Sure, you might feel like you're an expert at kissing a woman or holding her hand - but how do you actually caress her? Stroking a woman is a way to show her how much you love her, and it doesn't have to be sexual. You have to know how to be gentle and thorough at the same time, and how to make every part of a woman's body feel loved. The most important thing to do is make sure he's comfortable with this - after that, you just have to give him the attention and affection he wants and needs.
Method 1 of 2: Stroking His Face and Neck

Step 1. Caress her lips with yours
When you come close for a kiss, you shouldn't try to plant your lips on hers and smack your tongue into hers. On the other hand, it's gentle and there's no need to rush, let alone the first time. You should move to give him a soft kiss and then stop to caress his lips with yours by holding the kiss for a few seconds. You can caress the upper lip and then the lower lip, showing him that the kiss is really important to you.
Too many men view kissing as a move that leads to something else. You should treat the kiss as a unique pleasure and not make him think that you just want more

Step 2. Caress the side of her face with your hand as you kiss
While you are kissing a woman, hold her face with one or two hands. Don't hold her face right away, but slowly practice this body language and make it feel natural. Then gently place your hands on the sides of her face and stroke her cheeks, ears, hair, and sides of her face along the jawline. This will make him feel loved and even bring his own enjoyment.
You shouldn't try to kiss like this every time. Instead, surprise him with this intimate body language when the moment feels right

Step 3. Caress the ears
While you are kissing, you should try to gently touch his earlobe, the side of his ear and the area behind his ear. Do this slowly and gently, while you cupping his face. You can tuck your hand under his hair, and stroke his ear as you continue to kiss. Women's earlobes don't get enough attention, and most women like this.
- If you're already intimate, you can also rub your lips along his ear - this will drive him wild.
- This is almost always a nice move, but make sure you check his expression to see if he likes having his ears touched. Some women's ears are too sensitive to the point that they would rather you not touch them.

Step 4. Caress the neck
The neck is another place where you can never touch a woman enough. Gently rub the side of his neck while you talk, kiss, or just look at each other. You can even brush his hair back so you can stroke his neck a little more, just by running your fingers up and down his neck, down to the base of his shoulders and up to his earlobe.
If you do this while standing behind him, you can even blow some heat down his neck for added enjoyment

Step 5. Stroking her hair
Stroking her hair is another awesome caressing body language. You can gently stroke the back of his head and massage his scalp, run your fingers playfully through the strands of his hair, or even brush the hair out of his eyes while you make eye contact, leading him to want something more. You can also stroke her hair as a way to also touch her cheeks, earlobe, and neck, and end up giving her a kiss.
You can even tuck a strand of hair behind her ear - this will give you an excuse to give her ears an extra caress
Step 6. Caress her lips
Caressing a woman's lips before you kiss her is another sensual body language that she will love and adore. Next time you're ready to kiss her, tease her a little by pulling away and then tracing the center of her lips with your finger. Give him a gentle smile while you do this before you approach him to kiss him where you just touched. He will feel touched and surprised by this kind of caress.
You can also give him a soft kiss, pull away, caress his lips with your finger, and then move closer for another kiss
Method 2 of 2: Stroking His Body

