How to Get Close with a Rabbit: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Get Close with a Rabbit: 14 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Get Close with a Rabbit: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Rabbits can be cute and adorable pets. However, because of their nature in the wild as prey animals, rabbits are often afraid and distrustful of humans. Learning how to read a rabbit's body language and give it what it needs will help your rabbit trust you and deepen the bond between humans and their pets.


Part 1 of 3: Reading Rabbit Body Language

Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 1
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 1

Step 1. Listen to the sound of the rabbit

You'd be surprised to learn that rabbits have a very wide vocal range, which helps them communicate everything from joy to loneliness to fear. Listen to the sounds your rabbit makes as you approach and adjust the way you interact to better meet the rabbit's needs.

  • Maybe your assumptions have been wrong. In fact, if the rabbit is grinding its teeth, it is a sign that the animal is comfortable and content. Rabbits may grit their teeth when you pet them, much like a cat purrs. Other rabbits make this sound when they feel safe and content in their cage or home environment. If your rabbit is grinding its teeth, it's a good sign because the animal likes and trusts you.
  • Snorting can be interpreted as a cry for attention and affection, or as an indication of displeasure or distrust. Some rabbits snort as a sign of a respiratory infection, especially if they have some kind of discharge from their nose. If your rabbit is snorting because of a respiratory infection, it's best to ask your vet to check it and make sure it doesn't have any other illnesses.
  • Moaning or whining is usually a sign of pain or fear. If your rabbit moans or yelps when you pick it up, you may be doing it the wrong way, or maybe you haven't earned its trust.
  • Gritting teeth is a sign of pain, illness, or anxiety. If your rabbit is gritting your teeth, you may be holding it the wrong way, causing discomfort, or your rabbit may be sick and need to be taken to the vet. As a precaution, you should take your rabbit to the vet if it starts grinding its teeth.
  • Snoring is a sign of discomfort or fear. If the rabbit snorts at you, it means that the animal feels threatened and does not want to be touched. It's best not to try to touch the rabbit's food, toys, or litter box if the animal snorts disapprovingly at you.
  • Screaming indicates excruciating pain or fear of death. If your rabbit starts to sneeze when you pick it up, it may be hurting, or it may think you're going to hurt it. As a precaution, you should take your rabbit to the vet to have it checked if it starts to squeal.
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 2
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 2

Step 2. Observe the rabbit's body language

While a rabbit's voice can tell a lot about its mood or feelings, so can the rabbit's posture and body language. Learning the difference between a rabbit that feels lonely and a rabbit that doesn't want to be held can help you build a relationship with that cute furry friend.

  • Pay attention to the rabbit ears. Rabbits have amazing hearing, but they also use their ears to communicate body language cues. If the rabbit's ears are flat against its body, it means the rabbit is lowering its guard and feeling safe. If the ears are pulled forward, it means the rabbit is hearing or feeling something that may or may not worry him. One ear pulled forward and one ear back usually means the rabbit is aware that something is going on around him, but has not yet decided whether the activity is harmful to him or not.
  • If the rabbit spreads its hind legs behind its body, it indicates that the rabbit is relaxed and comfortable. Spreading their legs behind their bodies means that the rabbit cannot jump to escape or attack, and it shows that the rabbit trusts you and feels safe in your home.
  • If the rabbit's body is tense, it's a sign that the rabbit is scared or worried. Maybe you did something that scared him, or maybe something in your neighborhood made him anxious.
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 3
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 3

Step 3. Record the behavior of the rabbits around you

In addition to voice and body language, some rabbits will communicate their needs or dislikes by displaying certain behaviors in response to human touch.

  • Heading someone with the nose is a rabbit's way of conveying its desire to be noticed or petted.
  • Licking someone is a sign that the rabbit really likes that person. Rabbits don't lick people to taste salt on their skin, this behavior is purely a way of communicating and is an indication of great trust and respect.
  • Throwing yourself in front of someone is a sign of great trust and satisfaction.
  • If the rabbit shows the inside of its eyelids (in the corners of its eyes) when held, it means that the rabbit is very anxious or scared. It's best not to hold it if your rabbit responds that way when you touch it - at least until you gain more trust from the animal.

Part 2 of 3: Making Rabbits Feel Comfortable at Home

Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 4
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 4

Step 1. Create a comfortable space

Your rabbit may reject your affection because it doesn't feel safe in your home yet. You can help your rabbit adjust by creating a quiet, comfortable place for it so that it feels safe from other pets in the house. You may want to keep your rabbit's cage in a separate room to allow your rabbit to feel safe from noise and disturbance, although a separate location can reduce your rabbit's interaction with humans, and may eventually make it harder for your rabbit to adjust to your home.

