Stripes can be very useful if you know how to wear them properly. The problem is, sometimes it's hard to tell when to use the m/ em-dash (-) or the n/ en-dash (–) dash. In general, em-dash is used to create emphasis or establish an informal tone. Meanwhile, en-dash is commonly used to indicate a range of numbers or to make compound adjectives. Once you get the hang of it, you can master the use of these two types of dashes without much trouble. You just need to remember a few basic rules and these punctuation marks can be used smoothly.
Method 1 of 3: Using Em-Dash

Step 1. Use em-dash to join independent clauses
Usually, em-dash in English is used to connect independent clauses/ clauses, with related thoughts plus conjunctions/connections such as or, but, yet, as, for, and after the second dash. These dashes are almost like parentheses or commas, but are used when you need stronger punctuation.
Em-dash dashes can connect independent clauses with related thoughts in sentences such as, “Abby gave me a terrible haircut! (The haircut Abby styled for me was terrible!)- and she expected a tip ! (and he even dared to ask for a tip!)” or “Evan wants me to apologize (Evan wants me to apologize)-but he didn't even say he's sorry ! (but he didn't even say he was sorry!)”
Christopher Taylor, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English, suggests:
"Em-dash (-) can be used for informal punctuation or for emphasis. Meanwhile, en-dash (–) is usually used to indicate a range of values."

Step 2. Mark unimportant information with em-dash
Like commas, in English you can use dashes to include information that isn't really necessary to understand a sentence. This is usually done in informal writing, but you can also use it occasionally in formal writing if you want to make a statement with a stronger emphasis than a comma.
- For example, you could say “I'd better have passed my test- it's ninety percent of my class grade (90 percent of my grade passed)- or I'll have to go to summer school (or I have to go to summer school).”
- In English, this use of em-dash is sometimes referred to as a parenthetical dash because a dash can replace parentheses.

Step 3. Use em-dash to include lists in sentences
Em-dash dashes can be used to mark lists in sentences that already use commas. This helps the reader avoid confusion in understanding sentences and makes it easier to know the beginning and end of a related list.
For example, “All of my school work-physics, Academic Decathlon, sociology, and calculus (physics, Academic Decade, sociology, and calculus)- got washed away when my house was flooded. my house is flooded)

Step 4. Use em-dash to put emphasis in the sentence
Em-dash can also be used to emphasize a point in a sentence. Usually, this point appears after the dash. This technique is commonly used especially in informal writing and stories.
Example sentences include, "Of course, I'll sign a prenuptial agreement - as long as it's in my favor."
Method 2 of 3: Using En-Dash Tanda

Step 1. Present a range of numbers using en-dash
The en-dash line is most commonly used to indicate a range of numbers, such as pages 182-197 in a book, or events that occur between 1-5 pm. When used with numbers, the en-dash is usually read "until" or "until". For example, if you read “pages 182-197” aloud, say, “pages 182 through 197 (pages 182 to 197).”
- The en-dash dash usually denotes an inclusive series of numbers. For example, the instructions for reading pages 15-55, indicate that all of those pages should be read, and not just pages 15 and 55.
- En-dash is also used to present scores in sporting events or contests. For example, the Timberwolves basketball team beat the Bobcats 15-8 in last night's game.

Step 2. Connect the draft with en-dash
The en-dash line can also be used to connect two words that are directly related. Relationships in these cases are usually conflicts, connections, or directors. A dash is between two related concepts.
- "The liberal-conservative debate" (liberal-conservative debate) is an example of conflict.
- "A Boston-New York train ticket” (Boston-New York train ticket) is an example of a connection.
- "The road runs east-west" is an example of a director.

Step 3. Use two-word phrases as modifiers
Use en-dash if you want to use a two-word phrase as an explanation or modifier. A common example of this case is the word “award-winning” (award winner). In the phrase, “the award-winning scientist”, a hyphen is used to turn two words into a single phrase.
This method can also be applied to longer phrases that are used as compound adjectives. For example, “His spur-of-the-moment decision led him on a great adventure.”
Method 3 of 3: Using Underscores According to Grammar

Step 1. Know the types of dashes
Em-dash's dash is longer than en-dash. There are various types of dashes, but the most common are en-dash (–) and em-dash (-). They are so named because they are equal in width to the letters "N" and "M" respectively.
- en-dash (–) is usually used to indicate a range of numbers.
- en-dash (-) is generally used to indicate a change of mind or to set the emphasis of an entire sentence.
- In English, hypens are also used to join two words together into a single concept, for example 2-liter bottle, or old-time traditions. The length of the dash is only half the dash. Although similar, these marks are not dashes.

Step 2. Identify the independent clause for using em-dash
Before you start using em-dash in a sentence, make sure you can identify the independent clause. Recognizing clauses in text will help you understand the best place for underscores. An independent clause is a clause that can stand alone because it has a subject and a predicate, for example:
- " I love pizza " (I love pizza).
- "My mom makes me dinner" (Mother cooks dinner).
- "When you come over" is an example of a dependent clause. Although it has a subject and a predicate, the sentence does not reflect the complete thought.

Step 3. Try not to use dashes often
In some cases, for example, to indicate a date or a range of numbers, a hyphen is used. For other purposes, such as to balance information or pause sentences, you don't always need dashes. Use underscores to add more emphasis or to give your writing an informal tone. Don't rely on dashes for situations that are more suitable for other punctuation marks.