A comedian looks very easy to make jokes, but it's actually not that easy. It takes some thinking and you have to figure out how to make a funny joke, but not use your object as a joke. Learn how to make jokes that will make your friends laugh in this article.
Method 1 of 3: Finding Jokes

Step 1. Make a joke about yourself
Using yourself as a joke is an effective way to make other people laugh. Self-deprecation, and the art of 'enjoying' others as a joke, is one of the foundations of the common jokes of famous comedians. Find silly things about yourself that make other people laugh.
- I'm really great in bed. I can sleep up to 10 hours without waking up." - Jen Kirkman
- The sad thing about tennis is that no matter how much I play, I will never be as good as a wall. I only played once to be a wall. Walls are tireless. - Mitch Hedburg

Step 2. Make a joke about your partner or boyfriend
Many comedians use their partner as a joke. Many people would laugh at a joke like this. If you don't have a partner or boyfriend, make jokes about romantic relationships in general.
Men don't know how expensive it is to be a woman. And that's why you pay for dinner - Livia Scott

Step 3. Turn a certain group of people into a joke
For example the hipsters, politicians, boarding children, and so on. Jokes like this will make other people laugh, but be careful not to overdo it as you could offend the other person.
- Everyone knows hipsters are like fleas. You see one, but there are probably 40 more under your bed, judging by your music. - Dan Soder
- If we are God's children, what is so special about Jesus? - Jimmy Carr

Step 4. Make a joke about a certain place or situation
Bus stops, schools, canteens, planes, offices, coffee shops, bathrooms, and so on are something that can be used as a joke. Find out what is strange or ridiculous about a place or what you see in that place.
- I grew up near Newark, New Jersey. If New York City's is the city that never sleeps, Newark, New Jersey is the city that watches you fall asleep. - Dan St. Germain
- I don't understand why they cook on TV. I can't smell it, can't eat it, can't taste it. At the end of the show they just showed it to the camera, 'Well, here it is. You can't have it. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.' - Jerry Seinfeld

Step 5. Make jokes about people or things that are being talked about a lot
Talk about someone or something that is famous, such as the President, a celebrity, a sports figure, or someone who appears frequently in the news. Making jokes about famous people will be entertaining, because most people will know what you're talking about and will laugh about it.
- I wonder if Jeremy Irons ever secretly laughed to himself while he was ironing. - Jon Friedman
- I wear so many scarves these days, and I wonder if my ancestor was Steven Tyler's mic. - Selena Coppock
Method 2 of 3: Making a Joke

Step 1. Add weird and obscure things to your jokes
This joke will appeal to children, and teenagers.
If the bread always falls on the butter first, and if the cat always lands on its feet, what happens if you tie the bun to the cat's back and drop it? - Steven Wright

Step 2. Make a naughty/dirty joke
Some comedians make naughty/dirty jokes on their shows. A naughty joke can help the audience relax, get them to pay attention to you, and get them to imagine it. This is an easy way that viewers can interact with you.
- My wife wanted to name our baby girl, Anita. I must remind that our last name is Cox. - Bryan Cox
- God gave men both genitals and brains, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams

Step 3. Say something surprising or unexpected
What is something unique that you have that could be conveyed? You can also make people laugh by saying something you wouldn't normally say about an innocent group of people or people, such as children, your grandmother, nuns, kittens and so on. They will imagine it.
- A friend will help you move. A good friend will help you move your body. - Dave Attel
- If Tujan had written the Bible, the first line should have been 'round.' - Eddie Izzard

Step 4. Use familiar jokes
Some types of jokes seem to consistently elicit laughs even though we've all heard them many times. Think jokes about your mom, boyfriend jokes about fights, and jokes about annoying girlfriends.
- Men want the same thing in their underwear that they want from women: a little support, and a little freedom. - Jerry Seinfeld
- A grasshopper walks into a bar and the bartender says, 'Hey, we have a drink with the same name as you!' The grasshopper looked surprised and said, 'Do you have a drink named Steve?'

Step 5. Make jokes that involve other people/audience
You won't make people laugh unless that person is in your jokes. If they don't pay attention to your jokes, it will be very sad. But if you make them the subject of your jokes, they will surely notice you.
- Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm schizophrenic, and so am I. - Billy Connolly
- Women will say no to their husbands in the movies. They'll say: 'No, we've seen cancer movies so many times. Then this movie is about cats.' - Tina Fey

Step 6. Tell a joke in a stupid style
Like imitating a baby's voice, or by pretending to knock on the door, and so on.
I don't want to talk to people who have less than 10 toes. I'm a person who doesn't like LACK OF TOES. - Gilbert Gottfried
Method 3 of 3: Telling Jokes

Step 1. Know your audience
Your jokes have to be funny to all the audience, or you'll feel a rock in your face. Be careful if you want to make a joke of a politician or celebrity in the area where you live. A joke that's funny to one group of people can cause another group to throw vegetables at you.

Step 2. Keep the joke short and simple
Telling a story that is too long may be boring. Practice telling short jokes so you can get a feel for how best to tell them before moving on to longer stories. Remember that a good joke is not always a clever joke, or a very detailed joke, the important thing is to make people laugh.
- Pay attention to the people you are talking to. If you see their eyes have started to drift, make a joke.
- You can tell more than one joke in a row if the first one makes you laugh. Build on the energy you have created.

Step 3. Create a flat expression
If you smile widely when you tell a joke, people may be annoyed. Also, smiling at your own jokes seems to give you the end of the joke before you finish it. Instead, you should keep a straight face, make eye contact, and tell jokes such as saying something boring like "I'm going to the store for milk." The way you deliver is as important as the content of your jokes.

Step 4. Know when to tell the funniest part of your joke
Once you've outlined your joke, pause before giving the funniest part. This will leave people thinking and guessing for a while before you surprise them with the funniest part of your joke. Don't take too long, or you'll lose the cuteness.
- A man walks to the doctor. He said, 'My arm hurts in a few places.' Then the doctor said, 'Well don't go there again.' - Tommy Cooper
- I don't care if you think I'm racist. I just want you to think I'm skinny. - Sarah Silverman
- Most jokes are not made in ten minutes. It may take some time to prepare.
- You will get better if you practice diligently.
- Be wise if your jokes are about race, religion, country, etc. Whenever in doubt, ask: "Does anyone mind if I tell a potentially offensive joke?"
- A joke that can be called a success requires 'intertextuality'. Media Terms: Using people's knowledge in wordplay, or other subjects.
- Jokes are just funny jokes once in a while. Don't repeat the joke, even if you think someone hasn't heard it yet. Maybe someone else will tell.
- Be prepared if you experience failure.