Step 1. Caress her hand
In the beginning of a relationship, stroking a woman's hand can be the most intimate and safest place to be. There's a difference between putting your hand on a woman's as if it were a limp fish, and gently touching, stroking, and even massaging your woman's fingers and palms. If you and your woman regularly touch or hold hands, then you can touch one or both hands gently and impress her with how affectionate and gentle you are. Here are some things you can try:
- Trace circularly in the palm of his hand lightly.
- Gently grasp one of his fingers with both of your hands and stroke it up and down.
- Massage the palms of the hands, the knuckles, and the outsides of the hands.
Step 2. Caress the shoulders
If she's wearing a top that shows her shoulders you should trace your hand there. Gently touch the shoulder with the tips of your fingers and then caress it downhill with a little force. You can also run a finger along his shoulder to give him a little extra stimulation. Remember that you don't necessarily have to stroke his shoulder, ear, or the side of his face when you kiss - this body language can be intimate and quite special on its own.
Women also like to get a massage. If you are alone and in a good mood, you can use both hands to push the area over his shoulder blades firmly to release some of the tension from his body
Step 3. Caress the knee
The knee is another part of the female body that is too often overlooked. If she's wearing a skirt or dress maybe she'll appreciate the warmth of your hands on her soft skin. You may also want to run your finger down the crook of the knee. This is one of the many erogenous zones that can be found on a woman's body. Don't use this move when it's hot outside - he's probably sweating a little in there, and you don't want to embarrass him.
You can also caress a woman's knees by only lightly stroking her when you're sitting, even if she's wearing trousers
Step 4. Stroking her upper thigh
If you know he's willing, you can slowly trace your hand along the top of his leg and then down his thigh. It could be a sexual move that leads to something more, or you could just touch her thigh while it's there. However, you have to be familiar enough with each other to be able to try this move. Don't think he won't mind just because you've reached the kissing phase.
When you stroke his thigh, use light touch rather than squeezing motions, or he may feel a little overwhelmed

Step 5. Caress her back and shoulders from behind
You don't have to always be facing each other or kissing each other to be able to pet a woman. You can stand behind him and touch each of his shoulders, put your head to the back of his head and then run your hands along his neck and shoulders in a gentle, loving motion.
You can also leave one hand firmly on his shoulder while the other hand slides down his back, along the side of his neck, and even down his arm
Step 6. Caress the curve of her waist
Stand behind the woman, move her hair to the side, and kiss the back of her neck as you move your hands to the curves of her waist and gently move your fingers up and down there, as if you were massaging her. This is a place where women - as long as you are intimate - really love to be touched.

Step 7. Caress her lower back as you cuddle
Women love to be hugged and feel the tender affection of a man's love. You can hug your woman for a long time, but you have to keep her attractive. Without poking and moving your hands too much, you can place one hand on their lower back and gently move them up and down. This will make your woman feel loved, and if she is angry, it will help calm her down.
You can also place your hands under his back when you walk somewhere to lead him forward. Women like to be touched like this too

Step 8. Caress the inside of her wrist
If you sit and hold hands, you can gently caress the inside of his wrist. This is a very sensitive area and he will definitely feel a note of pleasure when you touch him here. You can even trace a circle around his palm and then to his wrist. Then, you can even stroke his forearms and up to his elbows.
Make sure he's not ticklish - if he is, then he won't have much pleasure. You want to keep your touch light but meaningful

Step 9. Rub your hands gently along the spine
Tracing the spine area above her lower back, all the way down to her neck, and down again can definitely make a woman feel more than a little pleasure. This is very intimate body language and really gets the message across if you do it while you're hugging or holding onto each other. You can also try it when you give him a kiss, but it's not necessary.
- This works best when she's wearing a dress or other outfit that allows you to trace her spine easily.
- When you reach the bottom of the neck, consider giving him a kiss in that area.

Step 10. Caress her feet
There are little things that some women prefer than a nice foot rub. Next time you're alone, make him lie down or sit down and place one of his feet in your hand. Then, gently massage the soles of her feet, her knuckles, the pads of her toes and feet, and even the area above her feet. Which is very gentle, at least at first, because her feet may hurt, especially if she stands all day, and then massages her upwards more thoroughly, massage her feet with your fingers.
If you really want to give him a good foot massage, you can even rub some oil or lotion on your hands
Step 11. Caress the navel
This is more sexual territory, but if you're getting to that stage with a woman, then sometimes there's nothing better than gently stroking her belly button. Gently trace the area around her navel and then move your hand slightly up or slightly down to extend the pleasure. You can caress other parts of her body and then back to her belly button if you really want to make her go wild.
- As already mentioned in the steps above. Most women don't like being tickled so avoid whatever happens and continue tickling ONLY if she's okay with it.
- Learn at least the location of a woman's erotic zones in her body. He will like you for this and you will enjoy finding him!
- There is no need to rush to hold and caress him. This will relax him and open himself up to more exciting things.
- Ask him if what you are doing feels good. Often you will know. You can also ask him what he wants.