How to Empty an Egg: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Empty an Egg: 9 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Empty an Egg: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

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"Empty eggs" are often used for handicrafts that use whole eggs that have been removed. Empty eggs can be stored for years from the time they are made; without the whites or yolks, the eggs will not spoil. If you want to learn how to empty an egg, read on.



Step 1. Make two holes in a medium-sized raw egg

Usually eggs have two ends, one smaller and the other larger. Hole the small end first, then the big end (top and bottom). For the first stage, use a needle or an egg awl purchased at a specialty store. The hole needs to be enlarged so that the signal can be removed. To do this, you can still use a needle or similar tool, or choose a very effective method, which is to use two large round nails, 2 mm and 4 mm thick. Sharpen each end with a file or sandpaper so that there are four sharp ends. The hole to be blown is made larger by using a nail. Make a slightly larger hole at the end, about twice the size of the first hole, as this is where the contents of the egg will come out.

  • One way to avoid cracking when punching holes in eggs is to apply adhesive tape or bandages/bandages on the part of the egg to be punched.

  • You can also punch holes in the eggs using a small drill (which is not very powerful), a small turning tool such as a "Dremel" or a hand-turned dial. Allow the tool to gently scrape downwards, instead of pressing, injuring and tearing the shell with a scratch.

    The tip of the tool should be a piece of strong metal or metal-like carbide that is not coated with sand that could contaminate the egg extract

  • Examine the egg for possible broken parts––sometimes this is hard to find. If no part is damaged, check for damage in the area around the punched part.
  • With your non-dominant hand grip the egg firmly (but don't break it) and insert the nail with your dominant hand. Insert the nail slowly and with even pressure.
  • To make the eggs easier to punch, rub the eggs with sandpaper to thin the shells. This will make it easier for a needle or even a paperclip to penetrate the shell. Paper clips are suitable for crushing egg yolks on the inside so that they are easy to remove.

Step 2. Reach the end of the larger hole using a needle, wire, straightened paperclip, toothpick, or a small balloon pump

Pierce the yolk and break the membrane that covers it. Push the tool in and out slowly and repeatedly.

Step 3. Decide how to empty the eggs

The usual way is to use a thin straw (like a coffee shop straw) and blow through your mouth, but you can also use a syringe to push air into the hole. If you don't want to blow, choose one of the tools below:

  • Ear bulb syringe
  • Syringe (without needle)
  • Glue injection
  • "Egg blower" (eg Blas-fix)
  • Small air compressors such as those used for inflating tires or painting. The blunt end of the hose is brought close to the hole. The inside of the egg will crumble and come out without breaking the shell.

    • Check for grease or dust in the air hose by spraying a stream of air on a clean piece of paper.
    • Eggs can crack, even break.
    • High pressure air compressors can be dangerous. Do not use a large compressor or pressure tank, place the end of the hose against the body or near the face, and prevent children from using this tool.

Step 4. Prepare a large bowl or clean bottle to hold the contents of the eggs

Hold the egg just above the bowl during the blowing process. If you use a clean container, you can save the contents of the removed eggs for later processing.


Step 5. If you are using the usual method, hold the straw by the small hole

Blow through the straw until air is drawn in, allowing the filling to flow out through the other end. Do this until the egg is empty.


Step 6. If you want to use a syringe or egg blower, hold the tool by the small hole

Insert air or water through the hole to let the contents out. If you use water, you cannot use the contents of the egg to be processed into food. Repeat the process until all the contents come out.


Step 7. Take a glass of water and pour it over the shell to clean it

Take a straw or syringe to remove the water and any remaining egg yolk/white. Beat gently and repeat until the eggs are completely clean.

You can do this in a bowl––if you want to use the eggs for later processing, prepare a large bowl to hold the water, or you can do it in the sink


Step 8. Dry the eggs

One way is to heat the eggs in the microwave on high for 15-30 seconds or bake them in the oven at 300ºF/150ºC for 10 minutes. This process will make the eggs stronger.

Alternatively, you can let the eggs dry naturally (with the larger hole at the bottom) for 2-3 days


Step 9. Done

Now the eggs are ready to be decorated and displayed.


  • Eggs that have been perforated are more prone to breakage so you should handle them with care even after the entire process has been done.
  • To make the egg decoration more festive, you can use a small needle to poke the design of the image into the empty egg. The image will not be visible but if it is dipped in the dye, the image will appear.
  • Once the egg is punched at both ends, the filling will come out. Make sure you hold the egg over the bowl or do it over the sink until the whole process is complete.
  • Wherever possible use eggs at room temperature. The egg filling is not too hard and can flow out more easily.
  • Don't waste the eggs! Once the shell is emptied, the inside can be processed into scrambled eggs or other dishes as long as you make sure all the utensils are clean. Cover the bowl with a plastic sheet, plate or other type of cover until you need it.
  • If you heat it too long, the shell may crack from too high a temperature.
  • You can also use a small, pointed drill bit to drill holes in the eggs.
  • Remember, once the eggs are perforated, they will float as long as they are dipped in the dye.
  • You can empty the eggs using the ingredients below.
