A septal piercing is made at the tip of the nose that lines the two nostrils. These piercings look cool, but they probably shouldn't be worn at school or work, and can seem impolite when you're hanging out with a conservative family. You shouldn't remove a new septal piercing for 6-8 weeks, but you can hide it and prevent it from getting infected during this time. Within a few months of getting your piercing, you can wear a retaining ring that folds into your nose to hide it.
Method 1 of 2: Hiding Your Newly Made Septal Piercing

Step 1. Choose the smallest and thinnest nose ring
The smallest special ring septum piercing usually weighs 16 grams. Choosing the smallest size can make the ring less conspicuous.
Do not choose a ring that is equipped with jewelry because it will look conspicuous when exposed to light

Step 2. Keep the septum piercing for at least 6-8 weeks
Removing the piercing before it heals is a bad idea because it can increase the risk of infection or cause the hole to close again. A bruised or swollen nose can draw people's attention and slow down the healing process.
Once the ring is removed, it will be difficult to put it back on because the wound will make the installation process painful

Step 3. Cover the piercing with a small piece of tape the same color as your skin
This won't take away the fact that you have a piercing, but it can temporarily cover the piercing area. This method can be useful when you are working or doing activities.
- Sports tape or cloth tape can be used as long as they are cut to size.
- You will need to remove the tape every day to clean the piercing.

Step 4. Clean the piercing daily with a salt water solution
Spray salt water on both sides of the piercing daily. Rinse the area with water so the salt doesn't dry out the skin.
- Do not move the piercing too hard when cleaning it because it can cause irritation.
- Taking good care of your piercing can help you hide it more effectively in the long run. The piercing area will look conspicuous if it is infected and swollen.
Method 2 of 2: Hiding Septum Piercing with Retainer Tool

Step 1. Purchase a septum retainer 6-8 weeks after the piercing
This retainer is a septal ring that can be inverted into the nose so that it is easy to hide. This object will keep the piercing hole open while hiding the presence of the nose piercing. There are various models of septum piercing retainers that are sold at affordable prices.

Step 2. Choose a ring that is the same width as your current piercing
You can buy ring holders online or at a jewelry store. If this is your first time purchasing a septal ring brace, it's a good idea to go to the store in person to have a look at the available braces. This will help determine the size and model of the brace that fits your nose.
It's important to wait for the piercing to heal within the recommended time. This will reduce the risk of infection in the piercing

Step 3. Insert the retainer in the same way as you would a regular septal ring
Use a mirror to help locate the hole in the nasal wall. Remove the cap of the holder, then point the needle at the piercing hole in the nose. Gently insert the retainer through the piercing hole, then reattach the cap at the end.
- If it hurts, stop pressing and try changing the angle of your pressure.
- Wash your hands before changing jewelry.

Step 4. Turn the ring over to hide it inside the nostril
Pull the skin between your mouth and nose, then press the ball on the retainer up and back until the object is in your nostril. If you have trouble doing this, replace the restraint with a smaller one.