities you don't like. By contacting them, you are actually proving that you can make the right decisions when faced with unpleasant things.
For example, if you are sick or feel uncomfortable staying overnight for any reason, contact your parents

Step 5. Tell parents whether the stay went smoothly or not
Providing the latest information on matters related to the stay can reduce parental concerns. When your parents pick you up or arrive home, tell your parents how the stay was. What do you do with friends? Was the show fun? How is your friend's family behaving? This information can make parents aware that staying overnight is a good activity for you.
Remember that you are not only trying to launch a planned overnight stay, but also future stays. By pleasing your family and friends, you will have a greater chance of being able to participate in or re-host the stay
Your parents want to keep an eye on your activities to make sure you're okay. Staying at someone else's house makes it difficult for them to keep an eye on you. Therefore, make sure you do whatever you can to keep them informed
- You won't always succeed in persuading your parents to get permission for all activities, no matter how hard you try. However, you can re-plan your stay at a later time.
- Don't go out of the house without asking your parents' permission. This can make the situation worse and you may regret doing it.