Meditation is a great way to draw closer to God. Meditation is a quiet time spent praying, reading God's words, and reflecting on your relationship with Him. You may also decide to sing hymns, meditate, or keep a journal during your time of contemplation. If you take a little time each day to open your heart to God's word, it will likely become an important part of your spiritual journey.
Method 1 of 2: Make the Most of Self-Reflection

Step 1. Begin contemplation with a prayer
Meditation is the time you should spend listening to God's direction in your life, so it's important to approach it with a humble and open attitude. Before starting the meditation, start by asking God to give you His wisdom.
- The Bible states at James 4:8, “Get close to God, and he will draw near to you.” By trying to reach out to God early in your contemplation, you will be more likely to feel His presence.
- For example, you could pray by saying something like, “Dear God, help me to understand Your message today. Send me the verses I need to make the best decisions for the rest of my day.”

Step 2. Read the Bible passage during meditation
The best way to hear God's message to you is through His Word. There is no right or wrong way to read the Bible, although it's a good idea to read entire sections or chapters to make sure you read each verse in context. However, it doesn't matter if you want to read the Bible directly, you can switch between different books in the Bible, or you can follow a reading plan, if you prefer.
- Try marking or underlining verses that are important to you as you read them. Then when you reread it, it will serve as a reminder that God is speaking to you specifically.
- If you want additional clues during your period of contemplation, try to find a devotional book that is relevant to you. For example, you can buy a devotional book aimed at a student, mother, or husband. You can also search for daily devotionals online.
Don't know where to start?
Try reading a chapter from the book of Proverbs. It is a book that contains instructions for living daily life according to God's direction, and can often be relevant today.

Step 3. Reflect on what you read and how to apply it to your life
After you finish reading the Bible passage, take a few moments to really absorb the meaning of the words. Try to find ways to relate them to your personal life, and think about how they relate to your relationship with God.
- For example, if you are reading the story of Jonah, don't just imagine a man in the belly of a whale. Imagine what it's like to face a situation that seems completely hopeless, and reflect on a time when you may have felt that way too. Think about how God brought you out of that situation, as He brought Jonah out to dry land.
- You don't need to stop meditating on God's words just because your meditation is over! Let His wisdom guide you throughout the day.

Step 4. Try journaling so you can look back on your spiritual journey
While you don't have to keep a journal to practice self-reflection, it can be a good way to help you organize your thoughts, and can use a touching way to record your spiritual growth over time. You can write down your thoughts about what you are reading, pray for yourself and others, or some of your favorite Bible verses.
Like any journal, how to write a devotional journal is very personal, so don't feel like your journal has to follow a certain format

Step 5. Sing a hymn if you enjoy worship that way
If you think singing hymns will help you feel closer to God, try incorporating it into your meditation routine. The Bible encourages God's people to praise him with song, as in Psalm 105:2, "Sing to him, sing praises to him, speak of all his wondrous deeds!" Singing can help calm your soul while expressing your love for God.
It's okay if you feel a little awkward at first. Just remember that you are singing as a form of worship, and not to impress others

Step 6. End the contemplation with a prayer
Concluding meditation with prayer is a good way to ensure that you will feel close to God throughout the day. You can pray about whatever you want-you may want to worship God, ask Him to help you with a problem you are having, or even pray for someone else.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:15, the Bible commands us to “keep praying.” This means you should always remember God, and you can talk to Him whenever you want. However, it's best to take a certain amount of time to pray specifically and specifically
Method 2 of 2: Make Reflection a Part of Your Daily Routine

Step 1. Spend some time at the same time each day
In order for your musings to have an impact on your daily life, it is important to be consistent. If you want to have daily contemplation, it is best to do it at the same time each day. Pick a time and think of it as an important appointment-try not to schedule anything else during that time.
- Many people choose to go through their meditations in the morning in order to start the day with a sense of focus on their relationship with God. However, others prefer to meditate at night before going to bed so they can reflect on everything that happens during the day. Find the best time for you.
- Your meditations don't have to be very long-start by taking 10-15 minutes a day.
- It's okay to be flexible. If there's something important you need to do during your usual time of contemplation, try to find another time of the day to do it. However, even if you miss one day, you can continue the next day.
Tip: Having trouble remembering your musing time? Set an alarm on your phone to remind you the time each day.

Step 2. Find a quiet place free from distractions
In order to be very focused on God's word, it is important that you don't let a lot of noise or chaos happen around you. Choose a quiet place where you feel comfortable, and be sure to turn off the TV, radio, or anything else that can distract you.
In Psalm 46:10, the Bible states, "Be still, and know that I am God." If you are calm and relaxed, you are more likely to feel His presence around you

Step 3. Ask your family to respect your quiet time
If you live with other people, they may inadvertently cause a nuisance when you are trying to practice recollection. Try letting them know you want to spend a little time each day reading the Bible and praying, and tell them when you plan to do so. That way, at least they'll know what you're doing, and they'll probably wait until you're done before asking you to talk.
For example, you could say something like, “Mom, I want to start daily meditation when I wake up in the morning. Can you help me so my sister doesn't come into the room until around 7:15?"

Step 4. Don't feel like you have to follow fixed rules for practicing contemplation
A contemplation is not a collection of rules and routines, but an opportunity to have a closer relationship with God. Your reflection may not look exactly the same as someone else's, and that's okay-God created you as a unique person, and He loves you just the way you are.