Changing your hair color to pink is a great way to change up your style. The color can be as subtle as an ombre gold rose, or as vibrant as a bright pink. How to do it is quite easy, but not just applying dye to the hair. You will most likely have to bleach (remove hair pigment to make the color lighter) first on your hair. Hair care after coloring is equally important. If your hair is not properly cared for, the color will fade quickly.
Part 1 of 5: Choosing the Right Shades of Color

Step 1. Set how dark or light you want the color to be
Pink is available in a variety of colors, from very pale to very dark. Each color has its own benefits and gives a different look to your overall style. For example:
- Go for a light color if you want something easy to work with and maintain. Some examples include: baby, cotton candy, pale, and pastel.
- Use a bright neon color if you want a color that lasts a long time. Some examples include: atomic, carnation, cupcake, magenta, flamingo, and shocking.
- Use a deep color if you have dark hair and can't bleach it to light. Some examples include: bordeaux, eggplant, gem purple, and virgin rose.

Step 2. Use a color that can beautify the skin tone
Usually, you have to match your hair color to your skin tone. For example, if you have warm skin (yellow), go for a warm pink with shades of yellow or orange. If your skin tone is cool (pink), go for a cool pink with shades of blue or purple.
If you are confused about what color to choose, visit a beauty supply store and try out a variety of wig colors there

Step 3. Accept the fact that you have to use a dark color if you have dark hair
In general, you have to bleach your hair. But remember, you can't over-bleach your hair. In this case, you may want to use a dark pink color. For example, if your hair is black or dark brown, it won't bleach as brightly as possible for a pastel pink. Maybe you should use a dark pink color.

Step 4. Use colors that don't violate the dress code at work or school
If you're a working professional with a strict dress code, bright pink is definitely not a good choice, which could earn you a reprimand. This also applies at school. If you're in an environment where people are creative (such as a studio or art school), you can freely dye your hair a bright pink.
- If your office or school has a strict dress code, try using a natural pink, like rose gold.
- Ask the school/supervisor at the office if you can dye your hair the color of your choice.
Part 2 of 5: Bleaching Hair

Step 1. Start with healthy hair
Damaged hair does not absorb color well. In addition, the bleaching process will damage the hair to some extent. So, healthy hair before starting. Damaged hair will be more damaged when bleached.
- If you still want to dye damaged hair pink, try using the ombre technique (gradation of color). This method does not require you to bleach all sections of your hair.
- It's best not to wash your hair for a few days before you bleach. This may sound gross, but the oil that builds up will protect your hair.

Step 2. Decide whether you want to bleach all of your hair or only part of it
If your hair is blonde or red, you can bleach all sections of your hair. However, if your hair is black or dark brown, try an ombre. This way, you won't have to recolor it too often as the roots will be the natural color. This will minimize damage to the hair.
If you have light hair reaching grades 8 to 10, you may not need to bleach at all. Consult a hair stylist to find out the level of your hair color

Step 3. Protect clothing, skin and work surfaces
Wear old clothes, or cover yourself with a shaving robe or unused towel. Apply petrolatum (petroleum jelly) to the skin around the hairline, ears, and nape of the neck. Cover floors and tables with newspaper, and wear plastic gloves when you dye your hair.

Step 4. Mix the bleaching ingredients with the right developer
High levels of developer (usually hydrogen peroxide) will lighten the hair more quickly, but cause more damage to the hair. In general, if you have light hair, you only need a developer with a volume of 10 or 20. For dark hair, a developer with a volume of 30 is the best option.
Don't use a developer with a volume of 40 because it can work very quickly and be very destructive

Step 5. Test on a small tuft of hair
Although only optional, this step is highly recommended. The time stated on the product packaging should be used as a guide. This means that your hair can lighten more quickly than the recommended time for your natural hair color and desired brightness. However, never exceed the recommended bleaching time. Choose hair in hidden areas, such as the nape of the neck or behind the ears.
If the result is still not bright, do a second bleaching. If the hair is healthy, you can do it the same day. However, if the hair is damaged, wait a few weeks to bleach it again

Step 6. Bleach when the hair is dry, starting from the ends
Divide the hair into 4 sections. Apply bleach to 1 section of hair at a time, with a thickness of about 1.5–2.5 cm, starting from the ends of the hair to the middle. If the entire section of hair has been smeared with bleach, return to the first section of hair to apply the bleaching agent to the roots of the hair.
- The heat that comes from the scalp makes bleaching process faster than bleaching the ends of the hair. Bleaching should be applied to the hair roots at the last moment.
- Be careful when applying bleach to each section of hair. You can skip a few dots at the back of the hair. So, pay more attention when bleaching hair in that area.
- If you want to dye your hair a pastel pink, try to bleach your hair to level 10, or platinum.
- Be careful when bleaching colored hair. The hair color may become uneven, and the dye may react with the bleaching agent.