  • Choose an area in your house that will allow your rabbit to have day-to-day interactions and observe the people in your home, but which is far enough away that your rabbit won't be intimidated by the hustle and bustle of your family's day-to-day activities.
  • Make sure the room where you put the rabbit is a comfortable temperature. Most rabbits need a steady temperature between 15.5 to 21 degrees Celsius). A temperature higher or lower than that can be fatal for the rabbit.
  • Keep rabbit cages out of direct sunlight. Providing adequate shade will help regulate the temperature in the rabbit's environment and prevent overheating.
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 5
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 5

Step 2. Provide a play area for the rabbit

Exercise is an important part of a rabbit's life, and playtime is often the best exercise opportunity. If your rabbit's cage isn't big enough that your rabbit can't jump and run in it, create a small area (preferably inside the house) for the rabbit to run around and play.

  • The play area must be safe for rabbits. Get rid of all electrical wires and household items that you don't want your rabbit to bite. If you are building an outdoor play area, make sure the area is fenced off and rabbits won't be able to jump out of the play area.
  • Keep an eye on the rabbit whenever it is outside the cage. Rabbits are very curious and can get hurt easily or find their way to dangerous places.
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 6
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 6

Step 3. Give the rabbit the right food

One of the best ways to make sure your rabbit likes you is to give him the things he needs most.

  • Rabbits always need a supply of hay grass such as timothy grass (Phleum pratense) or brome grass (Bromus), to ensure their digestive health.
  • Provide processed foods in the form of pellets with a minimum protein content of 15-19% and 18% fiber. Rabbits over six months old should be fed between 1/8 and 1/4 cup of pellet food per 2.3 kg of body weight daily. So, for example, a rabbit weighing 4.5 kg should be given to cup of food daily).
  • Give greens to rabbits. Dark lettuce leaves, turnip leaves, and the tops of carrots are often favored by rabbits. Rabbits should get a minimum of two cups of leafy greens per 2.7 kg of body weight. So, for example, a 5.4 kg rabbit should get a minimum of four cups of leafy greens daily).
  • Ensure the availability of fresh and clean drinking water for rabbits. You can use a special water bottle for rabbits or a sturdy bowl that won't roll over easily.
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 7
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 7

Step 4. Give the rabbit lots of toys

Rabbits love to play. You buy a special toy for rabbits, or make your own at home.

Rabbits need toys that they can bite, burrow, and hide. Empty cardboard makes an excellent starting toy, but you can be as creative as you can when making or buying toys to make bunny playtime more enjoyable

Part 3 of 3: Connecting with Rabbits

Carry a Rabbit Step 11
Carry a Rabbit Step 11

Step 1. Be patient

Let the rabbit out of the cage to run around and explore. You may find your rabbit will want to hide in a dark place, such as under a sofa, bed or closet at first. But rabbits are small creatures with great curiosity. Rabbits won't be able to resist the temptation to go out and explore their new home. Give your rabbit time.

When your rabbit feels brave enough to come out and look around, sit quietly (preferably on the floor) and let the rabbit come to you. Rabbits are so adorable and fluffy that humans tend to want to hold, hold and pet rabbits. Remember, rabbits are prey animals and for the first day or two they don't know if you're going to eat them or not! So let the rabbit come to you first. If your rabbit sniffs or nudges you with its nose, don't walk away. This is a good sign that the rabbit is starting to trust you

Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 8
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 8

Step 2. Learn how to hold a rabbit properly

This step is easy to miss, but an important part of the bonding process with your rabbit is learning to hold your rabbit properly. If you hold it the wrong way, the rabbit will feel uncomfortable and will make it squirm and try to break free. This will be painful for both you and the rabbit as thrashing can cause neck and spinal injuries in the rabbit.

  • Hold the rabbit gently, but firmly. Don't squeeze the rabbit, but make sure your grip is firm enough that the rabbit won't fall over or squirm out of your hand. Use minimal force to hold the rabbit securely in your carrier.
  • Support the rabbit's back and hindquarters. This part is very important when you are holding a rabbit and should not be overlooked.
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 9
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 9

Step 3. Let the rabbit come to you

If the rabbit doesn't want to be held because it doesn't feel comfortable yet, it will refuse to be caught and be pulled out of the cage. Instead of taking the rabbit out of its little house to spend time together, let the animal approach you first. Leave the cage door open and wait for the rabbit to feel like coming out to explore.

Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 10
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 10

Step 4. Take some alone time with your rabbit

This is especially important if you have recently had a rabbit because it takes time to adjust and develop a sense of comfort with the people and places it is a part of.

