Making friends happy is not easy because someone's happiness depends on the person himself. However, there are various things you can do to make your friends happier. In addition, you can also offer help to a friend who is sad or depressed.
Part 1 of 3: Encouraging Friends to Be Happy

Step 1. You must be happy
One of the best ways to make a friend happier is to be a happy person. People are happier when they are around happy people. Therefore, the happiness you feel will rub off on your friends.

Step 2. Spend time together
Whatever the form, relationships are the key to happiness. Therefore, spending time with friends can make both of you happier. Make sure you both support each other and are grateful for the friendship that has been established. This can make friends happier.
For example, show that you value their friendship by occasionally telling them in person, for example, by saying “I'm so happy to be your friend,” or by sending them a greeting card

Step 3. Make him laugh
“Laughter is the best medicine” is a phrase you should always remember. Laughter can make a person happier and healthier. Therefore, make friends laugh by joking with each other or even by making fun of yourself.

Step 4. Boost your friend's confidence
Sometimes, everyone needs to hear that he is smart, strong, and attractive. Don't be afraid to compliment your friend as this can help boost their self-confidence. Try to give a unique compliment to let him know that you mean it when you say it.
For example, compliments like “I love it when you take the time to listen to people talk. It shows that you care about other people.” more specific than, “You are a good listener.”

Step 5. Help your friend to see the positive side
For example, if a friend is complaining about his job, you can help a friend to see the positive side. This doesn't mean you underestimate his feelings. It's best if you first listen to the problem your friend is having before responding. Help your friend by asking questions like, “What can you do to improve it?” or “Recently, have something fun not happened at the office?”
Research shows that people who choose to seek happiness are more optimistic. Therefore, the person is happier

Step 6. Try new things together
True happiness is part of an adventure. Therefore, you have to get out of your comfort zone and try new things, and eventually find new interests. If you want your friend to be happier, invite them to try new things together.
For example, try visiting a new restaurant, exploring a city, or starting a new hobby together
Part 2 of 3: Making Friends Smile

Step 1. Call a friend
Determine the right time to call. Call a friend to talk, and ask how they are. By calling, you can show that you're thinking about him.

Step 2. Give a friend her favorite snack
You know a friend's favorite snack. Maybe your friend should have a cup of coffee during the day, or maybe she really likes cakes. Surprise him by giving him his favorite treat when he's having a tough day.

Step 3. Invite a friend to dance
Dancing is a fun activity that can make you more energized. Play music then dance with your friends.

Step 4. Give a friend a greeting card
Nowadays, not many people get greeting cards. Since they are so rare, greeting cards will probably make your friend smile. Send greeting cards to friends. In addition, use funny greeting cards so your friends will laugh.

Step 5. Do something nice to a friend as a surprise
You can visit a friend by bringing their favorite snack, doing chores they don't like (like mowing the lawn), or giving them a small gift. All kinds of positive gestures you can do will make him happier.
Part 3 of 3: Helping a Depressed Friend

Step 1. Show that you are there for him
Sometimes it's helpful to be with a depressed friend. If you can't, you can provide emotional support to let your friend know that you are there to hear and help.

Step 2. Give real help
Depression can make simple things difficult. You can give your friend real help like taking her somewhere, cooking her favorite meal, or helping her make an appointment. Make sure you do all the help that is offered to him.
You can offer help first. Sometimes, depressed people find it difficult to ask for help when they need it

Step 3. Show that you care
Simple things will mean a lot to someone who is depressed. Bring him coffee, or give him a greeting card. Try making her favorite snack. Little things like these will show that you love and care about them.

Step 4. Get a friend to get professional help
If not, you can persuade a depressed friend to ask for professional help. Get a friend to consult about depression with a therapist or psychiatrist.
- Because of the negative stigma against mental illness in society, you should tell your friends not to feel embarrassed. Depression is a type of disease too, and it can be cured.
- If your friend doesn't want to do it, you can offer to come with her and help her get everything ready so she won't be too nervous. Maybe you can help him out by figuring out what questions to ask during the next consultation.

Step 5. Get help for a friend
If your friend doesn't want to see a psychiatrist, find a community that can help people with depression. You can provide a friend with information so that he or she is willing to join the community, but all decisions are still in the hands of the friend.

Step 6. Invite friends to go out together
Often times, people with depression will isolate themselves. Invite friends to spend time outside together by doing activities that he enjoys. Getting outside and meeting other people can help a friend recover from depression.
Of course, the two of you should meet people where they usually hang out. If your friend doesn't want to leave the house, you can offer to accompany your friend at their house or invite them to gather at your house

Step 7. Don't criticize and say stale things
Maybe you want to help by saying something like “Cheer up,” or “Come on! You have to be aware." However, words like this would only make the situation worse. It's better to use supportive words like, “I know you're going through a tough time. I'm sure you'll be strong enough to get through this, but don't be afraid to ask for help."