Step 7. Let your hair lighten before you wash it with shampoo
Again, each hair will react differently to the bleaching agent. The hair may reach the desired level of brightness faster than the time stated on the product packaging. As soon as your hair reaches the desired level of brightness, rinse off the bleach with shampoo. If the recommended time has run out and the hair has not turned bright as desired, wash the bleaching material, and get ready to do the second bleaching.
Check for signs of damage from bleaching, such as excessive hair loss or breakage. If this happens, wait a few weeks before you bleach again

Step 8. Bleach the hair for a second time, if necessary
Sometimes one bleaching is not enough to achieve the desired level of hair brightness. If you have brown hair and want a pastel pink, you may have to bleach your hair twice. However, keep in mind that you won't be able to turn black hair into pale blonde. Maybe you should settle for a dark pink color.
If the hair is healthy, you can bleach it again the same day. If the hair is damaged, wait another 1 or 2 weeks for bleaching

Step 9. Leave the bleaching to a professional if you have dark hair
Bleaching is the most destructive action in the hair coloring process. You can make a lot of mistakes, from uneven hair brightness to damaged and burnt hair. While you can bleach light brown and blonde hair at home with a dye kit, black and dark brown hair requires greater care and precision. On dark hair, you should leave the work to a professional.
Follow what the hair stylist tells you. If he says that your hair can't be bleached anymore, don't ever try to do it
Part 3 of 5: Toning Hair

Step 1. Decide if your hair needs toning or not
Most hair will turn yellow or orange when bleached. If you want to dye your hair a warm pink (like salmon), you don't need toning. Be aware that the pink color will turn warmer than what is stated on the product packaging. However, if you want to use a cool pink or pastel color, you will need to tone your hair to make it white/silver as desired.
- An example of a cool pink is one that has shades of purple or blue.
- The white or silver color of your hair will change after you toning it, depending on how light you bleach your hair. Orange hair will turn silverer, and yellow hair will turn whiter.

Step 2. Prepare a toning shampoo
Toning shampoo is a special shampoo to remove yellow or orange color from hair and make it more neutral/silver. You can also make your own toning shampoo by mixing blue or purple hair dye with white conditioner. You will get a pale blue or pastel blue.
- If her hair turns yellow, choose a purple toning shampoo. If her hair turns orange, choose a blue toning shampoo.
- Toning shampoos sold in stores have different strengths so you'll have to experiment. By making your own, you can adjust the proportions and get the strength you want.

Step 3. Apply the toning to damp or damp hair in the shower
Toning shampoo can be applied to the hair as usual. Squeeze a small amount of shampoo into the palm of your hand, then gently rub it all over your hair, starting from the roots to the tips of your hair.
Make sure the hair is completely wet with the toning shampoo

Step 4. Let the shampoo sit on your hair for the time stated on the product packaging
This can take 5-10 minutes. If you make your own toner from hair dye and conditioner, leave the toner on for 2-5 minutes. However, don't leave it on for too long as it can make your hair turn purple or blue.

Step 5. Wash off the shampoo using cold water
If there's still some dye left on your hair after you've washed it, continue the process using a dye-safe shampoo. You can let the hair dry on its own or speed up the process using a hair dryer.
Toner can turn hair pink. If you like the resulting pink color, then your job is done
Part 4 of 5: Hair Color

Step 1. Begin coloring with clean, dry hair
Wash your hair with shampoo. Rinse your hair and let it dry on its own or dry it with a hair dryer. Don't use conditioner at this point, as this can make it harder for the dye to stick to your hair.
It's a good idea to wait a few days between bleaching and coloring your hair. Both of these processes have a hard impact on the hair. So, it's best if you give your hair a few days to rest

Step 2. Protect skin, clothes and workbench from stains
Put on old clothes and hang a shaving robe or an old towel over your shoulder. Cover the table with newsprint or plastic sheet. Apply petrolatum around the ears and hairline, and wear plastic gloves.

Step 3. Mix pink hair dye with white conditioner if the instructions say so
Pour enough white conditioner into a non-metallic bowl to wet your hair. Add a little pink coloring, then stir with a plastic spoon until the color doesn't change anymore. Add more dye/conditioner to get the shades you want.
- You can use any type of conditioner, as long as it's white.
- If you're not toning your hair, be careful what pink you apply. The end result can be more yellow/orange.
- For extra dimension, prepare 2-3 different shades of pink in separate bowls. For example, you can prepare atomic pink, cupcake pink, and virgin rose.