  • Go to a quiet, closed room. Only you and the rabbit should be in the room, with no other pets and no distractions to distract the rabbit.
  • Give treats to rabbits. These treats can help calm an anxious animal, and are beneficial for your rabbit, too. Try to provide healthy treats like baby carrots, a small slice of apple or banana, or a small spoonful of oats. Let the rabbit eat chunks of treats off the floor, then try to feed them from your hands.
  • Do this exercise daily until your rabbit feels comfortable around you. Repetition and routine are the keys to growing intimacy.
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 11
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 11

Step 5. Don't push the rabbit

If a rabbit has just arrived in your home environment and isn't comfortable to hold or pet, don't force it. Doing so will only traumatize him and may cause your rabbit to fear you in the future. In fact, some rabbits will never feel used to being held because of their status as prey animals in the wild. If the rabbit doesn't want to be touched, there are other ways to bond with the animal and soothe it.

  • Use a soft voice to calm the rabbit. Talk to the rabbit often, and let the animal get used to your voice. Let the rabbit get comfortable with your voice. Rabbits are social creatures and they will get tired of sitting all day in a cage. Sometimes, just by talking to your rabbit, it will lie down and grit its teeth slowly as a sign that it accepts you!
  • Never yell at a rabbit. Rabbits cannot be disciplined or trained like other pets. The rabbit will not understand why you are screaming and a loud noise will only scare the rabbit.
  • Extend your hand with your palm facing up so the rabbit can sniff it. If your rabbit isn't used to being around you, it may have to get used to your appearance, smell, and sound before it becomes comfortable to touch.
  • Never make sudden movements near the rabbit. You can scare him and run back into the cage.
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 12
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 12

Step 6. Try imitating the rabbit's movements

Some rabbit owners may feel uncomfortable trying it at home, let alone in front of other people. But some rabbit experts say that pretending to wash your face and head the way a rabbit does can calm a frightened new rabbit. Watching his master imitate his behavior can help the rabbit feel comfortable in its new home.

Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 13
Make Your Rabbit Like You Step 13

Step 7. Adapt to your rabbit's schedule

Keep in mind that rabbits are at their most active around sunrise and sunset each day, and prefer to rest throughout the day. If you want to start playing or bonding with your rabbit, do so at a time when your rabbit is most active and most likely to want to play.


  • Don't force the rabbit to interact with you. This action actually makes the rabbit withdraw. Sit on the floor and let the rabbit come to you first.
  • If the rabbit is approaching you, or is lying close to you, slowly reach out your hand and gently stroke its head. If the rabbit is silent, continue stroking its head and behind its ears. If the rabbit gets up to leave, remove your hand. Respect the rabbit and don't force it to sit and cuddle. It will be more difficult to bond with a rabbit who is afraid of you.
  • It's important to remember that when you first bring your rabbit home, try not to show it off to everyone you know. Seeing so many unfamiliar faces can be very stressful for a rabbit.
  • To build trust with your rabbit, look for treats that your rabbit likes, such as carrots, celery, apples or bananas. Line up the treats and try to get the rabbit to follow them.
  • Make sure your rabbit gets timothy hay (you can buy it online) instead of alfalfa hay. Rabbits need timothy hay once they are over six months old.
  • Always give your rabbit her favorite food, and if she is young, try to train her to drink in a water dispenser/dispenser.
  • Make sure the rabbit has a safe house.
  • Another great way to bond with your rabbit is to give him a treat to eat right out of your hand. This act builds trust with the rabbit and the animal will begin to recognize you as a good person who gave him a treat, and not a scary giant who will eat him!
  • If it's your first time raising a rabbit, it's best to start with one rabbit instead of having two or more right away because you don't want the rabbits to bond with each other. You want your pet rabbit to bond with you.
  • Give the rabbit time to adjust to its new environment. Most rabbits feel at home within a day or two, but some rabbits need longer, especially rabbits that have been handled incorrectly or have not been trained to get along with humans.


  • Make sure the rabbit doesn't bite the power cord. Biting on wires and cables can electrocute the rabbit and die.
  • Don't carry a rabbit if it doesn't like being held. Some rabbits prefer to be petted.
  • Never punish a rabbit for doing something bad. The beast will not learn anything.
  • Rabbits can bite hard if they want. If the rabbit snorts and its ears are pulled back, step back and leave the rabbit alone to cool off.
  • Don't buy hamster water bottles for rabbits. Use ceramic bowls for cats/dogs. Rabbits need more than one drop at a time to drink.
  • Do not hold the rabbit by pulling the skin/back fur only. Make sure you support the legs too.
