Are you looked down upon by your boss and need to make a serious reputation change or do you just want to make sure all your classmates like you? Impressing others will be a skill you can use over time. But how do you "do" it? Luckily, impressing others is not difficult. So what makes you stop to amaze them?
Part 1 of 3: How To Behave

Step 1. Live hard and proud
Just being yourself and letting your passions shine through can impress people even when they don't realize it. Everyone wants to live like they don't care what other people think, so when they see someone who actually does it, they'll be impressed.

Step 2. Be a responsible person
Take action and dare to take responsibility for the consequences. Being "mature" in a given situation, ready to control and deal with the consequences is an act that can impress others.

Step 3. Be honest
Tell others your honest opinion in a polite manner. Be open to your prejudices and be willing to tell someone when you think something isn't going to work (even if it's about yourself). When you make a promise or guarantee, keep it. Keep the things you promise as much as possible. You want to be someone who is considered very trustworthy. This is a trait that is rare and admired.

Step 4. Be a positive person
Be someone who can turn a bad situation into a valuable lesson with a calm demeanor. Always stay calm in difficult situations. Don't be someone who complains easily; face the problem calmly and move forward. People like someone who can handle a situation without feeling confused.

Step 5. Respect everyone
Respect your colleagues and superiors, but most importantly respect those who are seen as being "under" you. A wise man once said, "If you want to know what a person's true nature is like, look at how he treats his subordinates, not those who are his equal." Which means, be kind to the poor, the homeless, your employees, etc. They still have the same degree as you.

Step 6. Be humble
Humility is actually very impressive to most people. Society often assumes that acting like you are the best will get you treated better, but this is not the case. People do not like someone who likes to show off and that will only cause the number of your competitors to increase. Be humble about your accomplishments and people will be truly impressed.
Part 2 of 3: What To Do

Step 1. Do something
What is the most basic thing you have to do to impress people? Do something. Any. Getting up from your seat is the most basic step. This is something that is really hard for people to do, and when they see you going to the gym, taking your boyfriend out on weekends, and going out every summer, they'll be impressed. It's even better if you acquire a new skill, whether for fun or work.

Step 2. Be great at what you do
Whatever you do to build yourself up and actively live your life, be great at those things. Train. Become a professional. This will impress people immensely, even if your skills or desires don't really stand out.

Step 3. Work hard
Of course, most people think that they have worked hard. If you are one of them, work harder. If you think that you have to get everything you want without working hard at all, then we need to talk about it again, because that's a bad way to live life and won't impress people on you. People like someone who is ethically hardworking. It will make you look more capable, even if you're not.

Step 4. Help others sincerely
A philanthropist also impresses most people. Find ways to help others, especially by doing something voluntarily. You should also clearly offer help to help, not for personal gain. This means remaining helpful even when no one is watching you. Trust us, it will come back to you.

Step 5. Show your true nature
If you want to impress someone with a trait you're proud of, you need to do it in a productive way. You don't want to look like a middle-aged man who thinks he's impressed people but is really just pitied.
- Show your wealth. If you want to show how much money you have, don't do it by buying piles of stuff you don't need. Instead, give the money to charity or buy lunch for the homeless outside your home every day.
- Show your strength. If you want to show how strong or manly you are, do it by protecting those who can't protect themselves.
- Show your smarts. If you want to show how smart you are, do so by offering to help people with assignments, using your intelligence to create something, or even simply admitting when you don't know something (but offering to help them figure it out).

Step 6. Fight for your beliefs
Strong moral beliefs are something that impresses many people. Do the right thing, especially when it's difficult, and you'll find people who support you. This can be tricky at work, but sometimes it's for the best.
Part 3 of 3: Learning Specification
Impressive at Work

Step 1. Take the initiative
Be the first to volunteer when your boss asks "Is someone willing to…". Be prepared to act when decisions need to be made. Basically, being willing to take charge of a situation, especially if no one else wants to do it will make your boss like it.

Step 2. Watch for innovation
Even if you don't really care about your job or industry, allow yourself to invest in doing research. Stay abreast of the latest innovations. When you see something that you think is really relevant or could significantly improve the outcomes of your workplace, show it to your boss. This is one of a kind initiative and your boss will still love it.

Step 3. Find and solve the problem
Identify the problems in your workplace (inefficiencies, things that were broken, things that could have been done better, etc.). Now, find creative solutions of ways to fix those problems. Discuss your solution with your boss and then support the implementation of the solution. This is one of the best ways to impress your boss.

Step 4. Dress up to impress people
Dress better than what is required of your workplace. This will show your boss that you place an emphasis on professionalism and think that making your company look good requires more effort. What you plant will show in what you do. This is an easy way to impress your boss.
Impressive in School

Step 1. Participate in many activities
Try or participate in lots of extracurricular activities (but still maintain good grades). This is something that people can easily impress because they will see you as someone who is good at everything.

Step 2. Follow your dream
Don't be ashamed of yourself. Be yourself and love what you love. Pursue and get better at the things that make you happy. This is a great way to look confident, even if you're not. Your friends will be really impressed.

Step 3. Be nice to everyone
It might seem like a sneaky habit of a popular group of people to get them to like people, but it's not. If you're known for gossip, backstabbing, and petty habits, people will worry about what you're going to do to them and no one will be impressed. So, be nice to everyone (even to people that other people don't like).

Step 4. Study well in school
Don't act like you're too cool to go to school. If you spend all your time on drugs and screwing up your job, everyone (including your friends) knows that soon you will be standing on the other side of the McDonald's list. Even if you are not very good academically, at least try to be better.
Impressive at a Party

Step 1. Talk to people
The most basic trick is talking to people. Sitting in the shadows won't help you gain anything.

Step 2. Have a good story to tell
Keep a good story on any topic, as long as it's funny or interesting, and tell it at the right time. Silences in conversation or awkward moments are great times to tell a story. Don't talk about something that might provoke someone's anger.

Step 3. Make people feel good
Apart from just talking about yourself, take an interest in what other people are doing as well. Ask others about themselves. This will impress them, because people love to talk about themselves at a party. This will be very useful if they are popular but quiet.

Step 4. Learn magic tricks
You can always try to do some magic trick or skill (YouTube will show you how to do it). However, in today's age of internet development, many people already know how to do these tricks and are less impressive than they were before.
- Follow the instructions carefully. Do these steps wrong and everyone will think of you as someone stupid trying too hard. Technically, do what you have to do in a subtle way so that no one knows what your real goal is.
- If your friends (who you know well) are at a party; they may ask you what your intentions are and decide if they don't want to be friends with you anymore, but this is just an illustration.