Pretending to struggle can be a fun and enjoyable way to heat up a romantic relationship. Begin to annoy your boyfriend in quirky ways such as tickling him, pranking him, or teasing him. When you're struggling, keep yourself funny and keep on teasing her to fight back. It's very important to pay attention to the boundaries your boyfriend has put in place to limit these activities so they don't turn too serious.
Method 1 of 3: Lure Him to Pretend to Struggle

Step 1. Tickle your boyfriend to start a fight
You can start pretending to have a fight by surprising your boyfriend and tickling him until he gets upset. He will try to stop you and may try to strike back.
- Aim for the sides of his body, which is the part near the ribs and stomach area.
- Tickle the part of his body that is easiest to tickle.
- If he's not in the mood to be tickled or pretend to be struggling, stop what you're doing. This activity should be fun. So if he's not happy, you should stop.

Step 2. Work on your boyfriend to get him to reciprocate
You can easily start a pretend wrestling activity by trapping your boyfriend in a silly and harmless stunt. He will most likely feel a little frustrated or upset and will want to repay you by pretending to struggle.
- For example you could take a plastic water bottle and fill it with cold water. Remove the cap, then ask your boyfriend to look inside the bottle. As he leaned his face towards the rim of the bottle, squeeze the side of the bottle quickly until it finally splashed on his face.
- Go into the cell phone and change the language rules so that the entire content of the phone is in a foreign language.
- Add some raisins to the drink. Raisin will sink to the bottom of the drink so that when he finishes drinking he will think there is an insect in the glass.

Step 3. Pinch your boyfriend to make him feel bad
An intimate pinch on the arms of your waist or even your boyfriend's buttocks can initiate pretending to wrestle. When he's out of sight or off guard, pinch your boyfriend with your thumb and forefinger.
- Don't pull, press, or twist too hard to make it less painful.
- When he sees you to find out what's going on, smile at him and show that you're ready to fight.

Step 4. Get your boyfriend to feign a struggle by pretending to threaten him
If you're feeling a little cocky or your boyfriend is trying to start a fight, you can treat him by pretending to threaten to fight him. Keep your attitude funny so he understands you're just pretending.
- For example, you could say something like "Just keep going if you want to get into trouble."
- Don't scare or threaten her with physical violence. Make a harmless threat to lure him in.

Step 5. Read your boyfriend's cues if he doesn't want to fake a fight
If your boyfriend is constantly teasing, pranking, or trying to frustrate you, he may want to fake a fight. Pay attention to his cues, he may be trying to fake a fight with you.
- Watch if he smiles after he teases you to make sure he wants to fake a fight.
- When your boyfriend seems upset about something, ask him what's bothering him. You can fake a fight later when he's in a better mood.
- You may not enjoy the game. If he seems worried, nervous, or irritated when you tease him, be sensitive and back off.
Method 2 of 3: Pretend to Struggle

Step 1. Gently push him on the shoulders to remove his balance
If you are bigger and stronger, make sure not to push too hard. Pushing him gently will frustrate him and provoke him to fight back. He may just push your body back.
- Push him so that he falls onto the bed or sofa so that he has to try to get up.
- Be careful not to push it on the floor or on a hard object such as a table or chair as this could cause injury.

Step 2. Wrestle with your boyfriend and try to hold him back
Holding your boyfriend in a wrestling motion will force him to fight back so he can stand up. Make sure the area you are using is free of foreign matter and safe for grappling. Just keep things safe and let him run away and get back at you with his own wrestling moves.
- Lock him in by keeping his face facing the floor and placing your dominant arm between his arm and armpit. After that, place the palm of your dominant hand on the back of his neck and push his head down until he is restrained and has to fight back to get free.
- Be gentle when you lock it. Make it okay but don't hurt or hit his face.
Let him take advantage of the position and lock you in so you can fight back.

Step 3. Try the kimura lock move to make him fight back
The kimura lock move is a locking move in jiu jitsu that involves locking the opponent's hand to make him surrender. Grab the waist, then grab the arm and hold your own waist, then twist the arm behind your back. Hold this position so that he has to fight back to get out of that position.
- Be gentle when you do kimura lock moves to him. If he struggled or twisted he could injure his own shoulder.
- You can try this move from the top of his body, the side, or even with his position on top of you.

Step 4. Bite him gently to make him fight back
When you are struggling and pretending to be in a fight, gently bite him in the arm or shoulder area. He will see and feel your bite, then respond by fighting back or biting you back.
- If you feel lust, try biting his ear or neck.
- Make a growl or animal noise when you bite him to let him know you're just playing.
- Don't bite too hard or twist your bite, as doing so can hurt her.
Method 3 of 3: Respecting His Boundaries

Step 1. Recognize when pretending to be struggling isn't fun
If your boyfriend doesn't want to play anymore or seems annoyed, you should stop immediately. He may stop making eye contact, lose his energy and enthusiasm, or even start crying if he feels irritated enough. These things are clear signs that your game has crossed the line.
Even if you accidentally overstepped your bounds, you should apologize and ask if there is anything you can do to make her feel better
If your boyfriend is over-the-top, overly aggressive, or hurt you, be honest and tell the truth. Ask him to stop and explain what happened so he can understand it. Accidents do happen and pretending to be in a fight can cause injury, and provoke violence.

Step 2. Stop if he asks you to stop
A clear line that you should always adhere to is when your boyfriend says “stop” or “no”. Even if you've started pretending to be struggling and having fun, if he wants to stop, you have to stop. Make him feel safe around you, even when you pretend to be fighting, especially if you're bigger and stronger than your boyfriend.
- He may chuckle and ask to stop when he's feigning a struggle or when you tickle him. However, if he really asks you to stop and doesn't look happy, stop immediately.
- Pretending to struggle is very likely to trigger past trauma that he has experienced. So, be sensitive to the signs he gives and listen to what he has to say.

Step 3. Don't ask your boyfriend to fake a fight when he's angry
To prevent this game from going overboard or causing harm, either physically or emotionally, don't initiate or participate in pretend fights when you're angry. In addition, if your boyfriend is angry, don't try to get him to fake a fight, and don't accept his invitation if he asks you to fake a fight with him.
- If you don't feel like pretending to be in a fight, but your boyfriend does, try to get rid of negative thoughts to have fun with him.
- Pretending to be struggling should be fun. If you and your boyfriend are feeling upset, take some time to cool your heads.
- If you and your boyfriend are angry, pretending to be in a fight isn't the solution. Try to have a chat or go for some delicious food.