Step 4. Apply the dye to the hair section by section
Divide the hair into four sections. Use a coloring brush to apply the dye (or a mixture of dye and conditioner) to sections of hair that are 1.5–2.5 cm thick. When you've got some pinks ready, randomly apply the dye all over your hair. You can also use the balayage technique (hair coloring with vertical highlights) to make your hair look more realistic and dimensional, which makes it less like a wig.
- Follow a natural pattern of dark and light in your hair. Use dark pink on dark areas and light pink on light areas, especially around the face.
- Do a test in a hidden area first. This way, you can fix the color before using it.

Step 5. Allow the dye to set for the appropriate amount of time according to the product directions
In general, you should wait about 15-20 minutes. Some gel-based dyes (such as Manic Panic) can be left on your hair for up to 1 hour, which will result in a lighter color.
- Do not leave hair dye containing lightening or bleaching for longer than the recommended time.
- Wear a plastic shower cap to cover your hair. This helps the dye to develop better and to keep it clean.

Step 6. Rinse hair using cold water, then apply conditioner
Rinse off the dye stuck to the hair with cold water. When the rinse water is clear, apply conditioner to the hair. Two or three minutes later, rinse your hair with cold water to close the cuticles. Do not use any shampoo for at least 3 days after this.
Continue the process by rinsing your hair with vinegar to lock in the color and make your hair shiny. Let the vinegar sit on your hair for 2-3 minutes before rinsing it off. If the vinegar smell doesn't go away, mask the smell with a leave-in conditioner or other product

Step 7. Use hair gloss to make hair shinier
Choose a pink hair gloss, and apply it right after you rinse off the dye. Let the hair gloss sit on your hair for about 10 minutes, or for the time recommended on the product packaging before you rinse it off.
Part 5 of 5: Caring for Hair to Maintain Color

Step 1. Use a color-safe sulfate-free product
Do not use products that contain sulfates. Sulfates are great for cleaning hair, but they can also peel off dye. To make the color last longer, use a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner that is dye-safe. Most products usually state that they are sulfate-free and dye-safe. If you're still in doubt, check the ingredient list on the back of the bottle. Do not use products that have the word "sulphate" on the packaging.
Add a little dye to the conditioner bottle. This can give your hair a little color each time you wash it, which will help the color last longer

Step 2. Do deep conditioning every week using a hair mask
Purchase a deep conditioning mask specifically designed for color-treated or chemically treated hair. Apply the mask to wet hair, then put on a plastic shower cap to cover the hair. Wait for the time recommended on the product packaging before you rinse thoroughly.
Most hair masks should be left on your hair for 5-10 minutes, although some should be left on for 15-20 minutes. Read the product packaging, but don't panic if the mask stays on for too long

Step 3. Wash your hair no more than once or twice a week
The more often the hair is washed, the faster the color will fade, even if you use a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner that is safe for hair dye. If you have oily hair, try using a dry shampoo in between washes.

Step 4. Use cold water to wash your hair
Just like styling your hair with heat, hot water can also remove the dye more quickly. Hot water also makes hair look damaged. After you're done shampooing and applying conditioner, rinse your hair with cold water for about 1 minute to make your hair smoother and shinier.
If you can't wash it with cold water, use warm water

Step 5. Limit styling using heat whenever possible
Let your hair dry on its own, unless it's very cold, and you're late for work or school. If you want to curl your hair, choose a method that doesn't use heat, such as rollers. If possible, don't use a flat iron to straighten your hair.
- If you have to use a straightener or electric curler, make sure your hair is completely dry. Use a good heat protectant and set the appliance to a low heat setting.
- Sunlight can also fade colors. Wear a hat, scarf or headgear when going out.

Step 6. Treat hair every 3-4 weeks, or as needed
Just like red hair dye, pink dye also fades quickly. This means, you may have to re-bleach the hair roots that are starting to grow. If you don't want to re-bleach the roots, leave the roots natural and recolor the ends for an ombre effect.
- The lighter the pink, the faster the color will fade. Pastel pinks don't fade too fast.
- Some people like faded pastel pinks. If you also like fading colors, don't treat them too often.
- If your skin gets dyed, clean the skin with a cotton swab that has been moistened with an alcohol-based makeup remover.
- To test whether the color is to your liking, apply the dye to one strand of hair or to the ends. This way, you can cut it if you don't like the color.
- Prepare more dye than you need especially if you have long and/or thick hair.
- If you're unsure whether you'd look great with pink hair, try wearing a wig, or changing your hair color in an image-editing software, such as Photoshop.
- Sprinkle the roots of your hair with blush or eyeshadow that matches your hair color. It may not be perfect, but it can hide the natural color of your hair.
- Never apply bleach to wet hair or start at the roots. Always apply bleach to dry hair, and start the process from the ends of your hair.
- Do not leave the bleaching agent on for longer than the recommended time on the product packaging.
- Pink hair dye can smudge and stain things in the first few days. Try sleeping on a dark pillowcase.