How to Deal with Physical Humiliation (for Girls): 8 Steps

How to Deal with Physical Humiliation (for Girls): 8 Steps
How to Deal with Physical Humiliation (for Girls): 8 Steps

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Some of your male friends often call you ugly or ugly? If your confidence is low, you will most likely justify their words right away and sink into grief. Don't rush to do it. Instead, think, do you deserve to be treated that way? Are you going to let them keep doing it? Or will you take his actions seriously?


Catch Someone Lying Step 4
Catch Someone Lying Step 4

Step 1. Think about who insulted you

Is he one of your male friends? Does he not mean anything bad and is just teasing you? Does he do it every day and seem to hate you? Is he your ex-girlfriend? Or is he some idiot stranger you met on the street?

Be a Cute Guy Step 14
Be a Cute Guy Step 14

Step 2. If he's just teasing you, just give him a friendly response like punch him lightly or return the tease

On the other hand, if he's intentionally trying to hurt you, ask him to stop or try to ignore it.

Get Guys to Like You for Your Personality and Not Your Looks Step 8
Get Guys to Like You for Your Personality and Not Your Looks Step 8

Step 3. If you doubt his intentions, try observing yourself (especially if this isn't the first insult you've heard)

Have you always hidden your uniqueness from others? Do you always bite your lip? Do you always stare at the floor when talking to other people? Is your face always covered in hair? If you find that you are dissatisfied with your appearance, there's nothing wrong with making simple changes (starting with your hair, the clothes you wear, etc.). Remember, everyone has natural beauty; some emit it from the outside, some emit it from the inside, some even both. Beauty is something that is not absolute because everyone has their own benchmark. Accept the fact that humans will always judge each other from what is seen from the outside. What do you want to show in front of other people? Do you want to be seen as a smiley person? People who care too much about their appearance? Or is it people who are too indifferent to their appearance?

Be Sexy in Middle School (for Girls) Step 6
Be Sexy in Middle School (for Girls) Step 6

Step 4. Don't let the comments ruin your life

Keep going confidently and have fun!

Make Someone Feel Better Step 7
Make Someone Feel Better Step 7

Step 5. If it's your boyfriend who insulted you, break up with him and find another guy who will respect you

Apologize For Cheating on Your Partner Step 2
Apologize For Cheating on Your Partner Step 2

Step 6. Show that you are a classy woman

You certainly know that "ugly" is a childish insult; for that, make sure you always give a polite and mature response. Be grateful to anyone who insults you; if necessary, tell him that he is very nice to have told you. After that, immediately leave in front of him. Trust me, such a calm and controlled response will really piss off the person who insulted you!

Make Some Money for Summer Vacation Step 11
Make Some Money for Summer Vacation Step 11

Step 7. Remember, mature-minded people don't constantly insult each other

As a more mature person, you have the choice to ignore him and not let his behavior affect your life.

Be a Mean Girl Step 4
Be a Mean Girl Step 4

Step 8. Reply to insults if necessary

Sometimes, sarcastic retaliation can make the person who insulted you (or those around you) laugh; and often times, that kind of response will actually make you feel a lot better. Respond like, "I'm ugly, you're childish. Nobody's perfect, right?”, “Yeah, I'm ugly like my dad. Eh, you know your father's face, don't you?”, “Yeah, I'm ugly. Last night, I didn't sleep well. Why are you ugly?”, or “Yes, I'm ugly. People say this is a pimple/birthmark/scar/state your condition with pride. Is there a medical term for someone who keeps teasing something obvious? Or just use your name? Seems to fit."


  • Do your best to continue living as best you can. Remember, you are a unique person! If someone insults you, ignore their comments and believe in yourself.
  • Don't change yourself just because someone else asked you to (or because you can't stand other people's insults). Change only for yourself, not for others.
  • The guy you like insults your physical appearance? Maybe he did it because he already had a girlfriend and didn't want to misunderstand him. But remember, there are other possibilities too! If he doesn't seem interested in you, there's no need to worry about him. Don't worry, there will always be other guys out there who are willing to like you just the way you are.
  • If someone calls you ugly, he doesn't necessarily do it because he wants to hurt your heart, you know. It could be that he actually likes you but doesn't know how to express it.
  • Usually, teenage boys call the opposite sex ugly because they don't know what else to say (or want to see how their victims react). If you respond to his comments with anger, it means you're stuck in the game! If he really wants to hurt you, why doesn't he hurl some more personal insults? Calling you ugly isn't personal at all; in fact, such insults are just common expressions of anger or frustration. If someone calls you ugly, always remember that you are not ugly at all; he's just desperately trying to hurt you, but is too stupid to know how. Similar to “stupid”, “ugly” is one of the weakest insults. Don't let such insults hurt your heart!
  • If he starts insulting you after hearing from other people that you like him, it's a sign that he's immature and has trouble controlling his ego. Ignore such men; Don't let the comments hurt you! If he's going to such extremes just because he's aware of your feelings for him, it's a sign that he needs to mature and isn't worth thinking about. Find another guy who is willing to like you for who you are!
  • Unfortunately, most teenage boys often mock the opposite sex just because they want to be seen as cool (especially if the opposite sex is a girl who is less popular in their social circle). Try to see if he's secretly watching you or giving you a short smile. If he does, chances are he doesn't think you're bad at all!
  • So that you always feel beautiful, try to see your reflection in the mirror every morning; after that, mention 10 things that make you look beautiful from the outside and 10 things that make your beauty radiate from the inside. This method can improve your mood, appearance, and self-confidence in an instant!
  • Try to ignore anyone who calls you ugly. Remember, there will always be people who appreciate you for who you are; Self-beauty is not only limited to what is seen from the outside, but also what emanates from within. Try to focus on what you want and don't let negative comments affect your daily life.
