Some girls like to be petted. However, you have to do it right, respectfully, and at the right time. There are several techniques you can use to make a girl melt with your touch. Touch will make a woman feel cared for and create an emotional bond, but it must be with the right technique, on the right body part, and at the right time and in the right way.
Part 1 of 3: Using the Right Technique

Step 1. Touch him gently
You have to caress the girl with a gentle touch. Try to only touch with smooth movements.
Avoid fast and hard movements. The smooth and soft touch feels soothing and a bit sexy. So, stroke it gently and gently as if she was made of the finest silk

Step 2. Hug gently
Hugs are an effective way to start stroking a girl, and hugs are common in couples too. You can hug while stroking him to lengthen the hug and make him happy.
- Try to hug him when parting at night, while rubbing his back with one hand. If he seems to be enjoying himself, you can touch his face with your other hand and caress his cheek.
- If the hug is quick and casual, he may not be interested. If he tries to hold on longer, he may be attracted to more physical contact.

Step 3. Wrap your arms around his shoulders or waist
You can also initiate a caress by placing your arm on his shoulder or waist. This might be worth trying if you're pretty sure he likes you and you've been in physical contact with him, such as holding hands.
- For example, put your arm around her shoulder or waist while standing in line for movie tickets or chatting.
- After that, gently caress the shoulder or hip with that hand.

Step 4. Compliment when stroking
A woman enjoys caressing more if your touch is accompanied by a compliment. This makes caressing seem more intimate and special.
- Try saying that her eyes are very beautiful and her hair is very soft. Find something you really like, and the compliments will follow.
- You can also say that she is beautiful, her skin is soft, she smells good, or that you like her.
Part 2 of 3: Focusing on Other Parts of the Body

Step 1. Start with a less sensitive area of the body
It's a good idea to start by touching a less sensitive area of his body, and if he doesn't mind, move on to a more sensitive area. For example, you can stroke your arms, face, calves, or upper back to start.
- If you've never petted her, start by holding her hand. If he allows, hold on longer, then if he's interested in a touch more, you can touch his back or arm.
- If he likes it, you can try a different body part. For example, moving from the upper back to the lower back, or from the calves to the thighs. Watch for signs he likes the caress, such as smiling or getting closer to your touch.
- Avoid parts of the body that may be sensitive, such as the stomach.

Step 2. Touch and play with her hair
Women like it when men play and stroke their hair. This is a romantic gesture that seems to be based on affection.
- Tuck the hair behind his ear. Trim hair that is loose from ties or covering his face. Maybe the hair will return to its original shape, but he will pay attention to your gestures.
- Girls like it when their hair is played, stroked, and combed. Run your fingers through his hair, then work your way up to his neck to rub behind his ears.

Step 3. Focus on the face and neck
A woman's face and neck are intimate areas to be stroked, but they are also effective. Try rubbing his cheek and neck with one hand while talking and looking him in the eye.
Gently run a finger across his cheek to indicate that you want to kiss him, and give him a chance to react

Step 4. Caress her hand
You can also stroke a girl's hand as a start. This is a form of caressing that can be performed in public.
- Try rubbing your thumb on the back of his hand when holding hands.
- If his hand is on the table, try holding it from across the table, then massage his palm.

Step 5. Caress the more intimate parts of the body
If the relationship has developed enough to caress more intimate parts, give it a try. However, watch his reaction and listen to him. If he says he doesn't want to be petted in certain areas, stop and go back to less intimate caresses, such as holding hands.
- A touch on the outer thigh is a seductive gesture that needs to be tried in intimate relationships. Try rubbing the sides of her waist, down to her thighs, and then back near her hips.
- Another sensitive but often overlooked body part is the curves of the back and legs. However, stroke it carefully as this area can be tingling at times.
- If she doesn't mind being stroked in a private area, like her breasts, remember that this area is very sensitive for women. Start with the outside of the breast, then move inward. Don't start at the peak. When stroking more sensitive areas, make sure you don't touch too hard or too much.
Part 3 of 3: Deciding When and How to Caress a Woman

Step 1. Learn his body language
Verbal communication only affects 10-15%. This means the rest is done through micro-expressions, such as body language and eye movements. Pay attention to his body language to determine if he likes being petted.
- Does he make eye contact with you? Does he keep looking at you when you catch his eye? Is his body language open (facing you) or closed (crossing your arms in front of your chest, for example).
- Don't be offended if he doesn't want to be touched. Maybe he's tired or he's in a bad mood. Learn how to judge his mood through body language.
- If he plays with your hair, touches you first, comes closer, or stares at you and then looks away shyly, chances are he's opening up with a caress. It's a girl's way of flirting. If he likes it, he'll show it by moving closer to you and maybe touching back. If the body tenses and stiffens, you need to stop.

Step 2. Consider the place and the setting
There are certain types of caressing that are appropriate in public places and some that are not. He may not feel comfortable being touched in a certain way in front of other people or in public. So if you're outside, take a different approach.
- If you're taking her to a movie, take her hand and rub her palm in a circular motion. This little gesture might put him at ease.
- Appropriateness is contextual. If the two of you are out for a walk, gently touch his elbow or back as you lead him across the street or through the door for first contact. Next, slowly lower your hands down your back or arms before releasing them.
- He may be more willing to be petted in a private place, like home.

Step 3. Consider your relationship with him
Whether or not you caress a girl depends on your relationship with her. Think about this before you start petting.
- Consider the length of the relationship. If he wants to spend time with you, if the relationship is exclusive or has been around for a long time, and if you have a close conversation, caressing will be easier. The level of acceptance of caresses is related to closeness. As closeness increases, the opportunities for petting are also greater.
- If the relationship is new, but trust already exists, start with a touch on the hand or arm. Every woman has a different view of what touch they feel is appropriate. You need to study a woman's personality before deciding where or whether to touch her.

Step 4. Ask her if she doesn't mind being petted
There's nothing wrong with being a real man. Women like it, and the risk of misunderstanding is reduced. In order to caress a girl, you first need to be trusted and liked by her, and accept hints (verbal or body language) that she wants to be stroked. If he doesn't know you, he probably doesn't want you to caress him. If he asks you to stop, stop.
You can ask him if he likes what you do, or ask him what he would like you to do, or ask him to guide you and take your hand where he wants you to go. By showing that you're willing to comply and stick to his boundaries, he'll feel more comfortable

Step 5. Don't expect a caress to lead to sex
There are some women who automatically assume that a man's caress is accompanied by a desire to make love. Desire for more will not be accepted by women who don't want to make love or who worry that you just like them that way.
- It helps if you pet him several times a day so he doesn't feel like you're just expecting sex. Show that you caress to make him happy, not for your own sake.
- Wipe his arm or comb his hair with your fingers, and don't go straight to private areas. Or, don't caress private areas at all. For example, you would just caress his wrist or arm while watching television.